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Results matching “freemasonry”


NWO is a Fait Accompli *

 (left. Gorbachev presses Reagan's knuckle with his thumb, in a Masonic handshake at Reykjavik Summit in 1986) If it were just the "Joos" I'd say so. In fact, the world is governed bya Satanic cult, Freemasonry, consisting largely of non-Jews who have sold their soul to the Cabalist Jewish bankers and the

Freemasonry Conceals Its Diabolical Secret from Members

Freemasonry is the Church of Satan.  Of course, the uninitiated "Blue" ranks aren't told they worship Lucifer. Satanism is the inversion of all values, the normalization of sickness and the denial of reality.Albert Pike: "Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism, and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except

Karl Marx Was Rothschilds' Third Cousin

(Rothschild agent Chaim Mordecai makes Masonic sign. Freemasonry is Jewish Cabalism. Cabalism is Satanism.) May 5 is the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx's birth. "In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to

Billionaires are Behind Communism - Reece Committee

Norman Dodd (1899-1987)     was a banker/bank manager, worked as a financial advisor and served as chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee). Most of America's great fortunes were made by men chosen by the Rothschilds

How the Illuminati Control Culture

(left, Clay Felker in 1967. Founder of New York and Editor of Esquire and many other popular magazines, Felker was one of some 600 US journalists secretly working for the CIA. They were "cheaper than a good call girl" according to CIA handler, Washington Post publisher Phillip Graham.)   A pervasive

New Documentary Celebrates Jewish Superiority

WE ARE DEALING WITH A GROUP THAT IS DELUSIONAL AND IT'S CONTAGIOUS I.E. FAKE NEWS & FALSE FLAGS. Watch this 2-minute trailer for a new documentary "What's With the Jews?"  It says Jews view themselves as a tiny minority who were persecuted throughout history because they were smarter than everyone else.  Literally, they say they're hated

George Soros Subverts Israel as Well

(Left, George Soros)The Rothschild Money Power seeks to re-engineer and enslave humanity using Freemasonry and Organized Jewry. The Rothschilds have two pincers: Communism (globalism) and Zionism (nationalism) that appear to be at odds. This conflict -- real or artificial -- was on display last week when the Zionist Netanyahu accused the Communist

Cristeros War- Mexicans Revolted Against Judeo Masonic Tyranny

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; } As in Soviet Russia, Mexican priests were murdered by Freemasons in 1920'sWas the murder of priests and destruction of churches confined to Judeo Masonic (Bolshevik) Russia?   No.In the 1920's, hundreds of priests were tortured and murdered in Mexico when the Freemason President Plutarco Elias Calles
Clinton Foundation Fraud is Face of Both Deep State & Illuminati Communism  For those who missed it, I am featuring this 28-min interview which providesthe clearest picture of the Illuminati satanist crime syndicate that threatensdecency and freedom worldwide. However, former CIA counterintelligence agent, Kevin Shipp neglects to mention how Freemasonry and Zionism fit

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