Bernie Sanders is a Freemason & Communist
February 27, 2019

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February 27, 2019
Albert said (February 27, 2019):
Henry, I normally enjoy your website and its message.
However, the article by Paul Sperry about Bernie Sanders is rubbish. You and I both know that education in the US (as well as Canada) is not a Federal responsibility. There is no way that the Federal government can dictate free tuition to the States regarding state (much less private) universities. To put it in a Canadian context, imagine the uproar in Quebec if the Federal government tried to dictate that high school must go to grade 12 and that it was illegal to make junior college manadatory pre-university.
And what is so bad about universal medicare which we have albeit imperfectly in Canada? (If the provinces uped the funding and taxation for medicare to 40% of what Americans paid we would have a Cadillac system.)
In general, unlike Canada, the US Constitution is designed to ensure that domestically and fiscally notthing new happens. It is very difficult to pass any program even when the President's party controls both houses of the US Congress. So, I can safely say that none of Bernie Sanders' radical program would ever be enacted.It is designed to get out the leftist vote and nothing more.
So, on what grounds can Bernie Sanders be legitimately criticized? Since, either the Korean War or 1980 or so, depending on how one counts, the US Congress has abandoned its responsibility to declare war and manage invasion policy to the President. Based on his voting, Bernie Sanders would be more of the same and that is a genuine criticism. He is a supporter of the MIC and the Deep State.
Dan said (February 11, 2016):
We should start calling Bernie's supporters SANDER-NISTAS. They would probably think it flattery. It's a great way to get people to show their true colors in front of a larger audience without them actually realizing it.
I was brainwashed college liberal for many years. I know what these people talk about when they're at 'safe' private dinners and parties where they speak freely. Bernie's for Soros' "Black LIves Matter". But his voting record shows he's always been an aggressive advocate of State sponsored gratuitous abortion. ie., black genocide. I know what Bernie's socialist left coterie gets up to. I was one of them back in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. You know what Bernie's pals call "Pro Choice" among themselves at private dinners and parties?
"Crime Prevention". That's right.
Bernie also aggressively supports Euthanasia. While we were distracted by the 'gay marriage' issue, a number of states have quietly legalized 'State Assisted Suicide'. That's real Socialism. They solve the problem of poverty and catastrophic medical costs by killing the elderly, the poor, and the patient.
And Bernie also aggressively pushes Euthanasia of the elderly, the sick, the mentally disturbed, the lonely broke folks. He thinks the State put them out of their misery.
Rollo said (February 11, 2016):
“The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses.â€
― Malcolm X
Mike said (February 11, 2016):
What the author (and the folks making the comments) does not get is that any vote for any of our so-called leaders, no matter which way the vote lands, is just another vote for same-old, same-old. My parents still vote in order to choose "the lesser of the two evils" -- whereas I no longer vote because I don't want to choose ANY of the evils. In addition, the vote itself is fraudulent (especially through the electronic voting booths) because the winner has already been determined. Even if Sanders is "surging" ahead of Hitlery, er, Hillary Clinton, at the moment she seems to be the system's favorite, so even if nobody showed up to vote (not one single person) she would still win in all likelihood.
People have to wake up and understand that we, the "proletariat," don't actually pick the candidates -- we just "vote" for one of the establishment's clones. In reality, I don't think any fair(ish) minded person would ask any one of those crooks (Trump included) to run for President. Of course, I can not speak for everyone, just myself.
Al Thompson said (February 11, 2016):
This was an excellent article. The whole government of the "United States" is communist-socialist-fascist. It is a complete mess and I don't know if Donald Trump can fix it.
What the "elites" should be noticing is the disgust of the voting public with the usual candidates. Those who are in the military should think twice because they are not "fighting for our freedom." They are fighting for the psycho-bankers and they are being used by the communists in the government.
Bernie Sanders would raise the income tax rate to the 90% level as it was during JFK. Communism doesn't work and it destroys everything in its path.
The candidates should be thinking about how they are going to strip all of the communist-socialist-fascist principles out of this de facto government.
They could start with the communist-Jew tax which is taxes upon income. This is a communist-Jew slave tax. A forced income tax is stealing and it violates God's commandments and the natural law. Whoever works for the money has the right to keep it.
Bernie Sanders is a bad joke and he speaks like a typical socialist pervert. I don't think this guy is going to be elected. It's Trump's to lose.
I'd love to see Trump completely remove the income tax and if the commie Jews don't like it, they can go back to Israel. I recently saw an article about how a group of Hasidic Jews were kicked out of Guatemala. The reason was that they caused trouble and were generally a big pain-in-the-ass. If the Jews want to practice their socialism, they should leave the country
MacLeod said (February 10, 2016):
I grew up in Stamford, Connecticut, the state with the fifth largest percentage of Jewish population of the 50 states. There were many, many prosperous, intellectual and highly accomplished Jews in my hometown. I used to buy bubble gum at a candy store owned by Sen. Joe Lieberman's parents and I graduated from Stamford High School, same as Joe. My father's law partner was Jewish, as was the first love of my life.
By no stretch of the imagination were all of these Jewish people Marxists, or even Russo-sympathizers, except by virtue of many of their ancestors having come from Russia. I had one Jewish 6th-grade classmate who spent a teen-age summer in the USSR and I'm pretty sure he's a CIA asset now, undercover very high up in the NYC publishing world.
(Another 6th-grade classmate of mine -- non-Jewish to my knowledge -- headed the post-9/11 CIA Iraq weapons inspection team and in October 2004 he made a speech broadcast worldwide on CNN suggesting that Saddam had WMD's, giving Bush his needed re-election boost against Gore-Lieberman... My hometown of Stamford, home of William F. Buckley Jr., was a hotbed recruiting ground for CIA in the 1960s when I was in high school.)
Anyway, your contributor's background as a Joseph Farah-sponsored ultra right-wing CIA mouthpiece notwithstanding, I think it's important to weigh the relative virtues and vices of the leading candidates for US President.
Cruz -- wife is a Goldman Sachs VP. 'Nuff said.
Hillary -- another Goldman Sachs prostitute
Rubio -- completely owned by the Cuban exile Mafia in Miami, which is closely allied with CIA
Bush -- 100% CIA
That leaves Sanders and Trump. Trump's mother was an immigrant from Scotland, just like my mother. I grew up 35 miles from where Trump grew up.
Trump will obviously get the GOP nod. Someone has to run against Trump as a Democrat.
So right now the battle is Hillary vs. Sanders.
Here in the States we don't have the luxury of being observers of this race, as do you Canadians. We have to actually vote for one of these people.
A Sanders vs. Trump matchup would give the country a clear choice between two men who are not on the take from the corporatocracy, Bernie's history of backing defense pork contracts for his home state notwithstanding.
Trump vs. Sanders would give us the most vigorous, polarized presidential contest of my lifetime, at a time when the USA desperately needs to have such a debate.
Another point worth noting: Since it's the young people in the USA who are getting screwed the worst by the political and social sins of the Baby Boomers, maybe it's time for the boomers to step aside and let the youngsters pick who they want to lead the country. We have f**cked things up but good for these kids. I'm not even a Sanders supporter per se, but it crossed my mind to start an "Over 50? Stay home!" campaign urging the older folks to let the under-40s have their say for a change. We have screwed them out a future and maybe it's not too late to save it.
We could start by forgiving the millennial generation's obscene $1.2 trillion college loan debt, something that only stands a whiff of a chance of happening under one candidate -- Sanders.
JG said (February 10, 2016):
This present surge of Bernie Sanders is really bad news for Hillary Clinton.
She now has lost the northeastern liberal voting bloc and everything that goes with it. Hillary can only play the "communist wannabe" once again.
She has now been upstaged again by another fellow communist within the ranks. She can try for the corporate establishment wing of the Democratic Party and the so called "minorities" but it won't be enough to put her over.
Americans today on the whole don't have a clue when it comes to choosing their leaders and fall easy prey for whomever the MSM packages the best.
Mcleod said (February 10, 2016):
Mr. Paul Sperry's pro-Contra, anti-Sandinista ramblings carry the odeur of the Reagan era. They fail to take into account the still-mounting cost of the crack cocaine epidemic, invented by the CIA to raise money for the Contras and to marginalize black communities across America. I would take my chances with the senator from Vermont over the CIA apologists of the Hoover Institution. There's a reason why Contra-era CIA chief Bill Casey's papers are on file at the Hoover Institution.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
CM said (February 27, 2019):
Let me break this to y'all:
Bernie Sanders is and always has been a complete FRAUD.
He has never worked a real job in his entire feckless, freeloading lifetime, always living off of WE the TAXPAYERS without lifting a finger.
Words are cheap, meaningless and totally worthless, as Sanders and his many stupid cohorts within this detestable and criminal government so clearly demonstrate over and over, again and again. Wake up America.
Sanders voted for the ACA, which is bankrupting everyone in this godforsaken country!! What does THAT tell you people?
SANDERS supports CLINTON!! What on earth does THAT say?
SANDERS has ALWAYS, again and again, voted for U.S. WARS of AGGRESSION.
Bernie Sanders is and always has been a POLITICIAN, no different than any other.
JUST BECAUSE HE SAYS "Civil Rights" blah, blah, blah, BLEH.
Look where his lifelong career has gotten US!!!
QUI BONO??? Who benefits from this "system???" YOU??
Well, Sanders certainly benefits!! After all, HE gets lifelong FREE health care ON OUR BACKS, as they DENY WE the TAXPAYERS the SAME...And Sanders now has THREE HOMES!!