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Results matching “freemasonry”


Henry H. Klein - Jewish Martyr Exposed Communist Control of the US

In his courageous defence of American patriots inthe WW2 sedition trials, Klein exposed the cancer that is devouring the world today. His defence of American patriots resulted in is being ostracized and probably killed by theJewish community and its government assets. Klein said: "Communists control not only our government but our

Feb 18 - Your Government Wants to Kill You

(Courtesy- Today's Snippets and Snappets) Connect the dots folks. They want to replace us with robots No aid for E Palestine from Biden or FEMA (until Trump announced his visit.) Crop land contaminated. Chicken farms and food plants suddenly burst into flames. Children having heart attacks. Normalization of euthanasia. That

God Wins (But We Must be His Instrument)

Picture Jacob Rothschild,  Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Tedros Adhanom, Angela Merkel, Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Macron and Fidelito Castro in the front row.  They will all be tried for crimes against humanity.Politicians, doctors, celebrities, professors, media publishers and pundits, judges, cops, preachers do not serve the public who pay their

Feb 7 - Casualties Mount from Cabalist Bioweapon

(left, Betsy Eads, MD)Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comAt Least 1 Billion Dead or Disabled from CV19 Bioweapon - Dr. Betsy Eads bioweapon vax truth warrior Dr. Betsy Eads warns of a "Tsunami of 'vaccine' deaths coming in the next two years."  The number of people dying and getting

Feb 6 - Fake World Will Get Fakier

Please send links and comments to DeepFake and AI will together fool EVERYONE Hollywood and the MSM have given us a false reality behind which the satanic Jews/ Masons carry out their Cabalist subversion of Western civilization undisturbed. How often do you see Freemasonry, Communism or Zionism portrayed

Prophetic! "Cabalists Will Enslave Mankind" -- Texe Marrs in 2018

"The plan of the Jews is to employ the tools of chaos magic --to use deception, lies, craft and magic --to obtain... the conquest of the Gentile world... and the establishment of a [satanic] Kingdom on earth. Thus the world will eventually be "mended" (repaired or restored) and "made perfect." Perfect for

Western Society Marinates in Masonic Corruption & Treason

24 Famous Canadians You Didn't Know Were Freemasons If you're wondering how civilized norms like democracy and free speech can collapse overnight, how a phony pandemic can lock down a country, how MDs and nurses can administer poisonous "vaccines" to healthy children, and do a dance, how police can club

Jan 14 - NeoCons Pressuring Biden to Invade Ukraine

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comNeo con Attorney General (((Merrick Garland))) ignores Biden's influence peddling in China and Ukraine. Instead he is using this trivial classified documents scandal to pressure Biden to invade Ukraine and start WW3.This is proof that Russia represents a mortal threat to the Rothschild

Benjamin Franklin- Freemason and Jewe

How do we reconcile this condemnation of Jewry with the fact that Springmeier says Franklin was a crypto Jew himself? How do we reconcile it with the fact that Freemasonry is Cabala Judaism for Gentiles? Could it be that Freemasonry is hiding behind the skirts of antisemitism and this is

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