left, Hedy Lamarr,
Innocents, we have no idea how destructive the inflation of beautiful women and sex has been.
Satanism is all about replacing God with false Gods like these. They sell illusions.
Men have been brainwashed to literally worship women and sex.
This can be seen in the #MeToo scandals. Very eligible males can't find satisfying sex lives because they see women strictly in sexual terms. They can't relate to women as human beings.
Society is controlled by Cabalists who believe reality is something you invent subjectively rather than discover objectively.
Hollywood (and TV/ music) are vast reality-inventing factories. They're so good that we forget we are watching a fabricated reality. Very little corresponds to real life. People don't talk or act this way in real life. Fiction usually is fiction.
This mythical reality is designed to distract, corrupt, manipulate and mask what is really happening.
Instead of revealing the truth, or uplifting us, movies and TV now are mostly agitprop, i.e. Communist propaganda. That's why we never see any movies about the Communist Jewish subversion of the West, movies about genuine patriots like Charles Lindbergh, Joseph McCarthy, Henry Ford or Whitaker Chambers.
Illuminati "Sex Goddess" Programming
Updated from May 27, 2016
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
I have a hunch that sexual desire is partly in the mind. We are programmed to desire sex but could be programmed to desire mystical experiences or to perform selfless acts instead. We desire what our Illuminati masters teach us to desire and are "happy" if we achieve it. Mental rather than spiritual beings, we are programmed to be sex addicts by the Satanists who control the mass media.
A 22-year-old Swedish man wrote: "Most of my friends see women as the holy grail. Pretty much their whole existence is based around "getting laid". It's like we are devolving into animals. Maybe that is their goal. And if you're not getting women, you are a loser..."
Hedy Lamarr's autobiography "Ecstasy and Me" (1966) got me thinking about sex programming. Lamarr was Hollywood's biggest sex symbol in the 1940s. She reminded me of all the sex symbols they used to program me - Brigitte Bardot, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren etc. These women (and their male counterparts) were treated like Goddesses, and their successors still are.
Hollywood programs men to seek first and foremost physical perfection and sex, resulting in arrested development. Moreover, beautiful women are presented as morally superior while at the same time catering to a man's every physical and emotional need. This programming creates unrealistic expectations. It destabilizes society by putting women on a pedestal, giving them power they did not earn and do not deserve and making men afraid to approach them. In general, they are using women to disempower men, much like Eve and Adam.
Hedy Lamarr happened to be Jewish. She was considered "the most beautiful woman in the world" for her face. Even though her breasts were small, revealing them as a teenager in an Austrian film "Ecstasy"(1933) established her notoriety. In the same film, she also mimed the facial expressions of a woman during intercourse which was considered groundbreaking.
It seems the whole trajectory of the Twentieth Century was to make sex the primary focus and purpose of life. This is how satanic possession works. (Sex was already accepted in the context of marriage.)
There's a bright side. We have passed through a collective adolescence and have grown up. Many people now can see sex and romantic love for the delusions they are. Andy Warhol called sex, "the biggest nothing in the world." Nonetheless, the Illuminati still control the majority of people this way. Television is constant sexual titillation.
Hedy Lamarr preferred men but she also dabbled in lesbian sex. People assumed she was "a good girl" because of her sophisticated look, but she wasn't. Everyone wanted her, and often she was game. But to her credit, she didn't use sex to advance her career. She wouldn't fornicate with Louis B. Meyer, for example.
Hedy Lamarr helped invent a "frequency-hopping system" for torpedoes, a technique now used for Wi-fi. Yet she was stupid emotionally. She was married six times. She married one man on the first date. Husbands accused her of "wanting it all" and "only being able to love herself." She blamed her beauty for attracting the wrong people. She went from being a millionairess to destitution after she turned 50. She was arrested for shoplifting in 1966 but the jury acquitted her for old time's sake. Finally, she secured her old age by suing people who were not authorized to use her image, and by dabbling in the stock market.
Even in the thirties and forties, Hollywood was a sexual cesspool. It's a tragedy that these degenerates define reality for us. I found this dialogue between Lamarr and an agent amusing. She was cast as Delilah in Cecil B DeMille's epic, Samson and Delilah (1949). Both DeMille and the agent were Jewish.
Agent: "You mix muscles, tits and sadism and you've got box office. You add a genius like C.B. with all the money in the world and you've got significance. In fact, every picture the old man makes is significant."
HL: "What do I wear?"
Agent (leering): "Nothing, just some gold and rags."
HL: Who plays Samson?
Agent: They're thinking Victor Mature. But who cares. It's only a body to set you in the ruins. Muscle and tits sugarcoated with religion, it's for you." (p.136)
Why are Jews so obsessed with sex? Jews don't know this but Judaism is not a religion. The Illuminati Jewish leadership supplants God, and degrades mankind to an animal state using sex. Whenever you deny God, you can create myriad false Gods including sex.
Judaism is a secret society like Freemasonry; only initiates know its true character. It is defined by Cabalism, a satanic sex cult, and the Talmud, which is characterized by incest and pedophilia as well as hatred of non-Jews. (Cabalism is satanic because it says God is formless and unknowable. The essence of religion is that God is knowable - how else can you obey Him?)
Due to Masonic Jewish control of banking, business, government, culture and communications, we have all become Jews. Western society is a satanic cult. Sex is the new God. "Sex goddesses" point the way. Porn may have blunted their power somewhat by demystifying the naked body.
The lesson? This is a battle for the mind. If we don't control our thoughts, they will.
First Comment from James C-
Once again you write the Truth of the Matter. You are absolutely spot on exposing the crap that Hollywood moguls put on The screens of movie theaters in the 30's, 40's, and 50's. I am soon to be 81and I am a witness to this propaganda because I was in Two of those theaters during the 40's and 50's and was brainwashed to believe the lies about women. As I threw my TV set in the trash 30 years ago I sometimes try to watch old movies From the 30's and 40's on UTube. I've watched enough of them to say for certain real live women don't think or act like those fictional characters on the screen. We've been conned, scammed, hoodwinked into a false reality regarding females. They aren't goddesses. They're just women. Some of them can be special to a man, but not all of them. Warren Oaks is quoted as saying in one of his movies - "If they didn't have a pussy, there'd be a bounty on them." Don't ever quit telling the Truth. Keep going.
Lisa writes:
As a woman who grew up in US society, I have noticed that women, girls seem to think the only way to get and keep a man is to compete with other women sexually. I see women have crazy no holds bars sex with men after 1st, 2nd, 3rd dates thinking this is how to catch a man for marriage. Men, of course, leave after sex and women are left in complete devastation and confused only to do this pattern over and over again.
I am advising a younger gal now who is dealing with a man who wants quick sex, but will not commit to spending time in her life or paying attention to her beyond trying to get quick sex. It has been an epidemic that men seek out certain types of women for sexual encounters and then quickly disappear and make women feel they are "crazy" for wanting a relationship or a man's time. The US is seriously under satanic grip because women and men do not see how they are harming each other. Men who want easy noncommittal sex and women who give in quickly hoping a man will "save" her with marriage and a safe, upper-middle class life. Both sides are under satanic grip and delusion of what men and women can offer each other and should be for each other. I have noticed this satanic grip all my life and yet find it so odd that many women and men cannot see it. Creepy, but ultimately sad that women and men do not see the true value and blessing they are to each other.
I suppose you know that Hollywood movies was turning out wicked movies that got so blatant by the 1930s that the public backswing resulted in the loss of revenue due to boycotts and injunctions. For the next forty years, studios were forced to obey a code of standards, called the Hays Code.
My generation ('baby boomers') were taught to laugh at the things on that list. They sold the idea that self-indulgence of lust is 'sophisticated', 'progressive'... evolutionary!
Now I see half of my generation either didn't have children at all, or failed as parents because they had even less moral authority than the WWII generation, and that's less than zero. So I don't think that Code is so funny anymore.
Art said (March 10, 2019):
Certainly a beauty beyond compare, & with brains too!
What a yidla! My gripe would be that she dyked out.
The damn U.S. Navy would not accept her design, because she was a woman. Sound like a bunch of butt-screwed clowns, like the Canadian Navy.
The Mercedes in Mercedes-Benz, comes from a yidla called Mercedes Jellinek.
She probably captivated old Karl Benz.