Makow- Vaccine/Mask Signal Acceptance Into a Satanic Cult
January 28, 2022

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January 28, 2022
DD said (May 13, 2021):
the devil is moving like a freight train right now knowing how short his time is. he has got to tempt you as he did Jesus with the kingdoms of the world . he said;' fall down & worship me & i will give you all of this'. Jesus refused by quoting scripture. today the devil lures you by technology into this 'new age' so you must acknowledge him; it's the same principle. he says in the book of Isaiah the prophet,' that he will ascend above the almighty & be as God'. this new age will fulfill that if we accept. he comes as an angel of light.
TF said (April 10, 2021):
It seems that they basically want to get everyone connected to a digital database, in order to be able to surveil everyone in real time, and greatly increase their control over people. As of yet, it will still be possible, if one is unavoidably coerced or forced into it, to leave the smartphone at home when one is not going e.g. shopping, and to keep resisting in different ways. There will still be room to maneuver - in any case, always in the privacy of ones soul. It is a huge project, and many, many things can go wrong with it, especially if enough people take to creative resistance. I have a feeling that they will not succeed.
Luciferianism, in my understanding, is in essence the naked worship of knowledge and power - that is why they are so keen on science (because "knowledge is power") and technocracy. We should be glad that they rely on a lot of faulty theories and paradigms - for example, they will never get the "Singularity" they so ardently covet. The Grim Reaper shall come knocking at their door one day, and they will not escape the consequences of what they have done, and are doing.
JR said (April 10, 2021):
"blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the Earth"
(Mathew 5:5)
Many assume the term means weak, tame, or deficient in courage. But the biblical understanding of meekness is power under control.
(from the internet)
the current situation is diabolical
finally a loser like me has a real purpose for life and the choices of what to do with life have never been simpler.
Recently, Klaus Schwab referred to unvaccinated people as "a threat to humanity."
^^ this kind of propaganda will get me and many others into all sorts of trouble.
...and I am fine with that.
I don't really know what 'inherit the Earth' means?
if it means getting to watch all the liars and the assholes destroy themselves?
Al Thompson said (April 9, 2021):
I was in a parking lot here in town, and a young lady was walking her 3 month year old baby along with her mother. I told them not to get a vaccine. I blurted it out because I don’t want them to experience the bad results from vaccines. They told me that they were not going to get the vaccine. There are a lot of people who will not take it. The idea of vaccines is medically stupid and has no health improvements. The best thing to do is to keep the immune system healthy.
We’re already in the new world order. It is the natural law and has more authority than man-made law and it is time for people to tell the govtards to shove it. Vaccines violate the natural law and no one has the authority to tell someone else what medical treatment to take against their will.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Doug P said (May 14, 2021):
"No one will enter the new world order unless he or she will make the pledge to worship Lucifer.."
-David Spangler
" "There's a sucker born every minute"
-PT Barnum