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Results matching “freemasonry”


Ford's Jewish Critique Was Largely Accurate

Henry Ford (1863-1947) was the only wealthy American Gentile to challenge the hegemony of theMasonic Jewish central banker.  In 1920, his Dearborn Independent began a series entitled: "The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem" which accused "the Jews" of conspiring to enslave Christianity and destroy the "Anglo-Saxon" way of life.  This became "the

Jews say, Anti-Zionism is Pro-Jewish

Zionism is an instrument of the Rothschild plan forsatanic world government. It has already invaded the West and threatens the East. Millions of Jewshave died for this demented plot. A few, TrueTorah Jews, recognize the danger of Cabala (Freemasonry, Zionism)and try to warn their fellow Jews.  They put the interestsof their

H.G. Wells: Prophet of the NWO

Wells "psychologically conditioned the public to accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident." (from April 30, 2011)by Fritz Springmeier(for        Is there any proof that events in the world are following a script?  The question has intrigued me because many people with inside

We Have De Facto Communism

Left. Segregated bathrooms are the last line of defence against the occult Jewish (central banker) attack on gender designed to dehumanize and enslave the goyim. For Satanists, sick is healthy and normal.Deutsche Bank, PayPal, General Electric, Dow Chemical, Pepsi, Hyatt, Hewlett Packard, Whole Foods, Levis Strauss & Co. These blue chip companies are

Slavery -- "Guilt" as a Jewish Weapon

(left. Abolitionist Harriet Tubman is replacing Andrew Jackson on $20 bill) Jewish organizations went ballistic when the Nation of Islam documented Jewish domination of the slave trade. Why? Because they blame whites for slavery, while leading blacks to think Jews are their friends. Jewish organizations champion blacks, and all minorities, solely to undermine America's European

Why Tyranny is Inevitable

We have been living in a veiled tyranny for at least a 100 years. The veil is coming off.Society is built on a fundamental fraud: the medium of exchange (credit, currency) is produced in the form of a debt to a cartel of private satanist families. (The government could easily

Are Jews Responsible for Anti Semitism?

Manfred Gerstenfeld, 79, left, is considered "the greatest authority on anti-Semitism today." His essay below illustrates the pathological inability of Jews to understand anti semitism and therefore free themselves from it. The forces of darkness have prevailed. The inversion of light and dark, i.e. satanic possession, is seen by the fact  "anti Semitism"  is considered

Hillary Clinton is a Satanist - Illuminati Defector

(Hillary Clinton with Vince Foster, her former law partner and Deputy White House Counsel)  Mary Anne claims she was present when Vince Foster was murdered in July 1993. She says Hillary Clinton and Foster were "having a screaming match verging on a brawl" in his office at the White

Are Rockefellers & Sotomayor Illuminati Jews?

(Jay Rockefeller, left)My Jew-dar says Yes. He lookslike my late Uncle Mark.) from 29 July 2009by Willie Martin                         A book overlooked by most people and published for sale mainly within the Jewish community states that the Rockefellers are Jews of Sephardic descent (meaning Spanish and Portuguese Jews). The

Single Women Are Illuminati Vanguard

"In 2009, for the first time in American history, single women outnumbered married women." A measure of weak character is the alacrity with which many women have embraced feminist shibboleths and eschewed marriage & family, thus advancing the twin Illuminati (Communist, Masonic) goals of depopulation and family extinction.  They have traded familial love

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