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An Addendum to the Protocols of Zion

July 13, 2024


(What Israel does to Palestinians, Organized Jewry & Freemasonry will eventually do to us all in orchestrated pandemics and war.)

A reader, a longtime patriot, stumbled across this four-page pamphlet among his papers. "I have no idea how I came by it nor when. Nor of the veracity of those such as this one. Thought that if anyone had a use for this one it would be you."

The hate-filled content is consistent with other revelations of the Masonic Jewish agenda, like The Protocols of Zion

and the revelation of Harold Rosenthal.

For fear of being accused of "antisemitism," the West has  embraced its own destruction. This smear is designed to dismiss opposition to Satanism (Masonic Judaism, Communism) as "bigotry." 

They removed their mask during the COVID hoax: "You will own nothing but you will be happy." What more proof do we need that they want to dispossess and enslave us? What more proof than the millions of adverse reactions that they want to poison us? 

"We have trained a whole new generation to believe that the only important goal in life is to win popularity contests; so none, for fear of being "disliked", will dare to express any idea or demonstrate any initiative that we do not first implant in them."



"Many of you are wondering how much longer we Jews here must continue to maintain the abominable pretense of Brotherhood (O, Brother!) toward the hated Christian goyim and when at long last we can dispense with the schmaltz and openly assume our destined role of Lords of the Earth. You are doubtless disgusted with forever acting your parts in the make-believe world we have created to render the goy schmos prostrate and helpless at our feet. You are impatiently awaiting the Great Day when we can proclaim the beginning of our New Order of the World.

Let us Rejoice! the Great Day is near at hand! Our long, long-awaited Messiah, Our King of Zion, will soon be crowned to rule over the entire earth! After endless centuries the plans of our learned Elders are nearing complete fulfillment.

The stupid goy cattle are now prepared for the sacrifice. You see such remnants of them as we permit to survive, after we are through selecting them, already serving us in the Soviet Union, Red China, etc. etc., as our trained apes, happy to die slaughtering and enslaving the rest of their fellow goyim for us. You observed how faithfully they performed for us in Hungary. And in all the "'free'' world the goyim are crying for us to take possession of them.


By talking interminably around and around all subjects from all sides, we have so confused and demoralized the stupid goyim that they eagerly support our every move to complete their enslavement. They depend more and more on us for leadership, since only we know how to think. Observe how ready are the witless Northern goyim to punish their recalcitrant Southern kinsmen for impudently refusing to obey orders to integrate with the childish African savages. Remember how they died for us when we commanded them to destroy Hitler, Mussolini, and the Japanese warlords.

Notice how their brutish proletariat are already our prisoners in the labor unions into which we have herded them. In their abysmal stupidity they cannot even see that it is we who are their union bosses, although we never soil our hands with degrading manual work. 

They eagerly elect us, or our puppets, to rule over them and obey our orders slavishly. We order them to strike again and again for higher and higher wages, the dim-witted fools never realizing that we raise prices always just a little faster, and that they are being raised into ever higher income tax brackets. 

To compensate us for our efforts, we extract billions from these goy oxen in union dues and welfare funds, which we use for our own purposes. We have taught them to hate unscrupulous, exploiting, rich capitalists, blinding them completely to the fact that we are those ''nasty" capitalists, by patting them on the back and telling them that we are for the "little man"!

Of course they are far too dull to realize that all newspapers, books, magazines, radio, television, and motion pictures endlessly bombard them with our propaganda, teaching them to hate our enemies, their country, their capitalistic system, etc., and to feel guilty for even daring to consider themselves capable of any independent thought. They are our zombies! All we need do in order to promote any idea, no matter how absurd; to advance any of our puppets, no matter how pathetic; to destroy any of their leaders, no matter how worthy, is to press a button and our irresistible propaganda begins to assault them day and night, everywhere they turn--there is no escape--and they believe just as we tell them.

We have turned their schools into glamorous kindergartens, where the addle-brained fools believe they are being educated just because they spend twelve to sixteen years being entertained in fine buildings, having their brains muddled by our clever techniques. Our "modern psychologists" have taught the brainless goy parents that they must let their children grow up like weeds in the fields and never, never to inhibit their detestable brats, for they will be "frustrated and will grow up maladjusted, introverted, and neurotic"!


Then we turn around and teach their barbaric children to despise their empty-headed parents for neglecting them! We have trained a whole new generation to believe that the only important goal in life is to win popularity contests; so none, for fear of being "disliked", will dare to express any idea or demonstrate any initiative that we do not first implant in them. 

Those who refuse to conform are declared in urgent need of psychiatric help and are sent to our psychopolitical operatives, who they innocently believe are interested in "curing" them, but who in reality practice our ingenious techniques for subverting their minds and rendering them our unwitting tools for the rest of their days. And they pay big money for the "privilege"! O, a fool and his money--!

We have induced them to make everyone vote--if we would only say the word, they would vote the babies in their cribs, but you know that would be too messy! We exert complete control over their blind, stupid masses, who "think" and vote exactly as we direct. Were old FDR still alive, we would have him yet in the White House carrying out our orders. Eleanor babbles as we direct her, on and on!

To allow the goyim no possibility of escape, we have seized complete control over both political parties. We can now smugly tell the goy voters that they must vote "in order to preserve their freedom!" We tell them to vote their choice, but by all means to vote--but the idiotic goyim little realize that we are giving them always a choice of two puppets of our choosing. Now that they are trying to form a third party to escape from us, we shall buy control of it too.


Whenever any politician gets nosey, our Bnai Brith ADL well knows how to handle him; witness, Dies, Thomas, McCarthy, Jenner, Welker, Eastland, etc. When a high official dares to oppose us, we destroy him utterly, as we did Count Bernadotte, Forrestal, MacArthur, etc. We have always had complete control of the Atomic Energy Program, and all the armed forces are under our direct control--they fight whom, when, how, and where we order them!

The more observant goyim, having noticed that we never participate directly in the fighting of wars into which we force them, assume that we are cowards--but let them so believe, it aids our Cause. They will soon know better.

In the name of Welfare we are taking from the goyim both their freedom and their money. In the name of Security we have built an impregnable governmental fortress around them, which they will soon discover will be their prison for eternity. In the name of Brotherhood we have taught them not to resist us. 

In the name of Charity we have milked them of billions. In the name of Prevention-of-Tooth-Decay we are causing them to construct built-in water-poisoning systems, which will render them completely at our mercy. 

In the name of Mental Health we pronounce insane and imprison for life those who resist us. In the name of Progressive Education we are training them to be our unthinking robots. In its very own name we are destroying their bothersome Constitution.

We have used their abominable Christian religion for our purposes. In the name of Brotherhood their ministers are destroying Christianity as we direct, and teaching instead the principles of our brilliant strategist, Karl Marx. Any attempt to resist us in this is branded "unChristian'! What simple schmos!


We have promoted fictitious scientists, who, using monstrous words and clever deceptions, have convinced the goyim that we are so smart that they cannot even attempt to understand our pretentious theories. Thus they have enshrined Sigmund Freud and our devoted Zionist patriot, Albert Einstein, falling all over themselves in blind adulation. And now they are worshiping our Jonas Salk for his unproven polio vaccine.

We have so perverted their art that our Picasso, Gertrude Stein, and Jacob Epstein are considered so brilliant that the moronic goy sheep cannot even grasp what they mean, and pay big money for what a child could have done better!

When some of their few intelligent men realize our chicanery and attempt to expose us, we scream, "Fascism, Naziism, antisemitism, discrimination, bigotry, genocide, insanity!" and our trained goy monkeys rush madly to destroy these disturbing voices in our world of make-believe! We never allow anyone to criticize a Jew, and no Jewish villain is ever permitted to be depicted.

We feared we were thwarted when our secret plans were stolen and published in Russia over fifty years ago as the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" and our manual on psychopolitical warfare was published by a dirty goy traitor under the title "Brainwashing'. 

But we found that our learned Elders were absolutely right when they wrote that the stupid goyim has eyes, but he cannot see, and he has ears, but he cannot hear. They were so right that such a bovine, unworthy species of animal cannot be considered human. Just as our learned Rabbis wrote in our sacred Talmud, shortly after we rid ourselves of the imposter Jesus, we must treat them as our cattle.

Heretofore we have always given our orders and reports to you in Yiddish, which many of you unfortunately cannot speak, but now it matters little if our private communications fall into goy hands--they are already past understanding, beyond resisting--they are ours!, fellow Israelites.


Rejoice, we shall soon pen the rest of the goy livestock in the barnyard where they belong, never again allowing them to bother us in the conduct of human affairs. We are now completing our conquest of that last bastion of the goy world, the United States of America, and out of all this planned world chaos we are inexorably assembling our new One-Nationed World: its name shall be Zion! Having come at long last into our God-Promised Kingdom over the Earth, Peace, Prosperity, and Power shall bless the Jews forever.

Long live our Messiah, the Invincible World King of Zion!

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "An Addendum to the Protocols of Zion"

LK said (July 14, 2024):

Great description of the world we find ourselves in right now !! The protocols are over 100 Years old Henry , you know that. & they are practically fulfilled !! The state of the world now is the evidence of that .

Thanks for pointing out the “evolution” of the agenda !! Have a good one-

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at