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Results matching “freemasonry”


Did Cold War Result from Internal Jewish Feud?

(Trotsky left, and Stalin)Like Donald Trump, Hitler, Churchill & FDR,  Stalin and Trotsky were Freemasons. Freemasonry is devoted to Cabalist global hegemony. However, Michael Piper Collins argued that the rivalry between Stalin and Trotsky was real and may have been over the shape of the New World Order, i.e. Communism. While most Leftists are dupes, I suspect the Left's hatred

Homosexuals are 5-8 X More Likely to Molest Children

(left, Illuminati satanist Kevin Spacey.) "I don't remember sexually assaulting that teenager and btw, I'm gay."Spacey hoped to garner some sympathy by "coming out" at the same time asadmitting to assaulting a 14-year-old fellow actor in 1985.  However,  gay activists and leftists rebuked him for drawing attention to the "stereotype" that

Challenging Freemason Tyranny

"What happens when a small group of men form a satanic secret societyto exploit the rest? What happens when this group becomes sopowerful that it cannot be criticized? What happens when a small courageous support group ("Second Family.UK") challenges its hegemony? Joe Sterling and some fellow Glasgow residents tried ten
 Hamilton and Washington executed a stratagem devised by the British (crypto-Jewish) power elite on both sides of the Atlantic. The goal was to federalizethe colonies under an umbrella controlled by the elite and eventually enslave them with an enormous national debt.   The Crypto Jewish Takeover of America: A Secret Historyby Clifford Shack( Many students

Don't Feel Sorry For American Blacks

To destroy Western society, the Illuminati (Communist) strategy is to identify fissures and then to widen them. This is what "victimhood" and championing "minorities" is all about. But as Lanny Goodman points out, American blacks are among the most privileged and organized minorities in America and don't require special Lanny Goodman ( There is no

"Gentile Pest Control" Was Bolshevik Goal

The spectre of genocide lurks behind the NWO and attackson Christianity and "white privilege."Winston Churchill's 1920 assertion of the Jewish nature of Communismremains trenchant today.Michael Hoffman: "The Jewish-communist epoch of mass murder has disappeared into history in one of the great vanishing acts of all time. Only practiced deceivers, with all the sleight of

Is Cannabis Curb Coming to an End?

"My father, a high-level Freemason, told me  how man's knowledge of seeds were the "key" to controlling the Kingdom of not just heaven, but also the Kingdom on earth."The article below suggests marijuana is a panacea, the suppression of which is a crimeagainst humanity. Cannabis curbs help maintain the Illuminati's

Masonic Central Bankers Engineer all Wars

@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } War is a racket.In his 1912 book, Philip Dru, Administrator, Colonel Edward Mandell House has a character say of the US Civil War: "Cynical Europe said that the North would have it appear that a war had been fought for
(Left, author and researcher, Antony Sutton (1925-2002), wrote about hidden men behind momentous events.)It's not just the Jews. The whole Gentile establishment has gone over to Freemasonry (Cabala, Satanism.) Anthony Sutton: "First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is

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