Nov 21 - The Consequences of Living a Lie
November 21, 2024

The consequences of living a lie and ignoring the truth is that we will be destroyed.
The sheeple have been lulled to sleep. They are going to have a rude awakening.
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At 1.30 min, Col. Douglas Macgregor says Russian nuclear strike forces are at highest state of alert.
"Ukraine Becoming a Global War" - Putin
"The people, and even their governments shall be as children, under age."
Protocols of Zion 15
We are children trapped in a mental prison forbidden to name the malady that ails us.
We are satanically possessed by Organized Jewry and their Gentile flunkies Freemasonry who pilfered our national credit cards.
The wars in Israel and Ukraine are charades designed to depopulate and destroy civilization. Destruction is the end game. Freemasons control both sides of both conflicts. Do you think Israel can subjugate more than 150 million Muslims? Ukraine can defeat Russia? No. The goal is destruction for its own sake.
What's at stake here-- Mankind may be the highest form of life in the universe. This is a frightening thought and a heavy responsibility. We are a tipping point. We are entering a new Dark Age. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanism.
Jesus Christ's message is we are all potentially Jesus Christ. We all have a spark of the Divine in our soul.
God is the Moral Order - Love - Perfection -- spiritual absolutes- Truth, Goodness, Justice, Beauty.
"Be ye therefore perfect as your father who art in heaven is perfect." Matt 5:48
God is Consciousness, a dimension in which the spiritual ideals named above are self-evident.
We must be God's agents or we will miss our Divine Rendezvous. We were put to earth to enact God's Plan. Organized Jewry is here to subvert it.
Recent events show that people are feckless and don't want to know the truth. "Patriots" who fail to condemn Israeli genocide are false opposition.
Wars and pandemics are being orchestrated to kill or enslave us.

Proof Israel was complicit in the Oct 7 attack. Pretext for genocide.
Report: Netanyahu looking to ban formation of state committee of inquiry into Oct. 7
Draft legislation said to propose establishing political committee to probe Hamas atrocities, would outlaw any other body from investigating failures that led to devastating attack
Ukraine's military says Russia launched intercontinental ballistic missile in the morning
Russian ICBM strike on Dnipro city. ICBMs split mid flight into multiple warheads to be harder to intercept.
Edward Dowd : "It Was the Greatest Crime I've Ever Seen, Greatest Fraud Ever Perpetrated on a Populace"

Former Left-Wing German Journalist: 'The Ideology of Diversity is Killing Our Country'
"Under the term 'diversity,' there is almost zero controlled immigration of qualified, hard-working people, but almost exclusively an invasion from illiterate, Islamist Stone Age cultures."
In a fiery denunciation of Germany's current left-wing immigration policies and their societal impact, Julian Reichelt, former editor-in-chief of Bild, has emerged as one of the most prominent critics of multiculturalism. Speaking via his YouTube channel, Achtung Reichelt!, he delivered a scathing critique of what he calls the "ideology of diversity" in the wake of the mass Islamic stabbing attack in Solingen on August 23, 2024, where three people were killed and eight injured, accompanied by the Syrian migrant's cries of "Allahu Akhbar."
German military readying for NEW WAR with Russia, classified document reveals
A secret document called "Operation Plan Germany" has gone public, showing that the Bundeswehr, Germany's armed forces, is preparing for a new war with Russia.
The Bundeswehr launched a nationwide initiative to train German businesses in how to prepare for the coming crisis, which sounds as though it will become a full-scale military escalation between Germany and Russia. The 1,000-page document outlines strategic steps that Germany can take to defend its critical infrastructure and maintain its national security amid rising tensions with Moscow over the situation in Ukraine. Germany is going to try to bolster its economic resilience as part of the plan, which is a tall order considering the economic powerhouse of Europe no longer has access to cheap and abundant energy from Russia.
Netanyahu leaked video: "America is something that you can easily maneuver and move in the right direction. And even if they say something So then they say something, so what? 80 percent of Americans support us. It's absurd." 2001.

Zionist Nationalist Leaders Unite to Reclaim Sovereignty, Preserve Tradition, and Save Their Homelands as Santiago Abascal Heads Patriots for Europe (Video)
"We can already feel the wind of change sweeping across the West. The good must unite because the Europe of Patriots must be great, prosperous, safe, and free again," declared Santiago Abascal, newly elected leader of Patriots for Europe.
On November 16, 2024, the Patriots for Europe Political Assembly convened in Paris, marking a historic milestone for the nationalist movement across the continent. This coalition of conservative and sovereigntist political parties is united by a shared mission: to preserve national sovereignty, uphold traditional values, and oppose the overreach of globalist policies. The assembly culminated in the groundbreaking election of Santiago Abascal, leader of Spain's VOX party, as chairman--a decisive step toward consolidating nationalist forces across Europe.
"We can already feel the wind of change sweeping across the West. The good must unite because the Europe of Patriots must be great, prosperous, safe, and free again," declared Santiago Abascal, newly elected leader of Patriots for Europe.
Jim Stone -- Russia uses new ICBM against Ukraine
West Island mayors say 'far-right' extremist influenced Montreal's decision to stop fluoridating water
Backlash grows in posh Kanata, Ottawa over proposed asylum-seeker shelters
Ottawa's plan to build shelters for single male asylum seekers in Kanata and Nepean is facing growing opposition from local residents, who are calling for greater transparency from city officials.
A naive view from Israel Shamir who doesn't understand Freemasonry or Communism
Russia After Trump's Victory
Russia has weathered NATO's war in the Ukraine without breaking a sweat. Meanwhile, it watched as major cities in the US and the UK were wracked with "mostly peaceful" left-wing violence, largely led by Jewish organizations like Black Lives Matter. To Russians, Trump's victory means an end to progressive violence in America, and perhaps abroad as well. We will see! This is an exciting time to be alive for thinking commentators. So many nuances to be explored, so carefully ignored by the mainstream media. Dynamic silence has never been so full of holes.