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Results matching “feminism”


Slut Pride: Mainstreaming Casual Sex

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. A spate of new books exhorts women to overcome their inhibitions about having casual sex. Typical is "Happy Hook-Up: A Single Girl's Guide to Casual Sex" which counsels women to proudly embrace the labels "whore" and "slut." It has been excerpted on Feminist authors Alexa

Bankers Are Behind The "Counter" Culture

By Henry Makow Ph.D. We assume large corporations have economic objectives. But we don't expect them to have a secret social and occult agenda as well. For example, we don't expect them to engineer arrested development and family breakdown. We don't expect them to use pop culture to foster alienation

Confessions of a "Crackpot"

Because of my article "Sexual Liberation is Illuminati Subversion," last week, I was called a "whack job" on several webblogs. "This man is a lunatic. He seems to be highly anti-feminist, anti-women, anti-Jewish and anti-sex...a pitiable case of self-hatred. When intellectual people go off the rails, it's truly a majestic

Is the New World Order "Jewish"?

Let's begin by defining the "New World Order." The mainspring of the New World Order is the desire on the part of the world's central bankers to translate their vast economic power into permanent global institutions of political and social control. Their power is based on their monopoly over credit.

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