Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe WEF is a proxy for the Rothschild world central banking cartel. Klaws Swab is the face of the WEF. He is worried that he has revealed that our democratic leaders are his agents, and we might oppose them. He seems surprised that his
Results matching “freemasonry”
The Hoyer Memorandum suggests that Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews were complicit in planning the extermination of their fellow Jews. The purpose was to trauma-brainwash Jews to believe they needed "a homeland" of their own when thanks to Freemasonry, they dominated every country they inhabited. "My Jews knew full well, what world Jewry had in store for them and they were send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comOrganized Jewry (Rothschilds) and its bumboy, Freemasonry, continue to divide the populations of the West and plot its destruction. These Satanists are determined to stamp out any vestige of Christianity, sanity, and goodness. We are in for a rough ride that will test our
Vladimir Putin, Russia's president, left, shakes hands with Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Greece's president, at the presidential palace in Athens, Greece, May 27, 2016.Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe red string worn around the wrist is the most recognizable sign of the satanic Kabbalah movement. It's often worn on the
WEF mouthpiece Yuval Harari says artificial intelligence will make people redundant but he really means the goyim. Jewish jokes suggest many of the "Chosen" have always regarded the goyim as squatters. (Most Jews are assimilated and don't hold these views.) The goyim have gladly volunteered to collaborate in their own
Left-Mr. Garnet Harper, a husband and father of five young children, who died on May 22, 2023; he was 35 years old...Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comDenying healthcare to the unvaccinatedPhysicians Choosing Death for Their PatientsThe Stories of Sheila Annette Lewis, Garnet Harper, and Many Others, Candidate Baber
We can't even acknowledge the calamity that has befallen mankind without being "politically incorrect," an old Communist Party termnow in mainstream use. It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment a century ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time.In July 1920, the staid Tory newspaper, The Morning
Are We Being Played? The Academy of Divine Knowledge appears to be a Masonic organization whose teachers and associates include prominent anti-vaxers David Icke, Judy Mikovits, Del Bigtree, Alec Zeck, Dr. Christiane Northrup, Dr. Carrie Madej, and RFK Jr. see Makow comment below the article. After this article appeared, they took their
(Oscar Wilde's obsession with an older Lord Alfred Douglas, here aged eight, proved to be his downfall)"The fish rots from the head." Greek saying.British Upper Class was homosexualized while boarding at a fee-paying, so-called "public school", a unique institution of English origin,where pubescent upper-class boys were subjected to five years of
Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThere will be hell to pay when people realize that Organized Jewry (WEF) and Freemasonry are responsible for the murder and maiming of millions of people. This may be why they are keying up for another world war.Died Suddenly on VACATION - Collapsing on