The Man Behind the "Anti-Semitic" Memes
April 2, 2017

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April 2, 2017
Stuart said (April 3, 2017):
Whilst it without doubt there are many wicked Jews in high places doing wicked deeds, Christians should not get drawn into turning against Gods chosen people. Any judgement is Gods alone. I cant help believe that judgement is not far off looking at the state of the world today against Bible (KJV) prophesy.
Q. Are all Americans wicked just because the Clinton's are?
Please keep this in mind and don't get drawn into Satan's trap which will happen soon when the nations turn on Israel. Don't be part of it. Get down in prayer and tell God the father you have no part in it.
David said (April 3, 2017):
This is for Scottie Spencer. I guess he never heard of the saying in Judaism about Two Jews, but three opinions. Not all Jews lean to the political left.
Some of us such as myself did vote for Trump. Scottie website is full of nothing but all this hatred for Jews. Not all Jews as he tries to state want to control the world. I am Like everyone else here in the states, most of us want to have successful and normal lives. We have no desire to control the world.
Dan said (April 3, 2017):
Not sure how you got the impression this fellow is more influential that you've been. I don't see it.
I've never heard of Scottie Spencer or his website. I just looked at it - it sucks. I mean it's not intelligent. It's just a wallpaper of slogans, mantras, and expletives with a mashup of swiped images. It's a mess. That only reflects badly on anything he thinks he's trying to represent. You shouldn't encourage him.
Alan said (April 3, 2017):
Thanks for your restless pursuit of truth your support for the right side is usually balanced. You know how with your wisdom and experience to take a bird's eye view and see the Big picture.
Scottie took a bad experience and took his "gift" and sought to understand the guy behind the smoke & mirrors and expose the trouble makers.
His artwork and memes are brilliant and to the point; you see we are all victims and conquerors alike.
But because the world is carved in two, it's called a court and the game has 2 sides. But the court always collects & wins, house is the system and they are the real enemy.
We waste so much energy fighting each other when we should cut the puppet strings and embrace the other puppets.
The puppeteers I believe are the Rothschild's banking network and not their minions per se.
Shawn said (April 2, 2017):
SS praises Hitler and Drumpf but never mentions Jewish-Masonic Power behind both.
Scottie replies:
Henry, in respone to Shawn's comment. I have indeed posted about Trumps Zionist connections.
George said (April 2, 2017):
Personally, what I am seeing is a meltdown due to the dysfunctional dynamics that have been pushed for so long. I don't think sweet reason is going to fix anything. The Aesop fable about the wolf and the lamb is as true now as it was two and a half millennia ago. The idea is not to be a lamb.
A wolf comes upon a lamb and, in order to justify taking its life, accuses it of various misdemeanours, all of which the lamb proves to be impossible. Losing patience, the wolf says the offences must have been committed by someone else in the family and that it does not propose to delay its meal by enquiring any further. The morals drawn are that the tyrant can always find an excuse for his tyranny, and that the unjust will not listen to the reasoning of the innocent.[2] The tale was included with scarcely any changes in the fable collections of Jean de la Fontaine (I.10) and Ivan Krylov.
Diane said (April 2, 2017):
Scottie, I read your site often and do not accept the extreme views of Jews in general. What I pay attention to is that you highlight now young women degrade and humiliate themselves by pre-marital sex and traveling in packs a la Sex and the City.
Also landing in jobs that demand their focus and they let go of and deny their innermost need to nurture others and start a family. You are doing an important job for young women. Do more of it! I am trying now to help the ones I know avoid my mistakes. Thank you for admiring domestic work--it sometimes feels like us stay at home moms are useless to society. You make us look good.
As far as your political memes: its hard for me to accept so many men in my family fought, served and were killed --for a lie. I cannot make myself accept that yet. My paternal grandfather was a war orphan at 2. My maternal grandfather died of a heart attack after his oldest son came back from Vietnam disabled. Please keep going with the warning to young women--you and Henry are doing a very important job for young men and women. helped wake me up--I now can understand how I was led to the path of moral corruption through the university. As a Mom, I say, thank you and keep up the noble effort --- be sure to take care of yourself and your own dreams.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
James Perloff said (April 4, 2017):
Hats off to Scottie. I thought he was at least in his forties.