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Results matching “freemasonry”


Makow- There's No Alternative to God have taught us to hate God. "God" has become a dirty word. I speak His name with hesitation. We're satanically possessed by Cabalists (Organized Jewry, and Freemasonry.) They have replaced Him and are creating a  dystopia more to their liking. In reply, we need to affirm God's Benevolent

Pope Said Freemasonry is Satanism

Left, Leo XIII (Pope from 1878-1903)Until Freemasons took over the Papacy, many Catholic popes condemned the cultas a mortal threat. In 1902, Pope Leo XIII said the aim of Freemasonry is "to exercise an occult  overlordship upon society; [its] sole raison d'etre is to wage war against God and His

June 20 - Is Tucker Part of a UFO Psy Op?

Please send links and comments to       "Watch Now Before they silence me."   Tucker Carlson -- Over a hundred US servicemen killed by UFO's that have landed on  military bases   Over the past 80 years there has been a huge increase in UFO sightings

Hugh Hefner & the (Homo) Sexual Revolution

PLAYBOY founder, Hugh Hefner,  died September 27, 2017.  No man has done more  to destroy family values  by making sex an end in itself.   While the PLAYBOY philosophy was touted as the height of masculinity,  it was really homosexual in essence.      Heterosexuals have families. Homosexuals have sex.   

Cabalist Jews are Their Own God ("Egregore")

        left, The Rothschild cartel is the sinister force behind modern dysfunction     Does the "egregore" explain the mysterious affinity shared by Illuminati (Satanist) Jews?   They are their own God or "Egregore."   They want us to live in their reality people are "hackable animals"

May 29 -- America's Corporations Spew Sickness

        Please send links and comments to       'Another Company needing Bud-Lighting': Outrage grows as Kohl's stores offer LGBTQ clothing for babies as the outlet is the latest to face backlash over woke merchandise   The struggling retailer is selling 'pride' onesies for

Freemasonry is a Homosexual Organization

(Left, Albert Pike 1809-1891) (I didn't write this article but  it inspired a "eureka" moment. Of course! This explains why so many politicians are gay, and why homosexuality and pederasty are being foisted on us. Why the UK elite is both Masonic and gay. Why phallic obelisks are everywhere. 

May 26 - DeSantis Stomps on Trump's Achille's Heel

left, Fauci enabler- Jewish Freemason traitor, Donald Trump     Please send links and comments to       DeSantis claims Trump handed US over to Fauci and ‘destroyed millions of lives’     DeSantis hits Biden over COVID-19 vaccine mandates with ‘Warp Speed’ play   Florida Gov.

Roll Call of Freemason Traitors Includes Hitler & Putin

Want to succeed? Just join a satanic secret society devoted to destroying your fellow citizens and civilization.     Ex-Mason, Childs, states in the video that the following list of (secret) Masons is just “tip of the iceberg.”     Here is the video.  Here is my article-"Humanity is being

May 17 - Laptop Cover Up is "Election Interference" - Musk

    Please send links and comments to     I never thought I'd see the day when the MSM was completely Communist (or Zionist) controlled and purveyors of the truth have to beg for donations.       Elon Musk defends Freedom of Speech       Musk

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