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Results matching “feminism”


Dear Mr. Makow: I enjoy

Dear Mr. Makow: I enjoy reading your contributions. I'm curious as to your opinion regarding how long until the nw odor brings about the economic collapse? I'm trying to get my business together now. I'm trying to decide whether to invest in a business developing a property, which can provide

Dear Henry, I will

Dear Henry, I will make this short and simple. Feminism or "Gender Bias" is alive and well in Family Law courts. It is so alive that it is repulsive and drive fathers in a grave, literally. I have 3 father friends die in about 2 years, another had a

If all sides of an

If all sides of an issue is not looked upon and taken into consideration. I can only say, that in this case, it gives validity to feminism. Also I feel very sorry for the comments from some males, who feel themselves being victims. Again, if they from the start of

Hi Henry, We have corresponded

Hi Henry, We have corresponded before. Regarding your recent article about the young woman at the college campus and the spread of feminism as a biological weapon. I recently resigned from the UNC system, sick and tired of the liberal and dumbed down agendas at that institution. Women's issues are

Henry, I just read your

Henry, I just read your article dated April 25. I guess I'm a little slow getting around. I want to thank you for your fine contributions to the cause of discovering the truth of our plight. I read of your experience and I feel it speaks for me in many

Time for a Change of Pace

It's springtime! Since 2001, I have written over 100 articles almost one a week. They were driven by a compulsive desire to understand the invisible forces controlling the world, and by a wish to share this knowledge. Lately this compulsion has abated. I have satisfied this desire to a

Hey, I'm what you would

Hey, I'm what you would probably call a conservative 20 year old Catholic. I agree with your anti-feminist writings. It's so true. I have a Chinese girlfriend of 21 and they (the Chinese) are just sooo different. This girl is smart (doing a Uni course and looking to set up

Professor, I just read one

Professor, I just read one of the articles on your website that attacks feminism. I am a 3rd year English student at the University of Guelph and I really wish the things you talk about there would make its way into the ciruculum. I've seen way too much "Women are

Dear Dr. Henry- Your site

Dear Dr. Henry- Your site is cool, funky, weird and deeply disturbing. I'm glad I discovered it! I have particularly enjoyed your articles on feminism and the NWO. Just so you know, I'm a 40 year old black man, raised as an army brat. My profession is that of local

A Young Feminist's Lament

Last week, a young feminist mentioned my web site in her web journal. A traditional woman recommended it to a friend who told her about it. "It seems to be a bunch of paranoid, ranting conspiracy theories about feminism and communism." This didn't faze her. What bothered her was

Dear Henry, I love your

Dear Henry, I love your website!!!! Your views about marriage are right on the money. My husband and I have a wonderful marriage because I finally learned what my true role was as a wife. I took a while but when I finally just let go and trusted him our

Hi Henry, I really have

Hi Henry, I really have been enjoying the great articles you've posted on Save the Males. Your insights are right on and so focused, especially when dealing with feminism relationship issues. God I wish that I could get together with like minded people and discuss these things, I live in

Americans are Rothschild Proxies in Iraq

Americans are serving alien interests and values in Iraq. They are advancing the Rothschilds' program of world dictatorship as outlined in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. These Lucifer-loving bankers and their confederates would like you to believe the Protocols is a forgery. It is not. It is

Looking to Dogs for Family

"People used to get dogs for their children," my wife observed. "Now they get dogs instead of children." "Instead of husbands and wives as well," I added. Marriage and family have been sabotaged by feminist social engineering. Even Ken and Barbie have not been spared. People are turning to

The Male Fallout from Feminism

Martha Kirkland is a "happy but poor" 30-something NYC artist who laments that she is dateless despite being "bright, thin, attractive, funny" and traditional. In an email, she writes that she and many women friends "all possess certain idealism about the very distinct differences between men and women and applaud

Mr. Makow, I've just been

Mr. Makow, I've just been browsing your website, and I thought I'd share some thoughts. My wife and I started out our relationship as liberated, independent young adults in the media-inspired way. Coming of age in the 1970's as we did, that was almost universal. Both of us rejected organized

Henry, I would LOVE IT

Henry, I would LOVE IT if men would step up to the plate, and support me. That way, I could stay home, and be the "helpmate" I was designed to be. I would love to keep the house in order, cook scrumptuous meals, be the "neighborhood Mom", and have all

Dear friend: It has been

Dear friend: It has been a pleasant surprise to see some of your articles in the Lutheran weekly CHRISTIAN NEWS, which I regularly receive. That means that your intelligent, courageous and pungent articles are drawing many people's attention, which is excellent news. Besides, the mere fact that you are able

Did Rothschild Write The Protocols of Zion ?

by Henry Makow Ph.D.Many people think "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is anti Semitic "hate literature" and a fraud. Nobel Prize winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits "the mind of genius." Pretty good for a hoax, wouldn't you say? Solzhenitsyn said it exhibits "great strength

"Sexual Liberation" is Anti-Woman

An item in a story on blind dates in a local university newspaper caught my eye. The young female author advised girls to bring "protection" on the date, "just in case." The blithe notion that a girl might jump into bed with a stranger on a first date shows how

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