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Results matching “freemasonry”

The most frustrating thing about the rigged election & covid scam is the lack of effective resistance. Apart from whinging on the Internet, Americans seem determined to bend over and take it up the ass. This is not what you'd expect from a fully-armed population. I can't think of one
The COVID HOAX was never about the "virus", which never even existed; it was always about frightening goyim-gentiles into taking the Zionist COVID-Lethal-Injection (ZCLI). (Disclaimer- This plan can be termed Communist, Satanist, Cabalist, Masonic as well as Zionist.)In 2020, Karl Schwab stated that a "cyber-attack" will soon happen that will cause
The true "Jewish revolutionary spirit" is "to overturn" God and replace Him with Lucifer who represents the perverse self-interest of the Illuminati (i.e. central bankers, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry.)  This is behind the #scamdemic. from June 26, 2008 and August 1, 2018by Henry Makow Ph.D.E. Michael Jones has written a 1200-page

The Satanist Ideology of Enslavement

Apropos  Satanist Says "Reset is Enslavement"I am reposting this 2010 article by William Ramsay which explains that the Illuminati believe the majority of humans are no better than livestock and should be treated as such.(from 21/12/10)by William Ramsay (for Adolf Hitler and Aleister Crowley, the two great black magicians of the 20th century, shared a satanic

Eustace Mullins - Being "Jew Wise"

(Priest performs last rites for Christian who died in bubonic plague 1347-1351, which killed as many as 200 million.)In response to my article, "Their Sole Purpose is to Destroy Us- Their Lame Excuses are Diversions," (May 13) a "David" left this comment:"As I see it , until every synagogue (sin-agog) has

The Criminal Jewish Cult Behind Illuminati/NWO

(Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner represents a threat to civilization)Humanity faces another catastrophic world war due to the hatred Cabalist Jews (and their Masonic minions) feel for mankind.These Cabalist Jews are organized in a sect called Chabad which controls Donald Trump through his membership in Freemasonry and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. According to

Steven Fishman: The Worst-Case Scenario

(The Vaccinated)Steven Fishman unveils a nightmarish future.Do you think he is being too pessimistic?If not, here are some preparations for the worst case scenario. by Steven Fishman( on Planet Earth will NEVER be better than it is right here, right now, today.Don't believe me?  Keep reading.It's not only about the slow-death
"The Aim of Freemasonry is the Triumph of Communism" World Lockdown is JEWISH SUPREMACISM outlined in Protocols of Zion Cabalist Jewish "Creative Destruction" is Behind LockdownThe Essence of the New World Order is the Replacement of God with the Cabalist Jewish God- Lucifer Satanism Explained GTR writes: "Though I very much appreciate what

Steven Fishman - Who Will Survive the Vaccine Holocaust?

(Illustrator David Dees was an inspired visionary. Note the Biden 2020 button on zombie.)Within 5 years, 80% or more of those who have been vaccinated, either by choice or by coercion, will at worst be dead, and at best, will be deathly injured due to prions, spike proteins, Messenger

Eric Peters - Are You Hypochondriac or Heretic?

"It is a strange thing to be an unbeliever in these times of near-universal sickness. Or rather, near-universal obsession with getting sick."Makow - Western society has been inducted into a satanic cult, Cabalist Judaism (Freemasonry, Communism) which controls and exploits its members by corrupting and making them sick.Jab Hands by

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