The Meaning of Gnosticism (I)
February 23, 2019

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February 23, 2019
Alex B said (February 23, 2019):
Disappointing; twisting something into what is portrayed as a co-opted fraternity, the standard modus operandi, ergo it is a false version. From the Gnostics of the Nag Hammadi scrolls we learn about the Demiurge, our Matrix (NOT the rest of the Universe), & even precisely mentioned are the Archons. This is a wake-up call. If you wish to fall into the arms of Lucifer, you only have yourself to blame. Therefore I have no problem understanding where Blavatsky's 'enlightened' Luciferianism leads, however it should also be understood she was no Satanist.
Gnosticism arose out of the questions from the Old Testament concerning why evil was prevalent or allowed, & the intractable nature of the Trinity espoused by Orthodoxy. They also looked to Egypt for answers. The strands converge in the 2nd & 3rd century & are championed unsuccessfully by Arius at the Council of Nicea.
The meaning of Gnosis is Knowledge. For the Gnostic salvation is not achieved by faith but through knowledge & direct experience. This knowledge, transmitted during initiations or a revelatory experience, is not the end of the path but the start. In an old Gnostic work, recovered recently and given the title “Trimorphic Protennoiaâ€, it is said that initiation is an experience of knowledge which brings spiritual fulfilment. The article above wrongly attributes an epiphany as suspect simply because it might be brought about in secrecy; shallow logic.
Iranaeus of Lyons wrote the five volumes ‘Against Heresies’ & it sheds light on Marcion’s gnosticism & initiations - not the sort of information for the general public! The Gnostic scholar Elaine Pagels tells us the initiate recognises the Unknowable God, rejects the authority of the creator god and his commands, and declares that he has been forever liberated from the power of the Demiurge. He has separated himself from the Demiurge and all creation. He has separated himself from his body and soul. He is now outside the laws which govern the world of matter and time.
For Gnosis, the only “original sin†that existed was that committed by the Demiurge on binding the Eternal Spirits to the mortal soul of man. For Gnosis, the only “fall†that existed, and helped along by the Demiurge, was the fall of the Spirit into the hellish prison world of matter.
"Gnosticism drives people away from submission to God and instead teaches them to rely on secret magical formulas . .", sure it does, the Freemasonic version.
David P said (February 23, 2019):
This article is crap.
Gnosis is the idea that through your god given reason and intellect you can achieve knowledge for yourself. Not through priesthood or any other conduit.
Initiation and purification were prerequisites, to the experience. Not roadblocks put up to stop those who were seeking.
If you ever get the chance for a legal ayahuasca experience I would recommend it.
The fasting which is present in all spiritual and most religious traditions is a discipline, and an effective step to start with, in addition to meditation.
This article states “true religion†which is a premise that the reader should not be expected to already agree with.
Intelligence and reason is a gift and obedience is lazy without using your gifts to figure out why.
Your concept of God is a much better model than this silly article.
“Not in his image†is a game-changing book that shows how the divine suffering of Jesus enables the continued evil that is perpetrated.
Gnostics saw this as a virus that has spread ever since according to John Lash. If that is accurate, then this article reinforced that spread.
James C said (February 23, 2019):
Gnosticism, like war finance, and profit through poisonous medicine, etc., can be traced back to ancient Babylon. In ancient Babylon, only the priesthood had gnosis. Thus they were charged with leading and instructing the masses. You couldn't get to God except through the Babylonian priesthood. Only they had knowledge of the divine. The first-century church had to deal with gnostic infiltrators.
This is what the apostle John meant when he wrote to the early Christians who were being harassed by the Gnostics: "Ye need not that any man teaches you" (1 John 2:27). Gnosticism is all based on Satan's original lie that there exists hidden, or occult, knowledge that can only be obtained by disobeying God. All forms of divination are based on this original lie.
Michael said (February 23, 2019):
G is obviously the seventh letter of the English alphabet. 7 has an obvious prominence in the Old Testament. With the seventh day declared a "holy day". The so-called "six around one" has an obvious prominence within our work week and it also hints vaguely at toroidal geometry. "Six around one" also hints at music theory. Six notes around a tonic, ie, DO-RE-MI-FA-SO-LA-TI...and we jump to a new octave. The letter "G" also appears to turn on itself. Is it vaguely "creative" or is it "screwing itself"? G also figures prominently within modern rap "music". "Wuz up G?" Gangsta. Please see "A Matrix of Meaning for Sacred Alphabets", by Stan Tenen.
Chris G said (February 23, 2019):
"G" on the Freemason emblem does not mean Gnosis; G = Generative (Penis). Diane Cilento blurted out in The Wicker Man(1973) movie after kids were dancing around the May Pole (Obelisk), that the pole represents the "Generative" force in nature;
Also, I remember in a video Fritz Springmeier says something in the same vein about G being the Generative in masonry, and that Obelisk in Washington DC from the sky looks like an Anus. The Babylonian Mystery Religion is a sick penis worshipping religion that endorses sodomy and human sacrifice. Freemasons are a bunch of sick evil losers.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
GS said (February 23, 2019):
" G " stands for " GESU "