Sunday, in response to "Is Chlorine Dioxide a Miracle Cure?" Aloysius Fozdyke, our longtime Satanist insider from Sydney's Alpha Lodge, sent me a link to this 2011 article on my site, Prepare a Cancer Survival Plan Now, by Andrew Lanyard, which I had forgotten about. Just the link. Fozdyke's implication
Results matching “Aloysius Fozdyke”
(l.sick satanic ritual sacrifice)We revisit the deathbed confessions of Frater 616 which revealed that Satanism has corrupted society to a far greater degreethan we ever imagined. This may explainwhy, increasingly, Western society resemblesa satanic cult and Australia is on the vanguardof the satanic New World Order.The aim of the Alpha Lodge is 66%
"We're just passed mid-June 1914 and hello from the Land of Oz, soon to be a Great Southern Chinese Special Economic Zone. Compliant Aussies are really into their imprisonment and there's so much more to come! Aussies just can't get enough and can't even see where this is going.
Question:"...are the mRNA vaccines as dangerous as some MD's say, or is that just designed to sow fear?"Answer July 27:"When influenza season hits there won't be enough morgues or coffins. Those left will be easy pickings. Starvation, lack of medication or a bullet are all cheaper than a vaccine. We're
("Humanity gave up on itself.")Question:"...are the mRNA vaccines as dangerous as some MD's say, or is that just designed to sow fear?"Answer July 27:"When influenza season hits there won't be enough morgues or coffins. Those left will be easy pickings. Starvation, lack of medication or a bullet are all cheaper
Question:"...are the mRNA vaccines as dangerous as some MD's say, or is that just designed to sow fear?"Answer:"When influenza season hits there won't be enough morgues or coffins. Those left will be easy pickings. Starvation, lack of medication or a bullet are all cheaper than a vaccine. We're playing for
"Here's how we did it: To quell riots in Hong Kong a new cartoon pathogen was discovered, a media-driven mass-psychosis was created, and the lockdown strategy spread. This is about population reduction and the creation of a stratified, worldwide social order under the control of China."Aloysius Fozdyke is a
Don asks: "Sounds like zero hope reading your postings lately. Evil has won. Anything to the contrary is fantasy and hopium. Since you have a frequent contributor named Aloysius Fozdyke who alerted the world to satanist control in 2010, why not invite him to tell us what is next
[Trump's] essential Magick is to present boundless self-confidence, for such beliefs engender self-fulfilment. He is an exponent of the short and dangerous path...inevitably strewn with misunderstandings and casualties...a small price for self-deification'.Aloysius Fozdyke has been contributing to this site off and on since 2010. A member of Sydney Australia Alpha
In this "Message from Father Mithra"Australian Satanist Aloysius Fozdyke oozes contempt for the sheeple and warns that worse in still to come unless they say NO en masse.Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a Roman mystery religion centered on the Zoroastrian divinity (yazata) Mithra, whose birthday is also