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Results matching “feminism”


My Satanist College Roommate

(not Rachel) Personal contacts with Illuminati My college roommate--whom I agreed to room with without knowing her well--was a programmed SRA survivor whose programming had "gone bad""As we became confidantes, she confided in me that SHE AND HER FATHER WERE LOVERS. AND THEY BOTH LIKED IT. "by "Sheila" When I was a junior

The Rockefellers Alienated Women from Men

Feminism is an excellent example of how the central banking cartel uses the awesome power of the mass media  (i.e. propaganda.) to brainwash women.  In 50 short years, many women have been taught to fear and distrust men. They have lost touch with their natural loving instincts. Consequently, the family is in disarray, sexual depravity is rampant and birth

"Adam's Rib": Cabalist-Gay Subversion Has Deep Roots

Cabalist Jews have been sabotaging gender relationsfor a long time. "Adam's Rib" (1949) taught that "man is evil and weak, and woman is strong and virtuous, so women don't need men".Hollywood has always been dedicated to social engineering andbrainwashing - inducting society into the Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish cult.Society is unaware that Masonic Jews (Communists) and

Makow Epiphany -- I am an Egotistical Person

(left, not Pat) The recent death of an acquaintance due to cancer made me ask, "why couldn't I have been her friend?"  Pat Xavier is her real name. This article commemorates Henry Makow PhDMarijuana is legal in Canada. It gets me out of my ego. Last night, I had an epiphany: I

Why Do the Illuminati Promote Sexual Dysfunction?

(left, Former Israeli PM Ehud Barack lurking outside Epstein's home where teenage girls come and go.) You'd think that successful and powerful men like Ehud Barack would be ableto attract a suitable spouse to satisfy their sexual needs instead of boinking teenage girls.Apart from the morality of exploiting vulnerable girls, it

Satanists Use Women to Destroy Western Civilization

(Female fashion shows the downward trajectory of Western culture)Culture is based on the expression of spiritual ideals like beauty, truth, love, and justice. Western civilization was founded on Christian ideals. In Chicago in 1912, a woman could be fined for showing too much leg, smoking cigarettes or using profanity. We had a culture that consecrated women for

The Conspiracy Against Women

Women are submerged in a toxic online stew that fosters feelings of Grievance and Entitlement.Men confront this resentment everyday as the Illuminati seek to cuckold them, destroy marriagesand foster lesbianism. by Henry Makow PhDMy wife sent this link to an article and podcast with Caroline Criado Perez, author of "Invisible Women - Data Bias

Goyim! The Cabalists are Gaslighting You

(left, Ben Garrison's brilliant tableau entitled"Cultural Marxism." The spider is George Soros.) God is ultimate reality. Mankind is inflicted by a cancer called Cabalism (Satanism.)  Its goal is to supplant God and redefine reality according to its interests and perversions. Thus it must sever our ties with truth by making us question

Women Have Become Time Bombs

In 1934, a young, Oxford-educated ethnologist, Joseph Daniel Unwin (1895-1936), published a book 'Sex & Culture' which concluded that throughout history societies destroyed themselves by adopting feminism and "sexual liberation."   "Sexual licence amongst males, is bad, Unwin found, but sexual licence for women blows up the whole social edifice rather quickly." 

Nature Doesn't Give Rain Checks to Women

I have a lilac bush in front of my house. It looked like this.For ten days.Now there is not a single blossom left.The moral of the story is that, despite our hedonistic proclivities,sex appeal is tied to fertility and procreation. Women have about ten yearsto attract a mate and

Harry Hay - The Communist Roots of Gay Pride

(left, Harry Hay, the father of Gay Rights, 1912-2002) A plank of the Communist Manifesto (1848) called for the formation of a Rothschild central bank,not bad for a "proletarian" movement.  Like a snake shedding its skin, every country with a Rothschild bankis being inducted into a Cabalist Jewish satanic cult. (This

"Goy Bashing" - The Liberal Legacy of Hate

(left. Dick Wolf, Producer or the Law & Order Series.) For more than 70 years, the Liberal Jewish-controlled media have relentlessly attacked traditional American values. It must answer for the destruction of the social fabric due to its promotion of feminism, sexual dissipation (aka "liberation") abortion and homosexuality. I am

Nearly Everything is Mind Control

"You don't know the power of your own mind. It might not be under your control and the thoughts you have may not be your thoughts. You can take control of your own mind once you realize what is being done to you through mind control."(Makow- The central bankers want

America's Enemy is Talmudism, not Islam- Michael Hoffman

The West has been taken under by the Illuminati,a Cabalist (satanic) Jewish death cult dedicated to our destruction. A measure of its power is that it has convinced us that Islam, not them, isour enemy.  Politics and current events are noisy distractions from the activities of this criminal occult secret world government to increase their

The Feminist Formula for Killing Love

A woman's love for a man is expressed as trust. By attacking this trust, feminists kill love. Masculinity is defined by Power. Femininity is defined by Love. Heterosexual marriage involves the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. This requires "trust."from July 25, 2017by Henry Makow PhDI

Events Prove Protocols of Zion Authentic

(Is it a coincidence that these professors look Jewish and are reading Marx?)There is a direct link between the plans outlined over 100 years ago in the Protocols of Zion and the destruction of higher learning and religion in the West today.This is the fourth and final part (16-24) in a Synopsis of The Protocols of

Is Abortion a "Jewish Thing"?

Unexpectedly, the final battle of the NWO may come downto abortion or the sacredness of human life. The NWO ultimately is about the destruction of Christianity by Cabalist Judaism.Most Jews don't know this. Cabalist Judaism is not a religion but a satanic cult in which the "Jewish people" are God. In practice,

Excuse Me, Gay is Not Good

Charles W. Socarides, M.D., (1922-2005) was clinical professor of psychiatry at Albert Einstein College of Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center in New York. Over four decades, he treated hundreds of gays and helped about 33% return to heterosexuality.In honor of June, "gay pride month," I present the second part of "How America

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