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Results matching “freemasonry”


Makow - We're Not Following God's Plan

Does your mind shut down at the mention of "God?"Do your eyes glaze over? Does it make you nervous?It does me. Like many, I was brainwashed to believeGod doesn't exist.We're satanically possessed. (First, about half the Jews were satanically possessed by Cabalism. Then, through Freemasonry, Gentile society. The covid hoax

Makow -- Covid Unites Humanity Against Its Common Enemy

(A word of appreciation)The enemy is not racial or sexual minorities or Liberal dupes. The central bankers organize and fund them to undermine society.  The enemy is the central banking cartel and its agents - Freemasonry and Organized Jewry, including Communism and Henry Makow PhDWill covid bring us together

Bankers Think Americans are Rubes

(Donald Trump played a carnival barker in the reality show, "American Democracy.")"Rube"  n. a country bumpkin "The plain people of this country are inveterate and incurable hero worshippers," Col. House explained. "They easily can be manipulated by a man with a slogan that expresses their 'undefined aspirations.'" "Make America Great

"Get Out" 's Jordan Peele Has Produced More Jewish Propaganda

( Movie tagline:  "Just because you're invited, doesn't mean you're welcome.")Uncle Tom, Jordan Peele, has made a career of advancing the Jewish supremacist agenda by quilting White people into ceding place to Jewish-controlled minorities.  Ironically, his latest movie, a sequel to Candyman, is a "take down of how white

Makow - The "Contagion" is Humanity Itself

(How did we become so complacent and naive?)The Satanists who own most of the world's wealth view humanity as an infestation. Humanity, not covid, is the virus that must be eradicated.In reality, THEY are a cancer that has devoured the human race. by Henry Makow PhDSociety reminds me of

Satan's Signs Found in Most Logos

(left, the omnipresent swoosh) (from May 16, 2019)Have you noticed that corporations are taking political stands, and coincidentally singing from the same globalist songbook? Have you noticed that whites are becoming a minority in ads and miscegenation is fostered by TV commercials? It's as though someone blew a whistle

Young Global Leaders: WEF Puppets Destroying Society

Look at this list of people willing to sell out humanity to advance their own careers.Some of the names might surprise you: Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerborg  & Gavin Newsom. No genuine leaders are allowed to emerge. "This largely explains the current wave of medical authoritarianism sweeping

Freemasonry -- Marriage Wrecking Ball

(left, strip show at Masonic lodge)Freemasonry is a satanic cult, an arm of the Cabalist Jewish central banker conspiracy to enslave mankind. They undermine society by promoting feminism and homosexuality to destroy the family.  Evidently they pursue these goals within their own ranks as well.    Here's a letter I

"Insider" -- Rothschilds Front for the Synagogue of Satan

"The ancient, Venetian satanic families are back of the Rothschilds who are mere nouveau riche really, compared to these ancient Jewish ruling elite, These are back of the Sanhedrin. Jews, Henry, all Jews.""The Synagogue of Satan, via B'nai Brith, controls Freemasonry....and from here down the pecking order of animal clubs,

Makow -- They are Following a Script

(Wearing their ceremonial Mesoamerican prayer shawls, Pelosi & Co take the knee for Count Floyd)Reality itself is under assault. If the world resembles a bad sci-fi movie,that's because it is one.Cabalists (Satanists) "create their own reality"and IMPOSE IT ON US. We are extras in a moviewritten, directed and produced by

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