This is a picture of the Czech actress Lida Baarova (1914-2000). For two years she was the mistress of Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of Propaganda. I thought of the article below about Marilyn Monroe after watching an interview in which Baarova described her relationship with Goebbels. Despite the
Results matching “cabala”
(Wearing their ceremonial Mesoamerican prayer shawls, Pelosi & Co take the knee for Count Floyd)Reality itself is under assault. If the world resembles a bad sci-fi movie,that's because it is one.Cabalists (Satanists) "create their own reality"and IMPOSE IT ON US. We are extras in a moviewritten, directed and produced by
The Cabala (Satanism) is the Ideology of the IlluminatiThe "antisemitism" smear diverts attentionfrom the grim reality - the hate actually emanates fromCabalist Jews and their Freemason agents in the form of a simultaneous attack on our gender, racial, religious and national identity. This hate now finds expression in the pandemic psy op
E. Michael Jones, left, is the foremost Catholic thinker of our time. Humanity has terminal cancer. We cannot fight this disease if we cannot diagnose it. We have been inducted into a satanic cult, Cabalist Judaism (Communism.) Satanic cults control and exploit their members by corrupting and making them sick,
This is the URL for the video. (A man encounters an affable old acquaintance and invites him home. His wife heard that he died three years ago. She stabs the evil dybbuk in the heart. He does not bleed; he is already dead. Details below introduction.)We can shut our eyes
The COVID HOAX was never about the "virus", which never even existed; it was always about frightening goyim-gentiles into taking the Zionist COVID-Lethal-Injection (ZCLI). (Disclaimer- This plan can be termed Communist, Satanist, Cabalist, Masonic as well as Zionist.)In 2020, Karl Schwab stated that a "cyber-attack" will soon happen that will cause
(Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner represents a threat to civilization)Humanity faces another catastrophic world war due to the hatred Cabalist Jews (and their Masonic minions) feel for mankind.These Cabalist Jews are organized in a sect called Chabad which controls Donald Trump through his membership in Freemasonry and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. According to
The Coen Brothers' brilliant 2009 movie, A Serious Man, showed the bankruptcy of Judaism as a religion. (See my review below.) Until now, I didn't understand the intriguing Yiddish fable at the beginning of the film. A Dybbuk is a malevolent spirit of a deceased person who wanders the world spreading evil. In the fable,
(left, Ontario's Satanist Premier, Doug Ford) Having banished mention of God in polite society, humanity is being inducted into a satanic cult that uses deception, intimidation, and coercion to control.C.J. Hopkins writes, a hallmark of totalitarianism is "mass conformity to a psychotic & totally delusional official narrative." This is typical occult behavior. Satanic cults control and
600 Jewish groups take an ad in the New York Times to express support forCommunist BLM movement The NWO is Communist (Satanist) world hegemony. Revealing quotes link Communism to Cabalist Judaism and The Protocols of Zion."Communism is not [and never was] a creation of the masses to overthrow the Banking establishment, but rather