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Results matching “Talmud”


Slavery -- "Guilt" as a Jewish Weapon

(left. Abolitionist Harriet Tubman is replacing Andrew Jackson on $20 bill) Jewish organizations went ballistic when the Nation of Islam documented Jewish domination of the slave trade. Why? Because they blame whites for slavery, while leading blacks to think Jews are their friends. Jewish organizations champion blacks, and all minorities, solely to undermine America's European

"White Privilege" or "Jewish Privilege"?

"Is 'anti-semitism' growing? Absolutely. It's growing through small incident after small incident that will result sooner or later in something big." Paul offers an anecdotal view of how Jews are perceived by others in society. BY PAUL ( I stared at my co-worker's arm. "What happened?" He had taken off his jacket. A deep furrow indented the

Is There a Jewish Race?

"The Library of Political Secrets" is a series of 50-page booklets by the Hungarian researcher Itsvan Bakony, translated in Paris in January 1969. The series, published by the "League for Christian Defence," provides evidence that since Biblical times, psychopathic Jews have indeed regarded world domination as part of their "Covenant

Jews Evade Blame for Christ's Crucifixion

It's time Jews "own" Christ's Crucifixion. In private, they boast of it. The Chosen People do not believe in God.The essence of Judaism isreplacing God with the Jewish leadership.  Michael Hoffman:  "To assert that the Romans bear the principal share of responsibility for the death of Jesus is a contrived argument

Kabbalah - Blueprint for Gentile Genocide

We know the Talmud regards non-Jews as animals. In this eye opening article, Rev. Ted Pike reveals that the Kabbalah goes much further and blatantly calls for Gentile genocide. The secret of genocide: We have been conditioned to associate "genocide" with Jewish victimhood but wars started by Cabalist (Illuminati) Jews and Masons throughout history

Freemasonry Has Doomed Western Society

Lodge room of Forrest Lodge No. 19. Huntsville ALIs there any hope for a society that allows a sataniccult bent on its destruction to operate openly, and embraces its membersas its leaders? "Freemasonry" is the lever satanist bankers use to controlthe world. Even the alternate media will talk about the

Zionists Set their Sights on Patagonia

Israel is a proxy for the central bankers who plan to enslave the world using fictitious "debt."Argentine researcher Adrian Salbuchi explains that this enslavement will include amputation of territory. This is why Israelis are "taking the measure" of Patagonia and provoking attacks from the locals. By Adrian Salbuchi The Coming World Government: Tragedy

Authenticity of Protocols of Zion Affirmed

A little-known 1938 booklet rejected the 1935 decision of a Berne Court (overturned on appeal) that the Protocols of Zion were a forgery. It foresaw that World War Two was an Illuminati (Masonic) Jewish trap. "Their world war is a necessity in order that, in the name of indivisible peace,

Armageddon: Self Fulfilling Prophesy for Comic Book Christians

Armageddon, the final battle betweenthe forces of light and darkness,has become a trigger word for mobilizing comic book Christians tofacilitate the New World Order.  Lynn says Revelations describesa personal spiritual battleand not a physical war.   "We are now seeing the fruits of comic book Christianity on a global scale."Reply from Steve Quayle-HENRY,WHAT A

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