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Results matching “freemasonry”


Japan is Dying

Robots may be needed to replace Japan's dying population. A 5ft-tall humanoid robot, (center) sings and dances with performers at the Digital Contents Expo in Tokyo last year. Video here.A breakdown of male-female relations in Japan may not augur well for the rest of the Aspen( Asia has long

A Guide to Casual Sex

left,  Hollywood social engineers give casual sex a big "OK," which incidentally is a Masonic sign redolent of the Eye of Horus. Friends With Benefits grossed $150 million worldwide."Studies" are skewed to normalize self-destructive behavior. The perennial Luciferian (i.e. Communist) goal is the abolition of marriage and family through promiscuity and

Psychedelics - Masonic Attack on Christianity?

"The ultimate goal of the powers-that-be in terms of psychedelic research may be to create a type of "spirituality" where even mystical experiences that are valid on a certain level will serve to establish their control. They want to own everything--even mysticism, even spiritual aspiration, even God."Editor's Note: Charles Upton

Freemason Sponsors Drag "Miss America"

 MISS GAY AMERICA is the pet project of a Freemason Norman Jones, left. His alter ego Norma Christie, was crowned the first Miss Gay America in 1973.The negation of gender differences is  characteristic of the satanism grippinghumanity. Gay drag queen contests are occult rituals.   by David Richards( Each year,

Perverse Masonic Initiations Pervade Society

Initiation rituals like hazing are Masonic and satanic in origin and compromise, intimidate and blackmail the victim. They also establish a tacit Masonic pecking David Richards( the Illuminati tighten their grip on humanity, we increasingly resemble them.We are becoming more inhumane by the generation. A telling example is the

The Illuminati Mentality

It's not that they're so brilliant. On the contrary. The mediocre are attracted because they can't make it on the their talent and drive alone. They must sell their soul to gain an advantage. by Richard Evans("For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against

Was Pope Paul VI Replaced by an Impostor?

Paul VI, b.1897, reigned as Pope of the Catholic Church from 1963 until his death in 1978. However, many devout Catholics believe the real Pope was replaced by an impostor. by John Hubbard( In 1973, the Marian Press, Georgetown, Ontario, Canada sent the Pinkerton Detective Agency to Rome to investigate

Sordid Circumstances of Obama's Birth

Was Obama Birth Planned by Illuminati?  by Cliff Shack( has been much hullabaloo over President Obama's birth certificate. Obama's parentage also came into question after Frank Marshall Davis was identified as his "mentor"  in Obama's memoir, Dreams from My Father. Frank Marshall Davis (1905-1987) was a black poet, Communist activist

Androgynous Future for "Goys" ?

Is there deeper significance in Christening bio engineered androgynous goats, "goys."?by Henry Makow Ph.D.The New Zealand government's bio engineering facility, AgResearch, has succeeded in genetically engineering androgynous goats. This expertise could give the Illuminati the means to neuter mankind and take control of reproduction.Ominously, they have dubbed the androgynous goats

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