Satanist Insider: "There is No Escape!"
July 2, 2010

[Editor's Note: Aloysius first gave the world this information. Recently, I asked him for some insight on Zionism and Freemasonry. I expressed disappointment with his response. He sent me a new reply today. Some may ask if posting this material is a disservice. I may be wrong, but AJF's portrayal of the world approximates my best guess and worst fears.]
by Aloysius Fozdyke
Satanism is much like other groups. There's a wide variety of issues where opinions vary. That said, many of the churches lucrative for the Alpha Lodge follow the rubbish promulgated by Cyrus Schofield.
The Alpha Lodge and associated businesses and individuals definitely have investments in Israel and the Israeli colony of America. Petor always maintained that Alpha's aims within America were made difficult by Israel and its ownership of the American Senate and later, Republican Party. But Petor died more than six years ago and things have progressed.
As for what's in store for the developed world, put it this way: There are no constraints left to halt the road to totalitarianism. Elections, party politics, the media and trades unions are all empty shams. The people are becoming so impoverished and self-censored that they'll happily accept our leaders and our agenda. We already have a list of weak culprits and marginalized scapegoats to blame: the usual suspects with 'the liberals' added. When sadistic violence breaks out - and my word, it will - the sheeple will hand over their last fragments of democracy for security. Any dissenter will be destroyed.
With lack of conviction and a passionate intensity, politicians currently mouth their scripted words about change, freedom, human rights, justice, compromise, generosity, compassion and a sick Sunday school delirium that their god rewards the just and punishes 'evil-doers' - whilst engaged in acts of barbarous oppression. Remember Obama's election speeches? Pure, in-your-face, empty rhetoric. Remember Obama's Nobel Peace Prize speech? Beautiful!
No one will rebel. To rebel you need more than misdirected anger; you need courage and a sense of responsibility. Better just pray and trust in god. On your knees is the strongest position! Rebellion affirms the human spirit and feeds the flames of love and hope. The sheeple don't have it in them any more. The Tazer is a cattle-prod. Everyday police grow more brutal. The herd will cull itself!
Satanists exercise moral autonomy. We defy! We refuse to co-operate, for rebellion is its own justification. We don't aspire to immortal life but to exhaust the limits of possibility and die striving! This is what sets us apart from the disaffected herd. "We seek happiness in victory - but never in peace. We strive ever for more, for conquest is never done. We forge not works of art but swords of death, for therein lies the greatest art. Only by journeying through the darkness within us and without can we attain self-divinity and thus fulfill the potentiality of our existence. Our rites, ceremonies and practices are all life-affirming, and show us the ecstasy of existence and the self-overcoming of the true Adept."
When the steeple bought the 9/11 story and backed the endless 'War on Terror' the financial problems of Americans grew exponentially. Those who once discovered and propagated truth are now paid to hide it. Your average American believes that liberty, habeas corpus and due process protect terrorists!
We have alienated them from themselves! Now social security and health care are doomed - even if one of our affiliates doesn't get into power. Global warming made pollution profitable and will redistribute income away from the western world. Americans have thrown themselves into the trash bin of history! Militarism, capitalist-fascism, ignorance, propaganda, bipartisanship, short memories and the purchasing of what little intelligence and integrity remained has laid the foundation of the Alpha Lodge's Will-to-Be! The Age of Fire is almost here. Nothing can or will stop us! Soon the Usher of Desecration will appear and make ready the world for Vindex!
And for all of the arse-clowns who have read my postings and still don't understand anything except the absurdly incoherent ravings of their pallid and incompetent redeemer I say: Here is your future - built with your own hands! There is no escape!
original reply
I have not been in contact with any members of the Sunedrion [Sanhedrin] or The Council of Nine, but I can confidently state that Zionism sucks! It is based upon the right-hand path which is the path of subservience, ignorance, suffering, poverty in all its forms and misery.
The god you know as Jehovah exists. He keeps popping up throughout history with a myriad of different names but always with the same rubbish.
As Satanists, we study various scriptures. Being based in the western world, I studied Judaism and Xtianity, inter alia. Have you ever wondered why, when Moses met god in the burning bush and Moses asked, 'What is your name?' he received the answer, 'I am that I am' (or 'I am who I am)? It's hardly friendly stuff, is it?
And where was Moses when this exchange took place? In the land of Canaan! And the chief god of that land was Hadad or Baal (which means 'Lord' or master).
Jehovah, the great god of Israel and Xtians is just another name for the same old solar deity! Both Jehovah and Hadad/Baal are emotional, threatening gods into (child) sacrifice, fire, laws, prescriptions of behaviour and quantification.
The reason Jehovah told Moses to mind his own business was because prior to adopting his new name of 'Yahweh' he was El Shaddai, God of the Mountains just like Ishkur or Hadad; the son of Enlil. Under his new name he isolated his people in the desert until they had lost their earlier knowledge: a clean slate, so to speak, upon which to write his same old viscous, ignorant filth.
We hate Enlil, his despotic son and his mad, impotent grandson. We are of Enki, Satan The Adversarial Serpent Lord of Liberation and Freedom.
As such, we are lunar in orientation and hate Zionism, Judaism, Xtianity, Islam and all the debased bow your head spirituality and their philosophical off-spring.
Satanism only turned to the right because that's what the sheeple demanded - good and hard! It was Myatt who was primarily responsible for this political shift - even after he started working for the Crown Service. If the sheeple want brutality we will dish it out. Freedom is only for the elite and these elite choose themselves.
As for Freemasonry, well that's a completely different kettle of fish. There is much Magick in Freemasonry, not that the sheeple ever work that out. The Golden Dawn was the foremost Magickal Order in modern times and truth be admitted, the Alpha Lodge and associated groups owe a great deal to the largely unknown Germans who established it. The techniques of Magick they discovered have been reworked and applied by adherents of the left hand path.
As to the coming economic depression, all that is great is built upon sorrow. It was engineered before I was born. I have heard the names of those responsible but honestly I've forgotten exactly who was who. Keynes was the front man. I was told he had certain sexual needs which were used against him. We are ready and able to obtain additional assets at their bargain basement price. People remain our best acquisitions: politicians, academics, entertainers and the media.
Our God is the God of this world - and Beyond!
Finally, we lost Robert Byrd. He was a great behind the scenes handler and facilitator. His criminal empire was vast. He will be missed and his true story will never be told.
"The Battle is an old one, no doubt with many mysteries. It concerns Freedom, Independence and Sovereignty as against despicable, arrogant tyranny. Ours are often thankless struggles against servility and the psychological impotence of those who prescribe suppression and restriction in the face of life, love and liberty! Of those who adhere to authority as truth. If we look outside of times and places and motives we have some distorted myths which posit issues on a supernatural and superhuman scale. There is evidence that history is not as we have been taught.
"What do these mythological themes and hidden by-ways tell us about the inexplicable Intelligence symbolized? Despite the names used to summon or damn, this sinister hypostasis remains ultimately unnameable, eluding all attempts to categorize or constrain. Even ardent enemies give the respect owed to dignity, gallantry and intellect: Rex Mundi!
"These enduring and endemic leitmotifs occur and re-occur, for Lucifer has always been a Patron of the Arts. Moreover, Satanism as a spirituality, philosophy, culture and Magick is not the product of psychopaths, unless we accept the existence of an unbroken line of delinquents extending over untold centuries purveying useless techniques to the deluded.
"Ours must remain the pursuit of self-understanding, self-fulfillment and self-divinity! We defy in seeking to know! In going beyond ourselves our views extend beyond time and space. We refuse triumph at the cost of dishonour; victory at the expense of justice - while valuing Freedom and the pursuit of Truth above All. For Truth is Our Authority."
CA said (July 4, 2010):
This man may have written the most inept piece yet.
And where was Moses when this exchange took place? In the land of Canaan! (in Sinai) And the chief god of that land was Hadad or Baal (which means 'Lord' or master).
Jehovah, the great god of Israel and Xtians is just another name for the same old solar deity! (Completely untrue. ) Both Jehovah and Hadad/Baal are emotional, threatening gods into (child) sacrifice, fire, laws, prescriptions of behaviour and quantification. (Jehovah completely forbid the sacrifice of children!)
The reason Jehovah told Moses to mind his own business (God never told Moses to mind his own business; He called him to lead the children of Israel out of bondage.) was because prior to adopting his new name of 'Yahweh' he was El Shaddai, God of the Mountains (El Shaddai means God of More Than Enough.) just like Ishkur or Hadad; the son of Enlil. Under his new name he isolated his people in the desert until they had lost their earlier knowledge: a clean slate, so to speak, upon which to write his same old viscous, ignorant filth. (The children of Israel, except for Joshua, Caleb, and those under 21 years, died in the wilderness because of their rebellion and sin.)