(Victoria Nuland is the Cabalist Jew responsible for the war in Ukraine.)https://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.com/2022/08/)Christ taught that God loves all his children equally. This contradicts Jewish belief in their own Chosen-ness and racial supremacy. Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (10): "... it is indispensable to create trouble in all countries the people's
Results matching “cabala”
No headlines jump out today Jan 29, so I'll wait until some do. The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930's. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.) They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse & Erich Fromm, and were responsible
My biggest life regret is the time and energy I wasted onrelationships with women.The idealization of sex, women, andromantic love in our societyis characteristic of Satanism. Why? Satanism actively promotes false Gods, i.e. romantic love is idolatry. Love should be reserved for God, Perfection.The basis of human love is mutual dependence.The definition of a woman? A
(The Jew Woody Allen was accused of molesting Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Dylan. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession.) "Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value." How did society become sex crazed? How did sex get separated from love and
Jewish media blasts Elon Musk for saying Organized Jewry is replacing White People. Called "antisemitic," Musk has God on his side. The first anti-Semite was God Himself. When Moses told Him the Jews were worshiping a golden calf, "The LORD said to Moses, "I have seen this people, and behold, they
(Rabbi Gunther Plaut, 1912-2012) "We're an ancient people. In our nearly 4,000 years of history, many have tried repeatedly to destroy the Jewish people," Netanyahu told Congress in 2021 harkening back to the Holocaust.What he didn't say: It was Illuminati (Sabbatean) Jews like him who repeatedly tried to destroy their fellow
The West is Satanically possessed by Jewish Cabalism (Satanism) which seeks to replace God with a Rothschild. The Rothschilds (i.e. the WEF) invert reality according to Satanist dogma. Evil is good; false is true; ugly is beautiful; unjust is just; unnatural is natural; sick is healthy; hate is love. They
We can't even acknowledge the calamity that has befallen mankind without being "politically incorrect," an old Communist Party termnow in mainstream use. It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment a century ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time.In July 1920, the staid Tory newspaper, The Morning
"The foundation of the Christian family is the sacrament of matrimony, the spring of all domestic and public morals. Anti-Christian societies are opposed to the principle of home. When they have destroyed the hearth, the morality of society will perish." Benjamin Disraeli, Lothair, 1870 Satanists, like termites, have been gnawing at
Marching to Zion is available on BitchuteFROM THE VAULTJews claim to be "God's Chosen People" yet have the chutzpah to accuse Europeans of "white supremacy" and "racism." Goyim, wake up, Cabalists are the world's greatest scam artists. Are you the world's greatest rubes? Wars, depressions, central banking, 9-11, COVID are all