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Results matching “freemasonry”


Ontario Schools Begin Masonic Child Sex Abuse

Left, Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, a Freemason, makesthe sign of horus (666) as he prepares to corrupt the province's youth. This man should be arrested.McGuinty is introducing clubs that foster homosexuality in all schools.There is a thin line between the acceptance of  homosexuality in theory and in practice.   Related:

America is Freemasonry's "New Atlantis"

The United States of America has never been a country in its own right.  It was established by British Freemasonry to perpetuate the deception of 'freedom for the people.'  by John Hamer(Edited & abridged from his book by thousand five hundred years ago, the Greek philosopher Plato described Atlantis as

"Women Don't Need Men"

"It's going to take some time to work things out. Meantime, women such as Magdalena Hinojosa (left) still find it hard to get a date."The "empowerment" of women was social engineering not social change. It was designed to make them seek career instead of family. They were told they could "have it all" but for most, that

Illuminati Inflict Biblical Plagues on Thailand

Thailand's Fukushima? In 2011, dam water was deliberately released causing widespread flooding in Thailand. The writer believes that the intention was to increase poverty and unemployment. By  Semper Castleton   ( can really sense local peoples' anxiety and uncertainty in the Land of Smiles,  aka Thailand, formerly Siam . The world

Putin's Russia -- Illuminati Controlled & Corrupt

In the wake of Putin's March 4 election victory, we reprise a Muscovite's clear-sighted argument that Putin is merely a front man for the Illuminati-controlled KGB.  Latest Links: -  Medvedev, Goldman Sachs chief discuss investment - Bankers positive on Putin's returnBy "Sonja"(from Nov.11 2009)People in the West see

Robin Hood Fought Cabalist Control of Britain

William Wallace (who died in 1305) fought Knights Templar who were responsible for the growth of Scottish Rite Freemasonry. The Templars were apostate Catholics who had joined forces with Cabbalist Jews. They were the seedbed for both the English and Scottish Protestant Reformations.  by Tony Cooper (for Tony is

David Icke Forgot Who He Is

David Icke is so busy reminding us who we are, ("Love, God is Love") he has forgotten who he is. That makes him a hypocrite. by Henry Makow Ph.D.David Icke's readers can tell the difference between right and wrong, but apparently David can't. He has kicked me off his site for

Libertarian Role in Christian Subversion

(Gary North, left) Libertarianism and related movements are trying to make Christians compromise their principlesA Response To Gary North North's Christian Dominionism idea is eerily similar to the Novus Ordo Seclorum movement, except of course it puts an overtly theocratic spin on it. It is no surprise then that Mr.

The Satanic Core of Libertarianism

(left, Bernard de Mandeville, the Satanist who inspired Libertarianism and Austrian economics)Satanism defines man by carnal rather than spiritual desires,  "liberating" the former and crushing the latter.  De Mandeville's Fable of the Bees demonstrates that Libertarianism is rooted in Satanist dogma. Libertarianism is part of the Illuminati Dialectic with Communism:

The "Catholic" Wing of Libertarianism

(left, Ignatius Loyala, the Marrano Jew who founded the Jesuit Order.) The Jesuits were never true Catholics. Jesuits are part of a long-term Illuminati Jewish plot to infiltrate and subvert Catholicism from within, even though most Jesuits are probably not aware of it. Indeed, Lew Rockwell is right: the Salamancan

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