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Results matching “freemasonry”


Are Jews Responsible for Anti Semitism?

Manfred Gerstenfeld, 79, left, is considered "the greatest authority on anti-Semitism today." His essay below illustrates the pathological inability of Jews to understand anti semitism and therefore free themselves from it. The forces of darkness have prevailed. The inversion of light and dark, i.e. satanic possession, is seen by the fact  "anti Semitism"  is considered

Hillary Clinton is a Satanist - Illuminati Defector

(Hillary Clinton with Vince Foster, her former law partner and Deputy White House Counsel)  Mary Anne claims she was present when Vince Foster was murdered in July 1993. She says Hillary Clinton and Foster were "having a screaming match verging on a brawl" in his office at the White

Are Rockefellers & Sotomayor Illuminati Jews?

(Jay Rockefeller, left)My Jew-dar says Yes. He lookslike my late Uncle Mark.) from 29 July 2009by Willie Martin                         A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community states that the Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). The

Single Women Are Illuminati Vanguard

"In 2009, for the first time in American history, single women outnumbered married women." A measure of weak character is the alacrity with which many women have embraced feminist shibboleths and eschewed marriage & family, thus advancing the twin Illuminati (Communist, Masonic) goals of depopulation and family extinction.  They have traded familial love

Young Man Declines Masonic Offer

This testimony was originally posted by "Technoir" in the David Icke forum in May 2010 and updated in December 2010. They offered to set him up for life but the price was too high."I told him straight up to his face that I don't believe in sacrificing children to Satan."This account provides insight into the

Freemasonry Has Doomed Western Society

Lodge room of Forrest Lodge No. 19. Huntsville ALIs there any hope for a society that allows a sataniccult bent on its destruction to operate openly, and embraces its membersas its leaders? "Freemasonry" is the lever satanist bankers use to controlthe world. Even the alternate media will talk about the

Do We Owe Alex Jones An Apology?

George, a reader, thinks so. "Jones is a surgeon, and a clever one, albeit not quite clever enough to convince you that he's one of the good guys. He is having a real effect in combating the NWO, and it is terribly disappointing that you cannot recognize how. Everyone with good

Falun Gong Persecution Bad Harbinger for Christians

left. Jiang Zemin, the main culprit in the persecution of Falun GongSordid History of Illuminati Depravity in China  (2)    Part One is hereThe satanic roots of Chinese Communism go back to Cabalist Judaism(i.e. the Illuminati, Freemasonry) which controls the West.  Their brutal persecution of the Falun Gong, including organ harvesting,

Catholics Put Freemasonry in Correct Perspective

left, Ernest Jouin sounded alarm Western Society is DoomedBecause Freemasons control the media, we don't understand the calamity that has befallen humanity.  Over the centuries, only Catholicism recognized that Freemasonry is Satanism and fought a valiant but unsuccessful rearguard action. The following are excerpts from a Dec. 8, 1930 speech "Papacy

Authenticity of Protocols of Zion Affirmed

A little-known 1938 booklet rejected the 1935 decision of a Berne Court (overturned on appeal) that the Protocols of Zion were a forgery. It foresaw that World War Two was an Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish trap. "Their world war is a necessity in order that, in the name of indivisible peace,

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