Question:"...are the mRNA vaccines as dangerous as some MD's say,
or is that just designed to sow fear?"
"When influenza season hits
there won't be enough morgues or coffins. Those left will be easy
pickings. Starvation, lack of medication or a bullet are all cheaper
than a vaccine. We're playing for keeps! So, where's old Numb-Nuts (Christ) when
you need him?"
Aloysius Fozdyke is a member of the satanist Alpha lodge in Sydney. He first unveiled world satanic control here eleven years ago.
"Here's how we did it: To quell riots in Hong Kong a new cartoon pathogen was discovered, a media-driven mass-psychosis was created, and
the lockdown strategy spread. This is about population reduction and
the creation of a stratified, worldwide social order under the control
of China."
"If you want to see what's about to
happen, keep watching Australia? Stuff is usually tried out here first.
Recently three children died straight after mandatory N.S.W. school
vaccination. Fortunately, the vaccination centre had body bags. The
Satanic Alpha Lodge views the stratified, hierarchical three millennia
existence of ancient Egypt as a goal to surpass, and with technology
that shouldn't be hard."
Bring Out Your Dead!
"This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper."
The Hollow Men T.S. Eliot (is an anagram of 'toilets')
by Aloysius Fozdyke
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Really? So, how are those dead words working out where you exist? The joke is on you! And don't give me that fluoridated look. You reckon you're equal to us?
We hold these predatory truths to be timeless and honourable, that all humans are created differently and that each must strive for greatness - and die rather than submit - claiming their sovereign rights to liberty, extasy, and the pursuit of individual divinity.
If you want to see what's about to happen, keep watching Australia? Stuff is usually tried out here first. Recently three children died straight after mandatory N.S.W. school vaccination. Fortunately, the vaccination centre had body bags. The Satanic Alpha Lodge views the stratified, hierarchical three millennia existence of ancient Egypt as a goal to surpass, and with technology that shouldn't be hard.
In the northern hemisphere winter is coming - 'Bring out your dead!' In terms of debasement, you've seen nothing yet - Solve et coagula!
Back in March 2013 I wrote,
"Destruction before redemption. We can only succeed if we give the sheeple what they want - spiritual, moral, societal and personal decay! A culture of hopelessness, if you will Australia is at the forefront of this work. Drones will fill the skies to keep sheeple safe, degraded and irrational.
"Imperial maps are being redrawn...After the invaders leave Afghanistan, the Chinese will move in. All that death for China!
"Big business will flourish but small businesses will not. Free enterprise will be dead. Big government, big business and big surprises... When the filth rise up we'll crush them, for "the slaves shall serve". They don't have any political power. We will prove that! They gave us Our weapons. We will use them. They either don't need convincing or can't be convinced."
The Dark Knight Rises (dedicated to the late Mr. Johnny Edgecombe).
Back in December 2019 Satanists Have Gifted Australia to China (2) I spelled out how we gifted Australia (and with it, New Zealand and Canada) to the P.R.C. by showing them how to prove that the vice-regal appointment documents were all forged by Jack William Straw. Did anyone understand or care?
My missives contain Our central message of the world tomorrow and it's in chrysalis form now. What we are doing is what you want and what is needed.
So, on your knees and pray to your 2000 years dead, Jewish, homosexual bastard. We know you want to, but even you know it's pointless.
My Father, which wert in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name in Heaven,
As it is on Earth...
Aloysius James Fozdyke
First Comment from AC
WF said (August 25, 2021):
Behold A J Fozdyke, King of the Great Circular & Demented Technological Shithole,
handled by money fags and fatherless magicians.
Tip: A parasite can never be a 'predator'.