Satanist Takes Credit for Upcoming War
January 20, 2012

"My personal hope is that Iran blasts Israel off of the face of the Earth. The Xtians will have their chance to see if Yeshua comes back (with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck)."
(Editor's note: Although I find Fozdyke's words repugnant, I post them because it is significant that Satanists take credit for the turmoil facing the world.)
by Aloysius Fozdyke
In the coming months, the western world will alter quickly.
We're orchestrating a war against Iran with America, Israel and a few Arab states. Think a re-run of WMDs and just as baseless (although that doesn't matter). Israel wants the water in southern Lebanon. Iran is an obstacle to that. China has a lot of investment in Iran. Remember Pearl Harbor? Instead of Japanese, think Iranians. In all probability America's fifth fleet will be sacrificed as a pretext for nuclear war. Think the Twin Towers or USS Liberty.
A nuclear strike would put China and Russia on notice. Now, the former U.S.S.R. put a lot of effort into biological warfare. If we can convince the Russians to preemptively release their stuff throughout America...Well!
China has about one trillion in American Treasury bonds. If we can get them to release those all at once onto international markets, America would have to print a trillion dollars and China would dump that to buy other currencies.
As America doesn't produce anything any more, instantly every American's costs of living would sky rocket. Overnight Americans would be living in a bankrupt, third world country - with all the possibilities that brings.
My personal hope is that Iran blasts Israel off of the face of the Earth. The Xtians will have their chance to see if Yeshua comes back (with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck).
Anyway, that's what we're working on and everything is going great, so far. America already has more that nine thousand troops in Israel. I can't stand Israelis. There's a bit more happening but I hope that the above paints the main picture.
Australia's constitutional issues have blown over. Aussies are only interested in sport. That was a lot more internationally serious to Our plans than people ever realized. Our preferred option is Malcolm Turnbull (or Turncoat as we call him) for Prime Minister, but you can't have everything. We're working on it though.
Already, the mechanisms are in place for a new, hierarchical feudalism; for an intelligent form of fascism if you will (after Howard Stanton Levey's and Baron Julius Evola's hearts).
As Americans in their SUVs drive passed the homeless in tent-cities on their way to mega-churches where soothsayers tell them how to be more like their wretched saviour; as pension funds collapse; prices continue to rise; government revenue bases shrink and democracy is seen for the mistake it was (think Greece and Italy) we have the answers.
Democracy started in Greece so it's appropriate that it die there. There is too much at stake to fail - and we won't.
Economic depression and war are coming. The sheeple love wars. Americans will fight and die again for Israel. Think of it as culling and the continuation of Our fear and escapism psych-ops (thank you Mike Aquino).
Get ready for increasing crime, desolate shopping centres, dehumanising paranoia, privatization, stagnation, riots and rising fuel prices - that's just a given.
Now that habeas corpus is officially dead and buried in America, Our agenda can continue apace because taxpayer-funded violence and intimidation work - every time.
It's your money. How many Americans even know what habeas corpus was? The guilty demand to be punished. We answer their call. Just keep the herd chanting, 'Land of the free and home of the brave' while they are restrained in first amendment zones with wrist-ties, pepper-spray, tasers and bureaucracy.
The nature of the Internet will change as we make it safer. Sheeple love safety. That process is already under way. Who do you think invented the Internet? (Oh! Sorry, that's right, you don't think at all!)
The media have long been compliant whores. The churches keep teaching their flock to obey the laws of the land, just like the cretins Peter and John rejoiced as they were flogged! It's wonderful! 'These are the days that Our Lord has made and we rejoice and are glad in them.'
Xtians often say that 'the strongest position is on your knees'; just don't let your kids do that anywhere near a cleric, that's all. At least when we use children, we make no sanctimonious excuses. To touch kids' genitals we don't have to work in airport security. To kill children we don't have to be in the military. We appreciate that if your children are the future, you don't have much to look forward to.
The old two thousands years dead numb-nuts isn't going to help anyone. We helped subvert his puerile followers a long time ago. Who controls the governments, the police, the court system, the military, most of the churches, stock exchanges and the media? We do from the background, just out of camera shot. 'Who you gunna call?'
After the culling will come Our saviour, Vindex and a new age of peace and achievement. For some time there will be much suffering, but this is unavoidable and again 'Suffering is good for the soul'.
What is now developing can't be done without blood, toil, tears and sweat. Like Churchill, this is what we will give the filth - exactly what they want: good and hard! We're prepared for blood in the streets. We are the only ones who truly care - We and Our teacher the ineffable Prince, with His Demons and Legions who fought the first battle in heaven for Our sake.
Do you have what it takes to be on the winning side?
Satanism is a practical, although difficult, process of development. It is elitism founded upon action in the material world. The current Alpha Lodge system has been developed over many decades and indeed its beginning is lost in time.
The Alpha Lodge is dedicated to achieving change in conformity with Our will. To cut to the chase, we give the sheeple what they want via manipulation and cooperation. We're always there to help.
Originally the Alpha Lodge espoused freedom and liberty after Our God, Lucifer - the first rebel. However the sheeple never wanted freedom and they definitely don't want it now.
Homo normalis are servile herd animals and instinctively seek to be imprisoned. Long before I was born the Lodge has been assisting compliant sheeple to construct their own prisons. The process is nearing its completion. We appreciate the pathetic nature of humanity and take from it what we can. In short, the game is rigged.
Rob said (January 21, 2012):
Aloysius Fozdyke:
1. You are not in a position to make any claims such as "we" and "our organisation", since you are merely duped by your "Vindex" as you claim the Christians are by their false leaders. How can I claim this? Putting you in stark contrast with true believers like Peter, Paul, James and others, they had full authority from their leader Jesus Christ to do everything in the open and in truth even unto death. You and your types on the other hand have no power, you proclaim "Vindex will be here soon", but you can not disclose the most minute detail of your operation for fear of death, retribution and loss of power - why is this? Is this the organisational structure of your "Vindex", we kill even our own ?
2. You have started dropping more and more names as if to impress the uninformed reader, do you honestly believe that those that read this website are uninformed "sheeple" ? You have not revealed ANYTHING that I cannot find and did not already know a few months ago, just by knowing the signs and knowing how to read.
3. Your tactics seems to have gone from confident "ruler" to smug politician, no even more, your rantings now actually outperform Richard Dawkins himself (even atheists reject him now) by attempting to appeal to the readers' emotions. Do satanists not know that true Christians are taught and instructed not to trust in their emotions but to renew their MINDS through the washing of the Word of God. I see you even throw the Hebrew name of Jesus in, just to impress us. Then you attempt to draw even more emotional response by "wishing" Israel will be blown off the map - BUT ARE YOU NOT THE GREAT ALOYSIUS, SLAVE OF VINDEX, WHO MAKES THINGS HAPPEN, yet you wish ???
4. Regarding Israel, do you honestly believe that everybody in the world believes that current Isreal is "God's chosen nation" ? Do you believe that every Jew believes that? Do you honestly believe that all Christians believe that?
5. You never seem capable of providing any useful information (because you do not have it) and you never seem to say anything regarding the Roman Catholic church or the Pope - rumour has that satanists are running the show there, have you heard it? Have you heard the latest rumour that this scheme your are talking about is just a hoax, maybe to fool the "stupid Xtians" that it's the end of the world? Which religion will be the "one world religion" ?
In conclusion, you have been exposed in the book of Genesis already, Babel is your first attempt which failed, Egypt and Canaan were your next attempts, Jerusalem was your greatest attempt and that is where you miss the plot - you loose, vindex looses. Your "plot" as described in all your writings is nothing short of plagiarism directly out of God's Word, unfortunately for you, you will not be able to say "Devil made me do it" because God is allowing you to be fooled and used by your "Vindex" to fulfil God's unchangeable plan - UNLESS YOU REPENT AND ASK JESUS CHRIST FOR MERCY AND FORGIVENESS, He does not kill His own.