Karl Ritter was Marx's Fascist Counterpart in Illuminati Charade
November 9, 2021

(Karl Ritter, 1779-1859)
The Illuminati planted the seeds of World War Two almost 100 years earlier.
Karl Marx published The Communist Manifesto in 1848. At the same time, Professor Karl Ritter formulated the fascist
antithesis, part of a Hegelian dialectic designed to subjugate mankind through war. (Notice how war is actually glorified.)
Were fascists like Ritter aware of his role in this tragic hoax?
"It is doubtful if more than a mere handful of the top level leaders of the Communist and Fascist movements know their organizations are being used to further the secret ambitions of the Illuminati which are the High Priests of Satanism." -William Guy Carr

William Guy Carr (1895-1959) worked for Naval Intelligence during world war two. He is a genuine patriot & champion of humanity who is never lionized for obvious reasons.
Pawns in the Game Ch 1 World Revolutionary Movement (see footnotes)
by William Guy Carr
(excerpt by henrymakow.com)
Modern Communism was organized in the year 1773 by a group of International Money-Barons who have used it since ... to further their secret plan to bring about a Totalitarian Godless State.
Lenin made this clear in his book Left Wing Communism. On page 53, he said: "Our theory (Communism) is not a dogma (Settled Doctrine); it is a manual of action".
Many modern leaders have said and done the same things as Lucifer did during the heavenly revolution. There is no appreciable difference between Red and Black Atheism. The only difference is in the plans used by the opposing leaders to ultimately win undisputed control of the world's resources, and bring into being their ideas for a Totalitarian, Godless, Dictatorship.

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German of Jewish descent. He was expelled from Germany, and afterward from France, for his revolutionary activities. He was given asylum in England. In 1848, he published the Communist Manifesto. Marx admitted this long-range plan, to turn the world into an International of Soviet Socialist Republics, may take centuries to accomplish.
Karl Ritter (1779-1859) was a German Professor of History and Geopolitical science. He wrote the anti-thesis to Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto. He also drew up a plan by which he maintained the Aryan Race could first dominate Europe and then the entire world.
Certain Atheistic leaders of the Aryan Group adopted Karl Ritter's plan. They organized Nazism to further their secret ambitions to obtain ultimate control of the World ... It is doubtful if more than a mere handful of the top level leaders of the Communist and Fascist movements know their organizations are being used to further the secret ambitions of the Illuminati which are the High Priests of Satanism.
According to the leaders of both atheistic groups, the State must be Supreme. This being so the Head of the State is God on Earth. This belief brings into actual practice the deification of man.
Much more is generally known about Karl Marx and Communism than about Karl Ritter and Nazism.
Ritter was for many years Professor of History at Frankfort University, Germany. Afterwards, he taught Geography at the Berlin University.
In educational circles, he was considered one of the greatest authorities on History, Geography, and Geopolitical Science.
Because the "Aims and Objects" of the Leaders of the Aryan Party have always been kept secret, Karl Ritter's connection with the Leaders and Nazism is very little known. Intelligence Officers connected with the British Government unearthed his connection with the Aryan War Lords when studying Political Economy; Geopolitical Science; and Comparative Religions, in German universities.[4]
This information was passed on to the proper authorities but, as so often happens, political leaders and diplomats, either failed to realize the significance of what they were told or wished to ignore it.[5]
Karl Ritter's study of History convinced him that a very small group of wealthy, and influential, international Bankers, who gave allegiance to no country but meddled in the affairs of all, had, in 1773 organized Grand Orient Freemasonry for the purpose of using The World Revolutionary Movement to further their secret ambitions.
Their Long Range Plan was for their group to gain ultimate control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire world. Their ultimate objective was to form a Totalitarian Dictatorship based on their theories of Atheistic dialectical and historical materialism.
Ritter claimed that most of, if not all, the International Bankers were of Jewish descent, regardless of whether or not they practised the Jewish faith.
In his anti-thesis to Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, he dealt with the dangers to be faced if this group of men was allowed to continue to control and direct the policies of International Communism. He offered the German Aryan War-Lords very concrete, and practical, suggestions for defeating the conspiracy of the International Money-Barons.[6] Professor Ritter gave the Aryan War-Lords an alternative Long Range Plan by which they could gain ultimate control of the world's resources for the Aryan races.

(Communism, fascism - both choices are satanic.)
To offset the plans of the International Money-Barons, Karl Ritter advised the Leaders of the Aryan Groups to organize Nazism and use Fascism i.e. National Socialism, as their manual of action to further their secret ambitions, for world conquest. Professor Ritter also pointed out that because the International Bankers intended to use all phases of Semitism to further their plans, the Aryan Leaders should use all phases of anti-semitism to further their Cause.
Karl Ritter's Long Range Plan for ultimate world conquest included the following suggestions :
1. The subjugation of all European countries by Germany. To achieve this end he suggested the German military Junkers be encouraged and assisted to obtain control of the Government so they could engage in a series of Military Adventures, interspersed with economic wars. The objective being to weaken the economy and manpower of the European nations to be subjugated.[7]
Karl Ritter stated that it was NOT absolutely essential, to the success of his Long Range Plan, that each Military Adventure end in a clear-cut victory, provided the other nations involved, were left in such a weakened condition that their recovery economically; and in strength of manpower, took longer than that of Germany.
Karl Ritter stressed the importance of convincing the German people that they were physically and mentally superior to the Semitic races. From this thought Aryan propagandists developed the idea of The German Master Race. They did this to counter the Propaganda of the International Bankers which claimed the Semitic Race is to be God's Chosen People and Divinely chosen to inherit the earth. The Aryan leaders promulgated the doctrine that "Their Race" was The Master Race on this Earth. Thus millions of people were divided into opposing camps.
2. Karl Ritter recommended a financial policy which would prevent the International Bankers obtaining control of the economy of Germany, and her Satellite States as they had obtained economic control in England, France, and America.
3. He recommended the organization of a Nazi 5th Column to counteract the Communist Underground organization. Its objective was to persuade the upper and middle classes, of the countries they planned to subjugate, to accept Fascism as the only antidote to Communism. German 5th Columnists were to condition people in other countries to welcome the German Armies as their Military Protectors against threatened Communist aggression. Karl Ritter warned the leaders of the Aryan Group that a Military Invasion of another country should NEVER be undertaken until the 5th Column, and propaganda machines, had thoroughly paved the way, and convinced the majority of the people to accept their armed intervention as the act of Saviors or Crusaders, and not as aggressors.[8]
4. Karl Ritter cold-bloodedly recommended the total destruction of Communism and the extermination of the Jewish Race as essential to obtaining ultimate control of International Affairs by the Aryan Leaders. He justified this drastic stipulation on the facts of history which he claimed proved Communism was being used by the International Jewish Bankers to further their own selfish materialistic ambitions.
There were many more items making up the over-all Long Range Plan but in this chapter, it is sufficient to produce enough evidence to unlock the door, behind which the Secret plans of two small groups of totalitarian-minded, atheistic-materialistic men were hidden.
...Many millions of human beings have been used as Pawns in the Game by the leaders of the two atheistic totalitarian-minded groups who will continue playing their hideous game of International Chess until one or the other is eliminated. ...
... The followers of Atheism are taught to HATE all who refuse to accept their materialistic creed. The determination of the leaders of both Atheist groups, to achieve world domination, permits them to conceive the most diabolical conspiracies, and perpetrate all kinds of crime, from individual assassinations to genocide. They foment wars in order to weaken nations they still have to subjugate.

...The simplest way to understand what is going on in the world today is to study the events of History as the moves being made in a continuing game of International Chess ... The leaders of the Illuminati have divided the people of the world into two main camps. They used Kings and Queens; Bishops and Knights; and the masses of the world's population, as pieces in their games. The ruthless policy of the leaders is to consider all other human beings as EXPENDABLE, providing the sacrifice of a Major piece, or a million Pawns places them a move nearer their ultimate totalitarian goal. The despotism of Satan.

Professor Ritter is reported to have said the present phase of this game started in the Counting House of Amschel Mayer Bauer alias Rothschild, located at Frankfort-on-the-Main in Germany, when thirteen Gold and Silversmiths[9] decided they must remove all the Crowned Heads of Europe; destroy all existing governments; and eliminate all organized religions, before they could secure absolute control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire world, and establish a Satanic Despotism. Dialectical and historical materialism was to be used to further these plans.
Strange though it may seem, history will prove that leaders of both the Semitic and Anti-Semitic groups have on occasion joined forces to fight against a common enemy such as the British Empire or the Christian religion. And while the masses fought, the Illuminati, who constitute the Secret Power behind the World Revolutionary Movements, jockeyed for the best position from which they would derive the greatest future benefit.
YouTube - Incredible speech Carr gave in 1958 They don't make men like this anymore.
RELATED - Guy Carr - Globalists are Satanists
------------- The Judeo Masonic Conspiracy
Makow comment- This article raises the question, was the "Aryan Party" a genuine opposition to the Cabalist Jews? hmakow@gmail.com