News Media Collaborated in 9-11 False Flag
September 11, 2013

"We have already contrived to possess the minds of the goy communities...[they are] looking through the spectacles we are setting astride their noses." -- Protocols of Zion, 12
No planes hit buildings on 9-11
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(From Jan 11, 2012)
Edward Hendrie is a lawyer. His book, "9-11 - Enemies Foreign and Domestic" builds a powerful case that 9-11 was an egregious fraud and act of treason perpetrated against the American people. Clearly, a large segment of the US political, military and media class is complicit in the mass murder and/or cover-up, from the President on down.
Hendrie dissects and discredits the official story, and places the blame on the Israeli Mossad. He presents the attack in the context of numerous other Zionist false flags against the US (Beirut Marine barracks, USS Liberty) designed to change US policy. Hendrie effectively explains the broad religious context, i.e. the Cabalist and Talmudic Jewish vendetta against mankind. I haven't read anything for a while that so vividly exposes the control Illuminati bankers have over our lives.
Their ownership of the mass media is a large part of this control. Hendrie shows how the media was an active collaborator in the 9-11 fraud. As I suspected, no planes hit the Twin Towers or the Pentagon. The plane images were computer generated and synchronized with explosions in the buildings.
Hendrie shows that many of the "eye witnesses" were media employees and that many real eye witness reports of explosions but no planes were ignored.

It makes sense to me that since no plane crashed at Shanksville or at the Pentagon, no planes were involved at the WTC either. These people have a consistent MO.
Hendrie shows that the "news" suppresses the truth and literally creates reality according to the Illuminati script.
The Twin Towers were designed to withstand hits by large passenger planes and that supposed fires ignited by jet fuels could not reach temperatures necessary to melt steel girders.
Hendrie attributes the fact that the two buildings and their contents became dust to a "direct energy weapon" related to HAARP. This weapon reduced almost everything to their molecular level. Cars and file cabinets melted but trees and paper were unaffected, let alone burned.
Hendrie reveals that Category Three hurricane "Erin", packing 120 mph winds was about 200 miles from NYC at the time of the attack. He cites physicist Dr. Judy Wood who theorizes that the hurricane "acted as a massive Tesla coil creating field effects used by directed energy weapons on 9-11."
The purpose of 9-11 was to create a Zionist police state and to justify wars against Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran. Hendrie believes the Iraq war was prompted by Sadaam Hussein's decision to stop trading oil in dollars. Apparently, the bankers need petrodollars to support the burgeoning US debt and keep the $US from collapsing.
Hendrie speculates that the passengers of UA-93 were unloaded in Cleveland and murdered at a NASA facility at the airport. The damage at the Pentagon, which killed 125 people, was caused by explosions. The attack targeted offices where accountants were investigating the disappearance of $1.2 trillion.
Osama bin Laden died in late 2001 of Marfan syndrome. The recent "assassination" by Navy Seals was designed to rescue Obama, who was embattled by "birther" and other issues.
This 300-page book is carefully documented and throws our common dilemma into stark relief. We live in a theater of the absurd where psychopaths and their enablers have taken control.
Hendrie makes clear that Cabalist Jewish bankers are at the heart of the conspiracy and Zionism is its most powerful instrument. He makes a convincing case that Mossad organized and executed the 9-11 attack. Senior members of the Bush administration were active collaborators. He cites admissions from insiders that this was an "inside job."
Apart from Zionists, the Illuminati bankers depend on the collaboration of millions of Freemasons and other non-Jews willing to sell their soul to the devil, and betray their country for personal gain.
Our situation is analogous the movie "The Invasion of the Body Snatchers" where an alien force has invaded the peoples' minds and souls. The nations of the world have been profoundly subverted by evil.
The 9-11 official story demonstrates how the Cabalists think they can turn their lies into reality. But the truth remains the truth.
Truthers are making the Illuminati hesitate before pulling off their next false flag. They know they will not be believed. In that sense, people like Edward Hendrie are taking that strategy away and saving us from disaster.
Related Video - "9-11 MISSING LINKS"
First Comment from Aloysius Fozdyke (Sept 11, 2013)
"Truthers are making the Illuminati hesitate before pulling off their next false flag. They know they will not be believed. In that sense, people like Edward Hendrie are taking that strategy away and saving us from disaster."
What about Syria?
The Middle East will explode and both China and Russia are the only nations standing in the way of, but also participating in, the operation.
Put it this way: you must remember that photograph of the wheelchair guy with his legs blown off at the Boston bombing. Notice anything odd? Of course not! Even medical doctors who saw the carnage forgot about the femoral arteries. It's always been easier to fool people than convince them they've been fooled!
"Many high profile Christian leaders echo the official LIE"
Tell me something I don't know.
As for Angelo John Gage's realizations, well it took him two tours. How much blood does he have on his cheap and nasty soul? Who cares?
'That date without a year' really emboldened us. I mean the Pentagon was one of the most guarded buildings in the world, but only a nanosecond of grainy footage. No radar. No film. Just grainy footage! And building 7. What a classic! What do the sheeple do? Nothing. They just wait for their two thousands years dead sissy boy and their own slaughter.
Thanks Henry. Love your website. Always get a good laugh from the material posted.
Ave Satanas. Satanas Dominus Terra.
Chrstopher said (September 12, 2013):
This is in response to Aloysius Fozdyke's comment. I agree with everything he says except for one thing, accusing Yeshua of being a "..2000 years dead sissy boy."
The Nicene council removed many of the sacred Aramaic texts, under pain of death; That's why Christ's childhood is missing. (Gospel of Thomas/Infancy) People were terrified of him and he did curse and kill people but brought them back to life when he found righteous people. (Gospel of Nicodemus) The Roman soldiers were terrified saying "..they became as persons dead through fear.." of his resurrection having witnessed it first hand and demanded the unbelieving Jewish priests to produce Joseph of Aramathia whom them they locked up, had escaped.
The Romans informed the Jewish priests that Christ had risen and was preaching in Galilee, then the priests in fear finally believed and bribed them to promote the lie that someone stole the body. After a season, Christ then left this world without a physical death but in the same mysterious fashion as Elijah and Enoch.
The media has painted a false picture of Christ being some passive Gandhi like loser, which is exactly what the sworn enemy of man, Satan, would like us all to believe. It serves the enemy better if we are all spineless pliable cowards or just misinformed like the extinct Huron which didn't fight back.
Satan was already defeated 2000 years ago when Christ rose from the dead. Satan is the sissy who's kingdom is based on FEAR and LIES.
(Suppressed Gospels)