Satanist Insider: "The Party is Beginning!"
January 20, 2011

"The Kenyan won't be re-elected. I was told this on New Year's Eve by two of our people from America. Obama will be blamed for the mess that's unfolding."
[Editor's Note: AJF is an Australian satanist who has established his credentials by first releasing this to the world. This material is presented for its information value. We do not endorse the content.]
by Aloysius James Fozdyke
America is an increasingly dark place and this will continue apace. "Change that you can believe in!" A little more change and Americans will be able to buy a coffee. Europe and Asia will follow almost in lockstep. We're coming up to the tenth anniversary. So much has been achieved in a decade. The sheeple appreciate that it's better to live on their knees than to die on their feet. Remember the old 'Duck and Cover' films? Today it's more like peasants under glass. The only problem with treating sheeple like slugs is that your shoes get dirty.
The constitutional issues of Australia, Canada and New Zealand have been put to bed. Freedom will soon be a distant and distorted memory. It won't

The United Nations isn't interested in national sovereignty. The U.N. is interested in global control. If the constitutional issues had been fixed, this would have destroyed so many well laid plans and conceivably caused international economic and political turmoil. As it was and as it remains, the media and sheeple are otherwise engaged. There's a Writ of Mandamus served on Chief Justice French of the Australian High Court which is to be filed with the Privy Council in early February. That's sorted.
Oil prices are going to rise significantly this year. And oil is the life blood of economies particularly what's left of America's. And American oil prices will rise soon. Your American readers better get used to the truth. They're not getting it from their churches or media are they? They're getting and rejecting it from me!
As I said before: trade barriers will start in earnest this year and coupled with currency devaluation, the emasculation of social security, massive unemployment and losses in the value of real estate, the party will begin. Already fees and levies are increasing and this will lead to crime and the resultant loss of liberties. Big Brother will be watching even more intently than now. Societies are coming apart at the seams, America included.
Corruption will spread outside of government and to the lower echelons of the community. It happens in all economic depressions and this one will be no different. Forget the rule of law. Ghost towns of plywood and plasterboard unwanted, dilapidated and dangerous will change the face of America. The Kenyan won't be re-elected. I was told this on New Year's Eve by two of our people from America. Obama will be blamed for the mess that's unfolding.
Our American guests made a salient point. They said that unlike many countries which are held together by religious or ethnic ties, America and its peoples are held together by 'the American Dream', rising living standards, prosperity and 'the pursuit of happiness'. These intangibles weave together American history, folklore and culture. When these fantasies become obvious chimeras America will cease to exist.
I was told that mandatory blood testing is coming to America, beginning with motor vehicle drivers that the authorities 'believe' to be drunk or drugged. I was also told that these tests are actually to compile DNA databases. I don't know the details but I thought that for what it's worth I'd pass it along.
Prescription medication will be in short supply because few will be able to afford it. This will be one aspect of culling: the survival of the fittest. The baby boomers who grow up expecting the best and living affluently have another thing coming. With the end of their lives staring them in the face and with pension funds already a sick joke the welfare system will be overwhelmed and cease to function.
When the war starts and Iran stops the flow of oil, life will change instantly. American taxpayers have been subsidising Israel for so long it's about time that they got something in return. And they will. Wars are best way of uniting slaves. They'll fight to the death to protect their slave master so that they can go back to being slaves. The only promised hope is the Usher of Desecration. Soon the sheeple will know this.
The left hand path remains the spirituality of the new over-class. Men and women born to become Deities in this life. The multitudes are so decrepit as not to know the value of freedom or life. As such they deserve neither. They are slaves and we will enslave them. In this the Usher will fulfil the longings of the masses before the coming of Vindex.
I can literally smell victory in the morning air! The fools cower and are abased before us. The only agenda is ours, for our agenda is the only option. Now is the time to make a pact with the mighty powers of darkness because nothing can or will halt our domination! The evolutionary current - dammed for nearly two millennia - has been breached.
We will give warfare, not welfare; fiefdom in place of freedom; cruelty for charity and power unimaginable whilst the filth pray! We are warriors, not worriers seeking greatness not goodness. Ours is the demonic not the democratic. For Our Prince offers intelligence in place of ignorance; elitism not equality. Mayhem speaks louder than words as Our God utters the memory and promise of His greatness!
Blesséd are the Warriors for we shall inherit this Earth!
The New World Order will be one of Majesty, Order, Discipline and Honour giving rise to Vindex: The Avenger and Philosopher King!
Francois said (January 22, 2011):
They see themselves as warriors ? Let me laugh. They're only good at bending over and riding the gravy. They only laugh because we comply. Remember, they need us much more (not even able to feed themselves) than we need them (none at all, unless we really want authority over our head).