(Oral Robert, seen here with Elvis Presley in 1974) Oral Roberts (1918-2009) pioneered TV Evangelism reaching millions of followers worldwide, bringing American Pentecostalism into the mainstream. According to "Judy," a victim of satanic ritual abuse, he and many evangelists were Satanists who committed unspeakable atrocities. There are an estimated 285 million Evangelicals, comprising 13.1%
Results matching “Aloysius Fozdyke”
"Our preferred option is Malcolm Turnbull (or Turncoat as we call him) for Prime Minister, but you can't have everything. We're working on it though."Satanist takes Credit for Upcoming War Jan 20, 2012Tony Abbott, left, was too socially conservative for the Satanist Lodge that runs Australia. New PM Malcolm Turnbull,a former
P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } "Non-Traditional Satanists are truly bad guys. They share the beliefs of their Traditional brethren, but also employ extreme physical, sexual and ritual abuse up to and including ritual human sacrifice." by Elijah (henrymakow.com) I was raised in the Midwest during the 1960's and '70's in
A new book shows how humanity is under constant covert attack from Cabalistic (Masonic) Jewish bankers, using the news media to falsify reality. Thus they contrive wars to degrade, disinherit and ultimately destroy us. If we heed their siren calls, we are complicit in our own destruction. "We have
(left. Stephen Ward, 1912-1963, with Christine Keeler. Asked what really happened, Ward told a friend, 'Dear boy, England's a brothel and Macmillan's the madame. I'm acting as liaison between Macmillan, Kennedy and Khrushchev in the cause of peace.')THIS YEAR MARKS THE FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PROFUMO AFFAIRwhich exposed the sexual
Cabalists consider it "magic" to achieve their Satanic goals using deception and coercion. They pretend that things that are different, like heterosexuality & homosexuality, must be treated as the same in the name of "equality." If you protect your own identity -- sexual, national, racial or whatever -- you're "a
Ruminations from our House Satanist "There is a huge backlash against homosexuals and gay marriage in France, Russia, and many other countries, and I have news for you, that backlash is coming to America."by Aloysius Fozdyke(henrymakow.com)Gillard the Australian witch has been removed from her leadership position.Yes. Her job has been
"What has anyone who opposes us done in the last few years to stop us? Nothing."Despite some delays and wrong predictions, our resident Satanistassures us that the Dark Plan is still on track. [Editor's Note: If I disagree with everything he represents, why do I give Fozdyke this platform? Because
"Acting on their own, the Jews (and late in the day, the Bonesmen) stole the election from Romney then hushed it up! We can work with anyone, but Romney was our man of the moment. Anyway, what's done is done. Those who control the counting control the election."Aloysius Fozdyke is
Carolyn Hamlett, left, is a former "multi-generational server" in the Illuminati. She provides further evidence that humanity is the victim of a long-term satanic conspiracy that is entering its final stage."Sleepers" have been programmed to be triggered to perpetrate the planned chaos in America and in other locations throughout