Sex - Out of Sight, Out of Mind?
December 4, 2014

is bedding the beautiful young woman reporting it?"
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Almost every day I see beautiful young women carrying big signs that say, "LOVE ME."
But below, in smaller print, they say, "No. Not you."
You can see how men in my position, probably 80% of all men, might find this frustrating.
Especially when so many young women and girls today dress like streetwalkers.
Sex is the elixir in our pagan sex cult society.
We are besotted with fertile young women.
They are goddesses. Sex with them is just below money at the pinnacle of value.
I wonder how these young women must feel? To be venerated for sex appeal - something they did nothing to earn?
I used to enjoy "girl watching." I thought it lifted my spirits.
But now, I wonder if that is true. It just makes me think about sex. Usually, this happens while watching television...

Television seems dedicated to sexual titillation. Many shows are quasi pornographic.
Sex appeal is not just a criteria for actresses, but also for reporters and anchors. If she's sexy, it must be true.
Foreign correspondents are all "hot." So are the women covering business and men's sports.
How can a man concentrate on information when his mind is bedding the woman reporting it?
At 65, I had hoped my sexual energies would fade. But this hasn't been the case. My body senses its oncoming demise and wants to perpetuate its DNA.
At my age, my wife and I don't want children. Nonetheless, the body has its own ideas.
So I must wrestle with this natural instinct. I must realize that "eye candy" is bad for the soul. It's just another way of behaving like a beggar.
Out of sight, out of mind is my motto. I avoid attractive young woman. I avert my gaze or switch the channel. I've noticed (out of the corner of my eye) that some women do a double-take. They're not used to being ignored. Their vanity requires constant reassurance.
Related- Makow- Entertained to Death
--------- Managing the Male Sex Drive
----------Apology to a Young Woman for Noticing Her
First Comment from Ian:
Hi Henry, I'm 63 and after a dirty look from a young girl for looking at her and obviously not seeing the, no not you, you old pervert sign, I asked an old guy I know, who must be 90 and can barely get about. I asked him, when does it stop? When do you stop turning and looking at them as they go past because I'm getting tired of the dirty looks as they tug down on their coat to hide themselves from my oh so obviously unwanted gaze. He stood for a minute, then shook his head and said," you're gonna need to speak to somebody much older than I am son".
Lucas said (December 17, 2014):
I just read your post: Sex- out of sight, out of mind?. I wanted to share some information that I think may help you with this issue but couldn't figure out how to leave a comment.
I am 30 years old and my sex drive has been too much to handle for a very long time. But, recently I added something new to my diet and it has changed my life, increased my strength, improved my mental ability, and lowered my sex drive and desire to have sex with every attractive woman I meet... It's fish head soup.
And, even better is small ocean fish (like 5-8 inches), especially the ones with big eyes. The eyes (and other parts of the fish) have gelatin and other oils that our bodies are extremely deficient in. My theory is that when our bodies are deficient in the required elements to sustain health then our reproductive functions (and desires) increase to perpetuate life before our bodies die. When we have full nutrition then it settles down.
Wild caught ocean fish, cleaned and gutted, then put in a pot with water and veggies (including the head and fins). Let it simmer. Add some salt. And sip on it. You will love it and it will help diminish the sex desire.
I have another theory that this is part of the reason for the fish symbol related to Christ... I think it's a hint that he left us...