""Jordan Peele's Get Out is the satirical horror movie we've been waiting for, a mash-up of Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? and The Stepford Wives that's more fun than either and more illuminating, too." David Edelstein, Vulture
"Blending race-savvy satire with horror to especially potent effect, this bombshell social critique from first-time director Jordan Peele proves positively fearless." Peter Debruge, Variety
"Peele's Get Out is a spectacular horror-comedy masterpiece that you have to see!" Geek Tyrant rating 10/10
Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) and Rose (Alison Williams) play an interracial couple who visit her parents at their secluded estate for the weekend.

(left, Rose's sinister parents, a hypnotist and neurosurgeon have the skills to harvest black bodies)
But Rose is just bait. They want to harvest Chris's organs. He is one of dozens of fine black men she had seduced.
Yes. The movie is about a cult of white people who occupy the bodies of virile black men and women for their genetic and sexual vitality. They are even referred to as "slaves." This is supposedly a metaphor for the black condition today.
There are no Jews in this predatory cult. Just old exhausted white goyim.
The cult is called "The Family." Have you ever seen the Gentile family portrayed in a positive light by Hollywood in the last 50 years?
Have you ever seen a relaxed, charming, happy goy family?
Who is persecuting whom? Minorities have it so bad in America that Trump built a wall to keep them out.
This movie is not an honest portrayal of race relations. It is scary but not funny or satirical.
Masonic Judaism is Communism and America is a de facto Communist country based on the Masonic Jewish control of the economy, government, education and mass media.
The Communist strategy has always been to disempower the Gentile "Christian" majority by instilling in them a sense of guilt; and at the same time give minorities a sense of grievance.
At the same time, it degrades the majority by corrupting their religion and culture. The trailers of upcoming movies I saw were uniformly nihilistic, stupid, vulgar and violent.
The US, and the West in general, are satanically possessed. The finger of guilt points to organized Judaism and Freemasonry in all their myriad forms.
Donald Trump has said the media is the enemy of the American people. He'll have to extend that to include many more entities, including possibly himself.
If he has indeed deceived his supporters, as in the case of the gratuitous military build-up, they will abandon him in droves. The liberals will eat him alive.
This movie is oddly appropriate. Except it is not whites who have occupied blacks.
Masonic Jews have hypnotized the goyim, who are helpless to resist.
Tony B said (March 26, 2017):
Henry, I don't like Trump as a man but it is wrong to accuse him of deceit in the military buildup as he made no bones at all during his campaign about wanting to flesh out both the military and homeland security with even more fire power. In fact, that's one of the reasons I kept posting that he was also a Rothschild puppet, making any vote worthless. I kept reminding people - and still remind them - that the military and "homeland security" are the two entities which will be in charge of enforcing martial law. For decades it has been revealed that "when we put Hillary in she will establish martial law." Why would not the other owned puppet do so when pizzagate forced the cabal to dump Hillary (who at first was being given another fake "landslide" by the lying media)?
Trump promised to relax tensions with Russia. He has not.