Freemasons Worship Satan - Texe Marrs
October 3, 2018

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October 3, 2018
AB said (October 4, 2018):
I could read a million articles regarding satanic worship.
Not one ever explains why any human would hand over their being to Satan.
There’s always conjecture offering reasons such as wealth, power etc.
If this is so then we are ALL worshiping Satan.
Human emotions have all been hijacked by us not Satan. Some of us think we have woken up and discovered the truth, what absolute bull shit.
How does one define the truth, greater good, love, hate etc.
The Egyptians exemplified their loyalty to Satan, lucifer, god, Demi god, by embracing duality.
Life/death, love,hate, light,dark etc etc etc
What chance has humanity when we embrace the very things that draw us by our own free will into an enormous energy trap, constantly sucking and bleeding us dry of our spiritual identity’s.
Our overlords created our conscious thought, our emotions, race, religion, to set man against man.
This way we fight and squabble over what exactly, things made from the very heavy density of this materialistic world we call home.
We think we are taking responsibility by exposing the truth, wtf, our overlords must be pissing their pants with laughter.
We climb from one trap and fall into another, they care little if we were all to die, they own this existence and the existence beyond life.
How many times have destroyed ourselves and then fall from this plane of existence into another.
Why count when counting is made by man, there is no end or beginning whilst we dwell within this prison.
Our only hope, which is also foolish as hope is a man made idiocracy, is to take personal responsibility for every thought and every action, mentally, physically and emotionally.
We are all one being set apart by individuality, our propensity to love sets us apart whilst also drawing us together.
Our overlords hijack this by creating a world of materialism.
We embrace this and leave our energetic beings behind, the more we take to this heavy existence the more we walk voluntarily into the hands of our overlords.
We do this by tacid aggreement and walk a path of dualism.
We must embrace each other by embracing mutual respect and understanding for each other.
Why do we need a god, a religion, a belief system when all of those things dwell inside us,we do not need a god head, I look at my wife my children my friends my family and they are all gods.
It is a thin line between becoming one together and becoming one under the rule of our overlords.
I look at any man and women and see a beautiful being, unfortunately being manipulated by not Satan etc but by our very selves.
We do need to wake up, but not from one dream to the next.
No doubt Satan etc has a plan if we were truly to wake up, but we must as a whole reject this materialistic existence before we are doomed and become his army.
Never give up and commit suicide, you will be recycled into this very existence.
Kind regards and all benevolent love
Brian said (October 3, 2018):
Another great article Henry, Trump was supposed to take on the jews not bend over for them, America has many tent cities for the newly homeless as Israel continues to asset strip and rob america.
There was an ex-intel man i cant remember his name he was a freind of spy catcher author Peter Wright, and he said
The Third Reich documented everything, and Hitler closing down all the Masonic lodges and banning their homosexual rituals.
he also knew of Winston Churchill and his pal Aleister Crowley both 33rd-degree masons, being involved in black magic and child sacrifice, i am no supporter of Hitler but many people say we would not be under the heel of Jewish supremacists if he had wone w w 2
P said (October 3, 2018):
Yes they do.
All JudeoMasonry takes the adept from where ever he's at in life and hen thru 13 or 33 steps converts him into a full fledge satan worshipping Jew.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Mersie said (October 9, 2018):
Satan is all about turning us against each other. No one group of people is "all good" or "all bad". Texe Marr's stumbled by associating all Jews with Satanism. Like all of us, he's only human. Even in the New Testament (Revelations), it says the Lord will gather the remnant of the Jews back from the four corners of the world. Both Jews and Gentiles are being used by the devil, and he is THE great deceiver of mankind. As Christ said, "Judge not lest ye be judged." Only God can see what is in anyone's heart, blanket judgments promote mistrust and error, and it's Mr. D. Evil who's trying to confound our relationship with our Lord and creator 24 hours a day.
For Jews to hate Gentiles just because they're Gentiles is just plain evil, just as for Gentiles to hate Jews because they're Jews is evil- satan is the one behind the whole scene. Any minister or Rabbi that teaches to hate one group of people is doing the devil's bidding. This is a satanic world system, and evil is all over the place. Not to sound paranoid, but it's a fact. We should not love the world or earthly things, but seek God/Christ and do His will, not ours.