Fozdyke Answers Questions, Critics
June 28, 2013
Ruminations from our House Satanist
"There is a huge backlash against homosexuals
and gay marriage in France, Russia, and many
other countries, and I have news for you, that
backlash is coming to America."
by Aloysius Fozdyke
Gillard the Australian witch has been removed from her leadership position.
Yes. Her job has been completed. Ask Henry when I sent him my latest - just before she was retired. Must have been luck, I guess.
Every effort to pass gun control legislation backfires. Obama has been the best gun salesman this nation has ever seen.
Yes, but no one uses their guns to stop us do they? Even after that date without a year.
The 400-ton-illegal naked short on gold taken out on April 15th has created a huge surge in demand in the physical gold and silver markets. Backfiring on the Feds feeble attempt to bolster the dollar.
How many sheeple actually have enough gold to see them through - particularly when we take it from them - just like Roosevelt did like candy from babies? Who do you think controls the price of precious metals?
The emails came out revealing the lying faction of the scientific community trying to promote the lie of global warming. This has caused the legitimate scientific community to admit that there is no global warming and there has not been any indication of global warming for decades...Every global warming conference has been met with record low matter where they try to hold the conference.
Obama, Kevin Rudd and other leaders are moving ahead with global warming legislation.
The White House is embroiled in at least three scandals, and any one of the three could result in the impeachment of Obama.
Dream on...The Kenyan isn't an American citizen and his birth certificate is fake. Did that matter?
There is a huge backlash against homosexuals and gay marriage in France, Russia, and many other countries, and I have news for you, that backlash is coming to America.
It doesn't change anything, does it? Kevin Rudd is in favour of gay marriage and the US Supreme Court on Wednesday 26th of June 2013 delivered a decision (or did you miss that?).
...and fooling the masses doesn't count toward the tally of souls in the end.
If you want to play that game: How many souls have we secured compared to Yeshua? It's easier to fool sheeple than convince them they've been fooled and a human soul is one of the cheapest things in the known multiverse.
"Fozdyke is counting on you to "want" your way up the chute into the slaughterhouse."
I'm not counting on anything. We know what sheeple want.
Almost one American veteran from recent wars kills themselves every hour while the American government is now officially negotiating with the Taliban. Almost twice as many American Vietnam veterans have killed themselves as died in the conflict! We know what the filth want. They've paid for it.
You lot crack me up. So comfortable in your intellectual and spiritual laziness. For two thousand years the tears and prayers of Xtains have amounted to nothing.
"Fozdyke is a prankster who consumed a lot occult book store material available to anybody."
Find the date of The Feast of Peacocks and its significance in any "occult book store material available to anyone" or even on the Internet.
Take it to the Central Bank!
'Home is where the heart is,' as Satan said when he entered the Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, etc....
"God is GRAVITY."
That's just puerile isn't it? (And Al, be careful of your use of question marks. Did you have much schooling?)
Remain on your knees boys and girls. That's were we love to see you.
Search "Aloysius Fozdyke" at upper left corner main page for previous contributions by this author.
KK said (June 28, 2013):
I guess we got Fozdyke's goat (ha!), what with him lashing out again the very next day! As a spiritually and intellectually lazy person, I consider that extra amusing. I do wish I had asked him yesterday-if he and his get their way, what does he think the chances are that the so-called Usher of Desecration and Vindex are going to regard him and those like him as anything but utterly disposable dupes? Even the most spiritually and intellectually lazy of us know the answer to that question!
I also wonder if he saw the video that's currently going viral of some sheep taking it to a wolf that thought he had a nice meal lined up?
Keep writing, Mr. Fozdyke! I don't know what I'd do without you!