Liberal Jews, Sex & The New Satanic Order
September 6, 2018

Born in 1949, my lifespan corresponds to a massive social engineering campaign by the Satanic elite to destroy the institution of marriage and family.

Why? To make us servile.
How? They use the media to make people think self-destructive behavior is "chic" and "cool."
Who is they? [For Newbies. Illuminati bankers like the Rothschilds are the mainspring of the "Elite" and control the mass media. They belong to the Sabbatean movement, a Satanic Jewish heresy of the 17th Century which many Jews opposed. The Sabbateans went underground and infiltrated Gentile society through fake conversion and intermarriage. They took over Freemasonry and used it to control all important social institutions and political movements, including Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Liberalism and Zionism. Their headquarters is the Bank of England and the City of London.]

In "Beginner's Love" (1983) 17-year-old Leda Boroff gets pregnant and considers abortion versus adoption. "There aren't very many Jewish babies...I could probably sell it for a year's tuition at Yale."
Norma Klein grew up in New York among "extremely liberal left-wing Jews." Her father was a psychoanalyst and in her home "Freud had replaced God in whom [her] father had decided early on he didn't believe."
There it is in a nutshell. Liberal-Left Jews are going to build a heaven of their own design without God (and without considering anyone else.)
God would interfere with their ability to do whatever they like, especially regarding sex.
Liberal Jews are humanists, which means they make men like Freud their Gods and sex their holy sacrament. They are Luciferians and don't even know it.
Compare the above "Jewish" or secular position with Vic Biorseth's Catholic point of view. Biorseth writes:

I don't agree with his opposition to contraception. However, it's clear to me that a woman who consecrates herself for marriage and family is more likely to have a successful marriage than one who has had 20 lovers by the time she is 19. Free sex is the ersatz religion of our time, one designed to undermine our social institutions and humanity.
Sex without love is body without soul. It is a rejection of our true identity i.e. soul, which is our connection to God. We are "made in God's image." Our connection to God, and our obedience to God, (i.e. what is healthy and good) is what makes us human, and protects us from evil.
When there is love, there is commitment.
It's amazing how we are obsessed with healthy food, exercise and air purity but don't care about pervasive pornography, promiscuity, mayhem and satanism in the mass media. "Man does not live by bread alone."
Sex without love is a denial of God and our humanity. That's why Klein's book is called "It's OK If You Don't Love Me." We can still have sex.
Related- "Liberals Unwitting Shills for Communism, Satanism"
UN Advocates Masturbation Instruction for Five Year Olds
Jeffrey J said (September 6, 2018):
I just have to echo Jeremy's comment about Judy Blume and her books. Being a Gen Xer, I was the perfect age to be warped by her novels for children. They were extremely popular and mandatory reading, starting with "Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing," the first in the "Fudge" franchise. They were hypnotic, sometimes funny, and unsettling. When I got a Blume set of books in grade school, it included "Are You there God? it's me, Margaret," which did a number on me and every other boy I knew who read it. We bonded over it sometimes, all the stuff about menstruation, growing breasts and other "girl stuff," but what really traumatized me was when one of the girls fathers chops his hand off in a lawn-mowing accident.
Looking back, I see what the point was to all of this; to separate us from God, to put us in an urbane, empty hive mind state, ready for the next stage of perversion. High School, here we come!