"Jack the Ripper" was Winston Churchill's Father
May 1, 2017

According to John Hamer, the Masonic ritual murder of four prostitutes
was carried out by Winston Churchill's father,
Lord Randolph Spencer Churchill, 1849-1895 (left.)
The prostitutes were blackmailing the royal family.
"Churchill was not only the 'brains' behind the entire operation,
but he was also personally responsible for the cutting of Masonic emblems and symbols into the bodies of the victims, whilst William Gull's surgeon's hands performed the organ removals."
"Naturally, Eddy absolutely enraged the establishment with his 'illicit' marriage which threatened to spark a constitutional crisis of major proportions. So, as is always the case, the monarchy set in motion a huge cover-up operation. "
by John Hamer
The story begins in the late summer of 1888, the heyday of Queen Victoria's reign, in the gas-lit streets of London, when a woman's horrifically mutilated body was discovered in a tawdry slum street in the Whitechapel area of East London....
On the evening of the 31st August 1888, the body of Mary Ann Nicholls, a common prostitute, was found. She had been brutally hacked to death. Her throat had been slit and her torso internal organs exposed. She was the first of five victims of the now legendary killer, 'Jack the Ripper'.
The so-called 'Ripper' murders came under the jurisdiction of the London Metropolitan Police Force and in particular Inspector Frederick George Abberline.
It is important to note that the diaries of Frederick Abberline did not see light of day until around 70 years after the unsolved murders. They were in the possession of Walter Sickert, art tutor to Prince Albert Victor, the Duke of Clarence, otherwise known by his colloquial name of 'Prince Eddy'.
Eddy was the eldest son of Albert Edward the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) and Princess Alexandra (later Queen Alexandra), the grandson of the reigning monarch, Queen Victoria and older brother of the future king of England, King George V. As such, he would have been first in line to the throne.
Unfortunately, due to centuries of Royal in-breeding, Eddy was partially deaf and of well below average intelligence. He was thus shunned by the majority of his cold-hearted family.
Queen Victoria, the reigning monarch at the time was a great supporter and patron of Freemasonry as were all the Royal males of the age (and as they still are today). Indeed, the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family (the current British royals) had sponsored the rise of Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati. Weishaupt was indeed born and raised in the Bavarian town of Gotha.
There are several Masonic lodges in the Royal palaces of Britain, the most significant one perhaps being the Royal Alpha Lodge in Kensington Palace. In 1885 Prince Eddy was initiated into the Royal Alpha Lodge at the behest of his father.

As well as his membership of the lodge, Eddy was also a regular 'customer' at a homosexual-paedophile brothel in Cleveland Street, London; and indiscreetly instigated a series of explicit love-letters with a young boy employed at these premises.
The well-known Satanist, Aleister Crowley had these letters in his possession for many years but eventually they were lost or more likely destroyed.
Eddy had foolishly married her in a clandestine church service and this in effect barred him from ever becoming king as British royals are not permitted to marry Catholics, let alone a commoner bearing an illegitimate child.
In 1883, Eddy's mother, Princess Alexandra, had asked the young painter Walter Sickert to introduce Eddy to the artistic and literary life of London.
Sickert's studio was at 15 Cleveland Street near to Tottenham Court Road in north London. He duly introduced the teenage Prince to many of the area's 'bohemian types', including the theatrical friends he had made when he had been a minor member of the Lyceum Company.
Sickert also introduced Eddy to one of his models, a pretty Irish Catholic girl, the afore-mentioned Annie Crook who lived nearby at 6 Cleveland Street and who worked by day in a local tobacconist's shop.
They fell for each other and, according to Sickert, went through two clandestine marriage ceremonies, one Anglican and one Catholic. Soon afterwards Annie became pregnant and her employer needed someone to fill in for her during her confinement.
Walter Sickert was asked if he knew anyone suitable and, after consulting friends, found a young girl called Mary Jean Kelly from the Providence Row Night Refuge for Women in Whitechapel.
For some months, Mary worked alongside Annie Crook in the shop and the two became friends. In due course, on the 18th April 1885, Annie gave birth to Eddy's daughter, Alice Margaret, in the Marylebone Workhouse.
When she returned home, her new friend Mary Kelly moved in as the child's nursemaid. Mary also worked as a prostitute in the evenings to supplement her meagre income.
Naturally, Eddy absolutely enraged the establishment with his 'illicit' marriage which threatened to spark a constitutional crisis of major proportions. So, as is always the case, the monarchy set in motion a huge cover-up operation.
Annie was kidnapped from the shop where she worked and at the same time Eddy was confined to Buckingham Palace.
Fortunately, fearing the worst, Annie had given the child, Alice to Walter Sickert for safekeeping shortly before she was forcefully taken to Guy's Hospital in London.
She remained there for five months and whilst she was there, Sir William Gull, the Queen's personal physician performed a partial frontal lobotomy on her, in effect rendering her docile and compliant and thus easily controlled by these inhuman monsters.
Certified insane by Gull, Annie lived for the rest of her life in institutions, spending her last days in the Lunacy Observation ward of St George's Union Workhouse, Chelsea and dying there in obscurity in early 1920 at the age of 57.
There the matter might have ended, but for Mary Kelly's greed. Back in Whitechapel, Mary had befriended three other local prostitutes to whom she boasted of her 'royal connections.' In the spring of 1888, the quartet hatched a plan to demand money from Walter Sickert, threatening to otherwise make the story public.
She had not fully comprehended the fact that not only was she in effect attempting to blackmail royalty but because of the Freemasonic connection, she was also holding-to-ransom a group of psychopathic murderers who would literally stop at nothing and had the means to kill with impunity whilst enjoying the 'protection' of people in high places.
Sickert immediately passed word to Eddy who informed his father. The Prince of Wales discussed the threat in the greatest secrecy with trusted fellow Masons in the Royal Alpha Lodge. A special meeting was arranged at the Lodge by the Royal Masons known as the 'Princes of the Blood Royal.' They agreed to form a 'hunting party' to literally hunt-down and kill the hapless girls as punishment for their audacity and as a Masonic blood-sacrifice.
The 'hunting party' was drawn exclusively from the Royal Alpha Masonic Lodge and included Sir William Gull, Eddy's former Cambridge University tutor J. K. Stephen and Sir Charles Warren, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police (who took no active part in the killings but who helped facilitate the plot and expedite the cover-up.) To drive them about their sordid business, they recruited a coachman who had previously betrayed Prince Eddy's indiscretions to the Royals, one John Netley.
Warren provided information on the girls' whereabouts using his privileged position in the police force. Sir William Gull prepared grapes injected with opium, which would be offered to the victims to subdue them so that the dastardly deed could take place with a minimum of fuss.
It was arranged that John Netley, the coach driver and a particularly nasty character was to be the 'getaway driver.' The 'lookout' would be J.K. Stephen, a cousin of Virginia Woolf and another Freemason with royal links. The murders were planned to occur within Gull's carriage - away from prying eyes.
It should be noted that Abberline's diaries confirmed that the modus operandi was that the murders were planned and performed by more than one person according to Masonic ritual, similar to a fox-hunt. These are facts which were never allowed to come to light.
So, who was the ringleader of this murderous gang? None other than the prominent Freemason, Secretary of State for India, the Leader of the House of Commons and the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Randolph Spencer-Churchill, father of the future prime minister, Winston Churchill.
Churchill was not only the 'brains' behind the entire operation, but he was also personally responsible for the cutting of Masonic emblems and symbols into the bodies of the victims, whilst William Gull's skilled surgeon's hands of performed the organ removals.
The assassins set about discovering the blackmailers' whereabouts with 'insider' help from Warren and then systematically plotted their executions. The ritualistic, murderous spree began on the 31st August 1888 with Mary Ann Nicholls as their first victim and continued with the killing of Annie Chapman on the 8th September.
In turn each woman was lured inside the coach, then killed and mutilated in the ritualistic way that the three 'Juwes', Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum, the murderers of Hiram Abiff, were executed in the old Masonic legend. Their throats were 'cut across', their bodies torn open and their entrails 'thrown over' the left shoulder.
On the 30th September, there were two further killings but on that night, things did not go smoothly. As the murderers were dumping that night's first victim, Lizzie Stride, in Berner Street, they were interrupted and had to abandon her corpse before its ritual mutilation had been completed.
More alarming still, the night's second victim, Catherine Eddowes, was, according to Sickert, killed in error. It was learned that poor Catherine had for some time lived with a man called John Kelly, had often used his surname and so had been wrongly identified as the blackmailer-in-chief, Mary Kelly.
That mistake nearly led to the group's undoing. In the belief that this was to be the climactic move of their campaign, the group had already arranged Catherine's corpse, more completely mutilated than any of her predecessors, in Mitre Square opposite the Masonic Temple and close to the Whitechapel Road.
They had chalked on a nearby wall a Masonic slogan to act as a postscript to the whole sordid affair. A policeman copied it down into his notebook and it said:
"The Juwes are 
the men that 
will not 
be blamed 
for nothing."
Arriving on the scene Sir Charles Warren, to the acute surprise of his underlings, ordered that the chalked epitaph, presumed by observers to be in the killer's hand, should be immediately washed down and erased. The reason he gave was that he did not want anti-Jewish sentiment to be inflamed, but Sickert suggested the real reason was that too many insiders would recognize that the message referred not to the 'Jews' but to the 'Juwes' of Masonic legend, and would therefore identify the killers as Freemasons.
After this setback there was a pause of more than a month, the longest interval between the killings, while the group redoubled their efforts to find the real Mary Kelly. Meanwhile, rumours of the killer's associations with Freemasonry and with the Royal family continued to grow. It was not until the 9th November that Mary Kelly was finally tracked down. To use the coach again was deemed too dangerous now, so she was dispatched in her own Dorset Street lodgings, more bloodily mutilated than any of her fellow-conspirators, her throat slashed, her body brutally cut apart and her intestines arranged ritually about the room.
There is in existence a police drawing of the last person to be seen with Mary whilst she was still alive and this bears an uncanny resemblance to no less a person than Lord Randolph Spencer-Churchill himself. Of course, this particular 'lead' was never followed-up by the Masonic-controlled and run Metropolitan Police.
J.K. Stephen, again according to Abberline's diaries, actually went to the police, made a full confession and surrendered himself in a fit of guilt but of course no arrests were made and Stephen was also released without charge. Abberline resigned his position with the force and retired forthwith as a direct result of his disgust at the inaction and cover-up on the part of the police. Indeed there are still files in existence in Scotland Yard that have been sealed forever to prevent the truth from ever being revealed.
Sickert fled the country upon hearing the news of Annie Crook's abduction and took up residence in Dieppe, France in an attempt to protect the child, Alice. When Alice grew up, she and Walter Sickert became lovers and in turn had a child themselves who went by the name of Joseph Sickert - who kept Inspector Abberline's diaries unpublicized for 50 years after inheriting them from his father.
This then is the real story of Jack the Ripper, straight from the 'horse's mouth' . These facts must be known by the current establishment but as always, they close ranks to prevent the truth from becoming known. All of the multiplicity of theories that abound as to the identity of the killer and the many films, documentaries and TV programmes that portray an unending search for the 'truth' are nothing more than elaborate smokescreens, born from the deliberate confusion engendered by the Elite to protect the guilty, as is their usual modus operandi. This is another tiny example of how easy it is for these psychopaths to provide us all with a completed distorted view of both the past and our existing reality.
A further legacy of this sorry affair was that the payoff for the Spencers was two terms as Prime Minister for Lord Randolph's son and two generations later, Lady Diana Spencer became the wife of the future King Charles III and mother to the future King William V and his brother Harry, only to be famously discarded once she had produced an 'heir and a spare.' In 1997, she was brutally and ritually murdered herself in Paris.
c.2011 John Hamer
Note: The 1991 book, "The Ripper and the Royals" by Melvyn Fairclough covers the diary as well. John Hamer is indebted to the research of Chris Everard, a British alternative film maker who made a film about the depravity of the royals throughout the ages.
Obviously the Illuminati go on covering their tracks for decades, even centuries.
First Comment fro James Perloff
Mandy writes -
The walter sickert/prince eddy theory is old tosh, this one is by far the best theory of who did it
Branko said (May 2, 2017):
read your article on Jack the Ripper with interest.
However, when it comes it Winston Churchill, his
real father was not Lord Spencer Churchill, but
Prince Milan Obrenovich of Serbia, who later
became King of Serbia.
As we all know, Winston Churchill was born seven
month's after his mother Jennie Jerome married
Lord Spencer Churchill, causing historians to
conclude that the marriage was made to prevent
embarrasment to both families. However, nine
months prior to Winston Churchills birth, Jennie
Jerome was in France, in a French spa, where her
lover was Prince Milan Obrenovich. Reporters have
made comparisons between the body features of
Prince Milan Obrenovich and Winston Churchill,
especially their chests, and there is little doubt that
Prince Milan was Winston Churchills father.