"Russia Today" is an Illuminati Proxy
September 6, 2012

Annals of False Opposition
RT portrays a conflict between Russia and the West, or Left and Right, when in reality it's a Punch & Judy show. They are all puppets of the Judeo Masonic Banking cartel.
The Kremlin-funded propaganda channel Russia Today indicates that Russia itself is an Illuminati proxy. The station promotes CIA assets and Co-Intel operations.
Russia Today is an English language channel that is widely available in Western countries. It is a regular feature on American satellite packages and is included on Freeview, the digital terrestrial network in Britain that reaches 55 of the country's 70 million people.
RT is aimed at people who distrust the mainstream media. The majority of coverage is devoted to opposition to Western crimes. This entails a broad range of issues, from the American wars to the emerging police state, the democratic deficit to bank fraud. The coverage has struck a chord with people: the Russia Today YouTube channel was the first to reach 500 million views.

A Google search for 'RT Freemasonry' brings up only two matches. 'RT central banking cartel' - no matches. The same bankers who run the Fed run the Russian Central Bank.
A large portion of the people given airtime are sincere activists who spend a great deal of time and energy running their own websites. They are selected because they fit into the station's paradigm and don't talk about the New World Order.
There is however a more sinister side to the station: a concerted effort to promote counter-intelligence.
RT promotes psy ops, fake protest movements and intelligence assets. This reveals that Russia's External Intelligence Service (SVR) collaborates with the CIA to advance the NWO. The KGB is an Illuminati instrument and works closely with the CIA.
Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov revealed that 85% of KGB activity was the promotion of communism (aka liberalism) in America. The CIA promoted the very same movements, e.g. feminist-icon Gloria Steinham received CIA funding.
These collaborative projects are still ongoing.

Occupy is false opposition, a left-wing version of the Tea Party, featuring communists, hippies, anarchists, and socialists spouting vague slogans. George Soros funds seven of the main groups in New York to the tune of $3.5 million. These groups have been calling for pro-NWO policies. Adbusters, the anti-capitalist group that initiated the movement, call for a global carbon tax!
Soros has ties with the Russian power elite dating back to the late 80s. He worked with the Gorbachev regime to engineer glasnost: the liberalization movement that was designed to bring down the Soviet Union.
Glasnost (Eng: openness) was the loosening of censorship in the Soviet Union, which allowed the media to expose and mock the government. The social actors of glasnost - journalists, historians, artists' -were trained at The Cultural Initiative Foundation formed by George Soros in Moscow in 1987.
Soros crony Mikhail Gorbachev recently came out in support of OWS, describing it as the start of the American perestroika (Eng: restructuring) that will help bring forth a 'New World Order'!

Wikileaks is a 'left CIA' psyop: Webster Tarpley has revealed that the most incriminating revelations found in the Wikileaks data dumps were directed against CIA enemies with the intention to foster color revolutions.
Assange used his show on RT to promote Tunisian President Marcef Marzouki, who recently came to power via a CIA-backed color revolution. He also did an interview with Abram Ibrahim, the head of the CIA-backed pro-democracy movement in Malaysia.
One episode was a round table discussion featuring Assange and the main organizers of Occupy. Why is RT promoting a left-CIA operative?
Bill Ayers - RT has conducted multiple interviews with Bill Ayers.
Despite obviously being an intelligence asset, RT portrays Ayers as a sincere activist who cares deeply about the American people! In his most recent interview with the station, Ayers lauds Occupy as a democratic awakening in America.

During the interview Webb mentions that his troops are on the group at Occupy, which raises the possibility that the SVR are actively involved in the protests.

United Nations Propaganda Film - RT recently broadcast an anti-gun documentary titled Gun Fight! focusing on gun murders in America. It was made exclusively for the channel by two-time Oscar winner Barbara Kopple. It was broadcast on July 25th, designed to chime with the UN Small Arms Treaty that was being put to a vote at the same time. This is evidence that Russia works to forward the internationalist agenda.
Russia Today is evidence that Russia has remained an Illuminati proxy since the fall of the Soviet Union.
Related - Russia cuts off support to
Syria http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/
Bezmenov - https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Steinham CIA - https://www.savethemales.ca/
Soros funds occupy - http://newsbusters.org/blogs/
Soros - I engineering Glasnost - http://www.nybooks.com/
Gorbachev back Occupy - http://vigilantcitizen.com/
Webster Tarpley exposes Julian Assnage - http://theintelhub.com/2011/
Bill Ayers worked for the FBI - Ayers - http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/
Gorbachev is a Freemason - http://forum.prisonplanet.com/
Gorbachev wants Putin out - http://www.independent.co.uk/
Shane said (September 8, 2012):
Max Keiser is about the best of a bad bunch on RT, but even he promotes the bogus theory of man-made global warming. I also heard him speaking up for Planned Parenthood while he was interviewing the vile Roseanne Barr, who he seems to get along well with.