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Results matching “freemasonry”


Communist Coup is Recipe for Civil War

A Communist coup d'etat is in progress. Whether Trump hangs on to power or not, one side will not accept the outcome. This is a recipe for civil war.It can be avoided only if one side capitulates. If Trump's supporters -- the majority of Americans -- capitulate, it means their

Christmas Wishes from a Satanist

In this "Message from Father Mithra"Australian Satanist Aloysius Fozdyke oozes contempt for the sheeple and warns that worse in still to come unless they say NO en masse.Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a Roman mystery religion centered on the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) Mithra, whose birthday is also

Makow- The Social Contract is Broken

What is now happeningin the US mirrorsthe 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.Will it be followed by aRed Terror?  "This is the test. If Trump retains the Presidency, he is a genuine American patriot. But if he doesn't, it means he took a fall because he is beholden to the same people as

The Virus is Communism; COVID is the Excuse

"Soviet" Agents Designed IMF, World Bank & United Nations"We live in a totalitarian society dying to take off its mask in a way that makes tyranny appear normal, natural, and necessary, so the masses will accept increased degradation and servitude."I wrote this in 2009. It is happening now. "Soviet" Agents Designed IMF, World Bank

Evil Always Impersonates Goodness

The Coen Brothers' brilliant 2009 movie, A Serious Man, showed the bankruptcy of Judaism as a religion. (See my review below.) Until now, I didn't understand the intriguing Yiddish fable at the beginning of the film. A Dybbuk is a malevolent spirit of a deceased person who wanders the world spreading evil. In the fable,

Real Disraeli was a Destroyer

(left, Benjamin Disraeli, 1804--1881, Prime Minister 1874-1880)Benjamin Disraeli's career is a reminder that the British Empire was a creation of the Illuminati Jewish bankers. Indeed, the bankers' hidden agenda (to enslave humanity) defines the course of modern history. Instead of defending the Rothschilds, ordinary Jews need to disown them or

Lockdown Lunacy is Typical Occult Behavior

(left, Ontario's Satanist Premier, Doug Ford) Having banished mention of God in polite society, humanity is being inducted into a satanic cult that uses deception, intimidation, and coercion to control.C.J. Hopkins writes, a hallmark of totalitarianism is "mass conformity to a psychotic & totally delusional official narrative."  This is typical occult behavior. Satanic cults control and

Moronic Australians Embrace Slavery - Fozdyke

(Victoria Gauleiter Dan Andrews) The Satanist Alpha Lodge Stands with Dan!This is the Age of Satan; our age and the revelry is beginning. We intend to rejoice and be glad in it. How about you?Aloysius Fozdyke is a Satanist insider. Ten years ago he unveiled world Satanist control. by Aloysius Fozdyke( a sick joke?The

Everyone Dances to the Covidhoax Tune - Why?

 (left, masks are mandatory)The response features an uncanny degree of uniformity and acquiescence. Identical measures are universally enforced. Genuine cures are suppressed.Everyone is wearing a mask; anti-social distancing is drummed into our heads. Stores are hiding behind plexiglass and there are stations where we must stand.  "Cases" are invented, bought, and


 We never imagined tyranny would take the form of a mass hallucination, where the common cold is elevated to a pandemic and almost everyone in government, business, media, and health is perpetrating the hoax. This confirms they're all controlled by a satanic cult, Freemasonry, tasked with enslaving us.  Freemasonry is the

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