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Results matching “freemasonry”


April 15- Klaws Swab, 86, Hospitalized

We hope he was vaccinated!Seems to me that if Iran were a true ally of the Palestinian people, they would not have waited until Israel blew up their embassy in Damascus to launch a missile strike against military and economic targets. Anyone who condones Israeli genocide in Gaza is
Organized Jewry, with its absurd notion that Jews are God's Chosen People, when many are Satan's, is responsible for destroying the human experiment. Cabalist Judaism (Freemasonry) is a satanic cultmasquerading as a religion. Organized Jewry and its lickspittal Gentile Freemasonry are behind the Plandemic, "vaccines," Gaza, Ukraine, Migration, gender dysphoria and cancel

April 14 - Did Iran Stand Down?

Iran tells Israel it is a Paper TigerIsrael claims it shot down all of the Iranian drones and missiles. Iran not anticipate this?It seems this was just a token response. Did Iran coolly refuse to take Satanyahu's bait? They told the US their response would be "limited"  and Biden told Bibi

April 12 - What Cognitive Dissonance Looks Like

This was the official logo of the 2020 Democratic Party Convention that nominated Biden. "Death" (Satanic Star of Baphomet) to America. For once, a politician keeps his promise and no one notices.Please send links and comments to In the two years since I have had this logo posted on my

April 9 - Man Dies, Goes to Heaven, Meets God

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comIf you open your mind and heart, this video could change your life! Petro drowned in a lake for 15 minutes two days before his high school graduation in 1955. At the bottom of the lake, he heard a voice telling him to

April 2- The West is Having a Nervous Breakdown

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comSen. Tuberville on Joe Biden's Easter Blasphemy: "Democrats Are a Satanic Cult" mainstream is awakening to the truth. Western society has been subverted by satanist Jews and Freemasons. Every social institution and corporation has been taken over and dedicated to woke insanity. We gave

March 25 - NWO Hinges On Ukraine

(Klaws Swab bumboy Yuval Harari) This interview suggests that Russia does represent a genuine challenge to the NWO.  In the larger picture, the world war may be a charade between two factions of Freemasonry, (Zio-Nazism and Communism.) Nevertheless, NATO is the aggressor. A Russian victory "would end the global order," says Yuval Noah

Wolfgang Eggert - Zionists are Behind Moscow Terror Attack

World War Three is a replay of WW2 with the Right & Left wingsof Freemasonry fighting each other. Israel and the Zionist West is reprising the Nazis (Israeli gov't is racist & genocidal, Ukraine fosters Nazism) while Freemasons in Russia, China, Iran, radical Islam and the BRICS assume the Communist role. German historian Wolfgang Eggert

Covid, Ukraine, Gaza, the Devil & the Jews

  Rabbi Trachtenberg's 1983 book on the Medieval conception of Jews reveals the scale and continuity of the Cabalist (Masonic) Jewish Conspiracy.      Rabbi Trachtenberg writes that since the 1200's AD, Christians have feared:    "A terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour

Donald Trump is in Cahoots With Joe Biden

How DJT Lost the White HouseTextDonald Trump Is an Actor in a Political Reality ShowHe had a clear path to overturn the rigged election, and he didn't take it.  Zionism and Communists are the right and left wings of Jewish Freemasonry.   The role of Zionists like Trump and Bolsonaro

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