Covid "Vaccines" -- Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala
October 16, 2021

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October 16, 2021
Chris said (September 6, 2021):
People just cannot understand the essential nature of maintaining a high degree of keep the lessor brethren in line as well as Goyim is critical to maintain in achieving their One World goals... and extermination of Amalek
Ray Songtree said (June 17, 2021):
The alien program is to sterilize entire planet with chemicals and 5G. There will not even be Jews in the post human world if we don't bust them. We need to extend our focus, to include not only the skirmishes, but also the very very old war. It is the organic vs the machine."
Alex said (June 17, 2021):
Great article for tying the current vaxx extermination to the cabalist conspiracy.
While all this may be happening now, it may be a pipe dream for the "Jewish" conspirators , since most are neither Judahites or Judeans or Hebrews but even for the few that might be 5%, they are not northern tribe Israelites. So the old testament chosen people scam could not hold true for them, they are imposters!
The so called "goyim" or pagan nations that are targets for extermination (Europe and USA) could be the lost tribes of Israel, (Pirnak) who will be rescued by God as promised in the Bible. The conspiracy is following Revelations, so the end result of the Kabala pipe dream is that the conspirators (including masons) will be thrown into the lake of fire. For now we have to recognize it, oppose it, but suffer through it.....
Tony E said (June 17, 2021):
The protocols of the learned elders of Zion describes most of the unenlightened Jews as their "Lesser brethren " these Jews are expendable as are all non-enlightened goyim aka "Useless eaters"
In a strange way I am starting to agree with this unholy doctrine. My reason being is that I have read and studied profusely over the years to come to an understanding of how the world works, I have attempted to educate those less enlightened, to no avail. Those "Others" are lazy, ambivalent drones and thus easily lead to their own self demise. That would be fine by me except they are bringing me down with them.
It's all very sad my only solace is my gardening, however over the years I have noticed a drastic decline in pollinators, I and many others are metaphorically pollinators of knowledge and we are fewer and fewer and the fruit is dying on the vine.
Proverbs " My people shall perish for lack of knowledge. "
Doug P said (June 15, 2021):
There can be no doubt about this, it's regularly expressed freely on youtube by Jewish leaders. It's in their books - the ones they write for each other. It's happened throughout history. It's no surprise that heads of security in Western states are Jews and Jews run the prison systems in times like this, which have happened many times before.
The obstacle is the ignorant masses. If the information we are privy to was given to Russians, Koreans, Chinese, French, Germans, etc, they would be sufficiently organized to do something about it, but we live in a technological state where the enemy's ability to communicate and organize far outstrips our own.
Our only chance is with numbers and we aren't even allowed to talk about this. I'm ashamed to be part of my own species. I wish I could be around when the average conspirator learns that there cannot be honor among thieves, that it is a nonsensical phrase, but it's unlikely.
JG said (January 13, 2019):
Yes. America has become a complicit "dupe state" politically and a servant of the foreign agents within it's globalist run Democratic Party where nationalism, duty, honor, and country have been outlawed.
The plans for the border wall that President Trump is trying to build is being sabotaged by the Democratic Party because a border wall would define America as a sovereign nation state. This battle is literally between nationalism and global communism.
As for President Trump, I don't think he really realized what he was getting into when he took the job as president.
He has been surrounded by traitors and cowards willing to sell him and their own country out for fear of the globalist mafia that is now running Congress.
Like Harry Truman once said; if you're looking for a friend in Washington you might want to get yourself a dog.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
MM said (September 6, 2021):
rom The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today
by Elizabeth Dilling
Chapter Summary
Elizabeth Dilling female and Catholic scholar also learned Hebrew, like Martin Luther.
And interpreted the Talmud ( why I trust her so much more than Green and Bjorknes: she does 1: 1 interpretation knowing Hebrew, Bjorknes knows from English translation, where you can be tricked easily in meaning).
And she comes up with many of the same conclusions as Texe and Ted Pike.
It's Satanic a never ending mind twist, it's conceived to take you in 100 different directions, but it's main doctrines are " do as thou wilt," and " you are you're OWN god here, you need no other."
Why u have the " 666 " 6 is the number of man and 3 in row mocks our Real God's Holy Trinity essence. Where his numbers are prime 3,5,7.