Edward Heath (left) was the highest initiated Satanist in Britain to become Prime Minister (1970-74.)http://aangirfan.blogspot.ca/2012/02/bbcs-jimmy-savile-and-child-abuse-cover.htmlBoth [Prime Ministers Harold Wilson] and [Ted] Heath used to sacrifice children and the British royal family still does. Ted Heath (1916-2005) took a real delight in it... Likewise, the British royals have public and very
Results matching “Aloysius Fozdyke”
From Feb 11, 2011"A MPD [multiple personality] can be a clean-cut preacher, having no idea of other hidden personalities. This mind fracturing explains how these clean-cut Satanists can praise Jesus one hour doing good deeds, then later go to Black Mass after Christmas Mass." How to Recognize a Satanist (Part One) By
Real men would defend US women from the onslaught of feminism and the satanic Illuminati media. Cowards enjoy their degradation or run off to Asia. by BG(henrymakow.com)Jo said (February 17, 2012):"It takes two to tango. Women are the problem because you don't want to stand up and tell the woman
"Iranian missiles can hit Israel and American bases in Saudi Arabia. Try to imagine the costs of oil, the global explosion of prices and the nuclear waste. This has been planned for about nine years now with NATO. This year the American dollar dies. America will take a little longer."[Disclaimer:
"There will be a war between America, some of its puppet government Arab States and Iran. This will be horrendous - but it can't be helped. Already the American public is frantic in its calls for action. We are merely answering those calls. China and Russia will be involved. Enjoy!
"My personal hope is that Iran blasts Israel off of the face of the Earth. The Xtians will have their chance to see if Yeshua comes back (with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck)."(Editor's note: Although I find Fozdyke's words repugnant, I post them because it is significant that Satanists take
"We must destroy before we can redeem... The filth honestly don't know what is good for them. We do. We have a new exoteric religion based upon simple truths and timeless joys, not fears - a spirituality that the populace can appreciate - when Vindex comes."[EDITOR'S NOTE: THIS WEBSITE CANNOT
UPDATE! Fozdyke Points to Sarah Palin!"We are in the process of organizing a structured, hierarchical society - a modern day caste system, if you will. Everyone will be monitored, every transaction recorded and the ignorant, credulous, gutless and idiotic slaves will be safe and belittled."[Disclaimer: Posting this material should not
Let's not give the satanists a monopoly on putting beliefs into action. Join David's googlegroup where activists for good can connect.by David Richards (for henrymakow.com) I was thinking about Henry's 'How to Stop the NWO' piece. I think there has to be a new spirit of 'active good' sweeping the
"The Kenyan won't be re-elected. I was told this on New Year's Eve by two of our people from America. Obama will be blamed for the mess that's unfolding."[Editor's Note: AJF is an Australian satanist who has established his credentials by first releasing this to the world. This material is