Ronald Bernard- Illuminati Want Us Dead
February 15, 2022
Here is the transcript of the English subtitles.
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February 15, 2022
Here is the transcript of the English subtitles.
Erik B said (September 8, 2021):
I followed this "bankers" story for a while. I do I agree with the comment of AZ below; this Dutch "banker" supposedly speaks out. But the fact he is still alive, it could just be because he does not mention names, places, facts or even details of the bank(s) he supposedly worked for. This is a real small country, small circles, but nothing he says actually can be checked out because he brings nothing new, its only his personal take on the matter. The fact that he is still in banking makes me wonder he is who he says he is.
Erik B.
people will not speak out if we keep stabbing them in the back
Bill said (April 27, 2017):
I have been following your website for quite a while now and heard you speak on various podcasts , videos etc.Up until I saw the video you posted with the Dutch guy ,illuminati worker bee so to speak , I was always sceptical about the Satanism etc. aspects of your work / beliefs. Let`s face it it is hard to comprehend that such things go on but this really did open my eyes to what goes on with these scum . One question the guy who gave the evidence and had a total breakdown must be scared for his life now surely ? I read another article with the Swiss banker whistle blower which is equally convincing to me.
Henry very well done and thank you.If this message doesn`t get through to people nothing will.
LV said (April 26, 2017):
Thank you for this, Henry,
Just mentioned to a friend who works with the international banking "elite" about their true agenda, and how every nation's intelligence services actually "serve" -- not the interests of their host countries -- but private individuals and families.
Now I can add further ammunition to my viewpoint!
Doug P said (April 26, 2017):
I believe that Ted Gunderson gets us to the truth of this satanism and that this child molestation and torture is a lot closer to home and lower in level than people think. Gunderson exposed it over ten years ago and the kids on those milk cartons sort of stopped appearing. Although this guy sounds genuine, not a trained actor, I think Gunderson gives us the best picture. His expertise is best to decipher what is going on. I don't have the link, but everything Gunderson says on YouTube is of high relevance to us.
There are a lot of people that think all of this is "debunked". I guess its because some bubble headed bleached blonde on the set said so.
AZ said (April 26, 2017):
In Dutch alternative media circles the interview with Ronald Bernard has been going viral for quite some time now. It is good that it’s been made available for non Dutch. But I actually wonder how it is possible that this man was able to expose it all, without being stopped in his track and confronted with severe consequences for stepping out of line. He is even able to start a new alternative bank initiative. Isn’t it a fact that those who have been in elitist circles and betray their brothers are doomed? I wonder whether there is more to this story, but maybe I am just a paranoid conspiracy-thinker.
Sid Green said (April 26, 2017):
Thank you for exposing the untermenschen, the snakes, the dogs, the ROT that are the members of that Luciferian cabal, once human entities, infested and rotting with demonic entities, devoid if Adamic roots, these are the dross of the universe. It's an honor to be on the side of the truth, and the believers in God, and the real Jews, meaning those who stand up for the right thing.
To the snakes, the shape shifting, demon infested corpses , do you really think God considers you Jews? I will tell them right here and right now they are Jewish only in the way dog droppings are Jewish. I am the real Jew so they can take their data and shove it up their wounded torn rectums that they sell out to any pedagogue. I thank you for posting the truth about this slime and filth that calls itself the elite. Good people know that a bunch of pedophiles are nothing but filth and cockroaches in the end.
Congratulations to this man who followed his conscience was exposed the faggot baby killing pederasts. Henry and the author and the one who exposed this share in the true honor. Thats a big honor. Not like some cockamamie demon possessed child pederast, thats just supernal waste not a real Jew
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Danny said (September 9, 2021):
Ronald Bernard is a fraud. And so is Irma Schiffers. Both controlled opposition.
I’m from the Netherlands and these series came out a few years ago.
But Ronald was also the founder of “De Blije B”, a new bank and he was looking for paying members.
In the link below you can see a small fragment of a lecture of his regarding his bank:
The full lecture used to be on YT, but not anymore…
He’s a salesman, an actor and he tells people what they want to hear. All for his own and Irma’s benefit.
Doen’t mean all of his facts are wrong about the illuminati etc, but I’m very certain he didn’t experience them himself.