Satanist Insider Gloats at Coming Mayhem
May 7, 2021

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May 7, 2021
Andrew said (May 7, 2021):
"Soon the Usher of Desecration will prepare for the arrival of Vindex."
Does VINDEX have Latin meaning? Avenger?
Steve said (May 7, 2021):
I am beginning to see that there are more losers like Fozdyke around the world and growing. I understand their desire for immediate gratification serving Satan and his agents, however, Christians have Almighty God the Father, Jesus King of Kings and the Holy Spirit and all of God's angels looking after us, in particular the powerful military angels under Michael the Archangel. Those like Fozdyke (if he really exists as self described) are throwing away their very real chance at eternal life in a new world the the bible describes as to be so great and wonderful that we can't even imagine it with our puny earthly minds. If Satanists believe in Satan (who was created as Lucifer a perfect angel before he became proud and rebelled), of course it goes without saying they have a latent fear of God the Creator Almighty. Even the Demons who they worship "tremble in fear" of the Real God, "The Ancient of Days".
If we lose our lives to these poor demonic possessed souls, we will be resurrected to a far better life and life abundantly.
Accept Christ as your Savior, then repent Fozdyke and those of your ilk, if you have not yet become too reprobate if you want to save your lives to eternity! All your pride is like the grass that dies in the hot wind
Doug P said (May 7, 2021):
"They strive for goodness while we achieve greatness."
Where? They have replaced happiness with pleasure, wisdom with knowledge at every opportunity and have always called it The Good.
re "My God never lost faith in humanity and it behoves His adherents to give humanity what humanity wants."
Not to take advantage of an opportunity is a decision to these people. They have the power and the not to act is as much of an action as to act - in their twisted minds and twisted logic they equate these two things and have no allowance for humility. They believe they can direct humanity better than natural social evolution, which I think is foolish.
re " As a Satanist I live in the real, physical world and as a Magician I'm going to die on my feet - laughing my sick arse off."
He is already on his knees. Truly hypnotized by the serpent to believe that he is standing on his feet!
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
MK said (May 10, 2021):
Revelations Chapter 9
Says it's not going to end well for these Satanic child eating fucks.