We're Jonestowners - "Vaccine" is the Kool-Aid
February 10, 2022

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February 10, 2022
DD said (February 10, 2022):
henry , we are the crown of creation. Satan is waging this heavy war on us because he knows that,too. plus he[the devil] has short time to finish his task. to usurp every thing we know as normal is the goal for mind enslavement. as you say,'sick is healthy & healthy sick'.
the devil knows that far too well. God's word says,'woe to you when right is wrong & wrong is right'. we were created as the scriptures say,' a little lower than the angels', to live in a Godly fashion praising our creator & living in a paradise that was to never end. so we are not the highest order of beings, but close, since God rules in a hierarchy.
Lucifer once ruled over many angels in heaven, had quite some rank. he blew it fostering pride in his being & rebelling against God. the rest is history as he plays out his final role on this planet. it is almost over. praise to YAHWAY.
T B said (December 12, 2020):
Things have really progressed as of late, and I too was recently thinking about jones and his connection to todays kill shot. I believe it was a dry-run to see how many willingly took it and administered to their children. On the audio tapes you can hear jones telling his men to spirit away an individual, probably cia? Wasnt sure of you've ever seen the attached video.
JG said (December 12, 2020):
I'm sorry Henry but we could have already been had on this one.
Go back to late February of 2020. President Trump was rightfully calling all this Covid mania a "hoax". Even Nancy Pelosi was inviting people to enjoy their day in San Francisco and mingle with the people because there was nothing to worry about.
In March of 2020 President Trump was not heard from in a few days, this was unusual for him. When he finally gave a press conference to address all this Covid mania he came out with his head down and a long face. Someone had read him the riot act, something had happened to him. The orders to play the game on this one came from top, the Davos Global Cartel themselves. This was also an election year, the best time to make a demand on the President and Congress in America. If America didn't participate in this global scheme their whole master plan would fall apart. Everything was on the table and he couldn't tell them no. In the end they trashed him anyway because he was an "American Firster" and a Patriot that was obstructing the globalist agenda. A rigged election would put him away once and for all.
Looking back President Trump may have been better off to hold his ground on this one by telling them no and not shutting down the American economy. It profited neither him, his nation, or the world.
David C said (December 12, 2020):
While I agree with the gist of this article, my take is Trump will be reappointed, after they deliberately make it appear Biden/Harris won, to cause maximum chaos and violence. The reason is twofold: Trump made an executive order in 2018 about the election process, stating that if the director of national intelligence believes there was foreign interference with an election, then it's null and void. Then the (s)election goes to the states in January, one vote per state governor, with republicans having a significant majority. Then too, the "three world wars" plan detailed in Albert Pike's famous letter to Mazzini, accurately described the first two world wars, so I see no reason to believe the third world war won't happen as planned. After China is implicated with interfering with the election, that could be the catalyst for WW-III, although I expect a major false-fag attack too, possibly on an aircraft carrier task force. Stephen Coleman still has faith in Trump, which is surprising, because to me Trump is an obvious fake "republican", having been a liberal democrat (communist) his entire life, until recently. I believe Trump is part of the evil cabal's takeover, and will likely be used to play the part of "Hitler", leading the USA into another world war, mutually destroying military forces all over the world - a stated goal of the "three world wars" plan.
Ramsay said (November 9, 2020):
Except that no one drank the Kool-Aid. Those that think they did are drinking the Kool Aid. They were murdered. Which is what Satan plans on doing to us. And God is quite OK with it. As no one gives Him no nevermind. Few obey His big 10 with all their heart.
Thanks for what you do brother.
Joey said (November 9, 2020):
Thanks Henry!
This is the most important moment in my lifetime. I did not have to fight in a war to keep America’s freedom. But, now no bigger moment in our modern history is at stake. You are correct, if they take this election from the duly elected president, all of our freedoms are just, in name-sake only.
A family member told me, what is the use in voting?
This is the biggest cabal in American history. They have Big Tech, Big Money (Wall Street), and Big Media on their side. This is the struggle of our lives.
(If the Dems' do lose the presidency, the big media will bombard us with how the election was stolen! Masterful plan to further divide the American people)
A great comment by Stephen. God be with us.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Doug P said (February 11, 2022):
This whole Covid thing just doesn't make any sense unless you look at it from the point of view of a Jewish/Masonic conspiracy, or a conspiracy engineered by the Vatican. One is the puppet of the other. Certainly, both are involved. But you are free and even encouraged to criticize the Catholic church. No one knows what Bolshevism or Lysenkoism is and there is no chance of getting people to read a history book on Bolshevism or this site, unless they already know what is going on.
It's either this or you believe that the Pharmaceutical companies can be trusted with our well-being, which is of course ridiculous, even if you have just followed the mainstream news on pharma crimes.
This Mass Formation Hypothesis may explain 10-20% of it - probably true of the doctors and other professionals, IMO. The problem is also literacy, it's partly the Regulated Group Mind as explained by a prof from U of Guelph when analyzing 9-11, and it's partly just propaganda stated over and over again which is the less sophisticated form of hypnosis. Part of it is fear. Part of it is just sheer stupidity when you consider that at least 15% of the people have an IQ lower than about 85. Many people would be afraid to actually think about it.
I just hope the truckers wake a lot of people up, which is why I'm in favor of it. I think it may be part of the plan as well.