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Satanist Insider - "We own the Future!"

August 15, 2021

satanist-future.jpeg("Humanity gave up on itself.")


"...are the mRNA vaccines as dangerous as some MD's say,
or is that just designed to sow fear?"

Answer  July 27:

"When influenza season hits there won't be enough morgues or coffins. Those left will be easy pickings. Starvation, lack of medication or a bullet are all cheaper than a vaccine. We're playing for keeps! So, where's old Numb-Nuts (Christ) when you need him?"

Aloysius Fozdyke is a member of the satanist Alpha lodge in Sydney. He first unveiled world satanic control here eleven years ago. 

"Here's how we did it: To quell riots in Hong Kong a new cartoon pathogen was discovered, a media-driven mass-psychosis was created,
and the lockdown strategy spread. This is about population reduction and the creation of a stratified, worldwide social order under the control of China."

new today

"I'm asking your readers to kill themselves now. It's not suicide. It's making the ultimate sacrifice so that others may live - because if you're dead you can't be a Covid carrier. And rest easy in the knowledge that the survivors will be ours'."

"The majority will die on their knees, starting next influenza season in the northern hemisphere, then the southern. The rest will be more fun because we're up for the challenge."

(Disclaimer - Makow: I want Fozdyke to be wrong about the "vaccines" more than anything in my life. So far, he has been wrong about silver which he has been recommending for years. My entire immediate family has been vaccinated. I will gladly wear the tin foil dummies cap and say ten mea culpas in front of a bust of the Pfizer CEO.)

By Aloysius Fozdyke

The future is ours.

Sometimes, Satan isn't good on a personal level; but he's always a wonderful Systems' Man.

That's what's happening now, a massive change of systems.

After the dying of the sick, elderly and vaccinated, those left will be part of a stratified, brutally technologically enforced feudalism with Magicians of proven worth at the top - a caste of living deities if you will.

Satan never gave up on humanity. Humanity gave up on and then gave up itself.

Because of the necessity of what's coming, there'll be a lot of cremations. These deaths and burnt offerings will hasten the establishment of the Usher, then Vindex, the physical embodiment of our Goddesses and Gods, together with our imperium on Earth.

Nothing and no one can or will stop us!

 satan-inside.jpgThe global future is Chinese and if your descendants survive, they'll be just like you, so it doesn't really matter. Might is right and we're dealing with compliant, follow-the-leader, braindead filth.

'Homo normalis are herd animals.' My contempt knows no bounds.

"Compassion is the vice of kings: stamp down the wretched & the weak..." Too many increasingly expensive, useless eaters.

 I'm asking your readers to kill themselves now. It's not suicide. It's making the ultimate sacrifice so that others may live - because if you're dead you can't be a Covid carrier.

And rest easy in the knowledge that the survivors will be ours'.

 It's either that or die in lockdown of starvation, lack of medicines, societal disintegration, etc., etc.

Because most have IQs significantly below their body temperature, they still can't see it, not yet anyway. Currency crashes in 2022 will allow even greater control.

 The majority will die on their knees, starting next influenza season in the northern hemisphere, then the southern. The rest will be more fun because we're up for the challenge.

 "All that is great is built upon sorrow" and we 'reject illusion and lies, for these hinder the strong!'

Finally, Satan is the only God who cares yet you reject Him for a shepherd leading you to the slaughter - but you couldn't do any better, even if you agreed with the agenda.


Re. Silver - AJF adds- Satan's metal is silver. Gold is god's metal. In the Age of Satan, silver will reign supreme. When currencies collapse, governments will force investors to hand over their precious gold. This will not happen with silver.

By way of example, see section 42 of the Banking Act, 1959, Commonwealth of Australia -

Similar provisions exist in most of the world and all western nations.

When the silver and gold price start to head vertically south it'll be too late to buy precious metals, but you'll still have a little time to spend your currency before it reaches its inherent wallpaper value.

Next year is currency collapse and silver is your very best bet, or like the birds of the air you can rely on your heavenly father.


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at