How Christianity Was Judaized
February 10, 2017

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February 10, 2017
Nadir said (February 11, 2017):
On reading your above words I was astonished, to say the least. As I read it for the first time, I thought this must be a misprint on your part. But then after reading the whole your article, I understood there was no mistake there.
I have been reading your articles for several years now, and I agree with most of them. However, after reading this last article, I have to say that I disagree completely. I say this because, although you hold Christianity in high esteem, you don’t understand the very essence of it.
It would enough for you to read some passages from the New Testament, such as,
The parable of the Good Samaritan: Luke 10: 29-37
or 1 John 4:20:
All I am saying is loving your fellow man is not a substitute for loving God. Nor do I believe this is the primary way to do it. Finally, loving one's fellow man does not mean carrying his burden for him.
If any man say, I love God, and hateth his brother; he is a liar. For he that loveth not his brother, whom he seeth, how can he love God, whom he seeth not?
or:1 John 4:21:
And this commandment we have from God, that he, who loveth God, love also his brother.
to realize how far you missed the target.
Lisa said (February 11, 2017):
Exactly! Protestants and evangelicals are soooooo annoying and stupid! And when helping others we are called to help them get back on the right track and change their lives, lead them to Jesus and a different path in life. Helping them and not addressing their real issues isnt helping them at all. Its only prolonging their lifestyle.
Cecil said (February 11, 2017):
This is so very true. I have sat in many churches in the last 10 years and asked: Why is the church so conspicuously silent on Major issues??
Freedom of speech, outright legal persecution of Christians in North American, censorship, social justice: 'equality' as envy justified, anti-Christian policies and behaviors in Canada and North America, White genocide, and issues of racial identity with respect to the Christian church and societies. How this affects societies, and destroys them, relativizes them.
Yes, these are Christian issues, and the church has not, perhaps in its current form it cannot, address them -- instead they have dodged them, lied about them, and politicized them in their own fashion.
Christian churches have chosen a new 'god': Canadian Christians have been voting to transfer wealth and power to a big secular government.
Many Christians are angry at this negligence by the church. Embarrassed also. To see a church with the displays of Christianity, increasing ostentatious, but not the spirit; a feminized church that cannot address these issues, for it has no ability to understand anger and conflict as anything but evil and unsocial. Hence the weak ties in the church.
There are so many examples of serious repression of Christians in Canada -- why the selective silence? And indeed it is selective.
Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about 'diversity'. Even in the church now. But we are going to take the church back, Enough of this virtue signalling, worldly hypocrisy.
Fred said (February 11, 2017):
Very good article. Excellent
There had to be a balance between doing good and preaching Christ.
All that we do must have presenting Christ as its goal. The good work is to demonstrate his love.
To center good works without the message of Christ makes us a social service organization.
This would preach!
James C said (February 11, 2017):
We can't let the fact that absolute scoundrels often engage in philanthropy free us from our obligations as Christians to help the less fortunate if it is in our power to do so.
We need to follow the words of Christ concerning this matter: "Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hundred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me" (Matthew 25:44-45).
Tony B said (February 11, 2017):
The ashes scattering was enough for me. Christians BURY their dead, they don't burn them. Cremating was instigated by masons. I think they also own the crematoriums, not sure. It goes against Christian concepts.
Anne C said (February 10, 2017):
To take care of the poor and the weak is a command of Christ; but It is true that something is wrong with the Christians in this matter, as your article point out.
I think that this Christians went 'deviant' when they forgot that doing good is only on way to please God and go closer to him. All what a Christian does, matters only because of his relationship with God : "My God, I love you and I want to please you, that is why I try to do good to your creatures, but only because of you, only to show you my love." A very private matter in fact.
Instead they seek to please themselves and get a comfortable feeling ' I am a good person, I do what God command'. But God is nowhere in the picture anymore and they don't even notice it .
It is sad really !
Robert K said (February 10, 2017):
You write: "God is Consciousness, synonymous with spiritual absolutes like Love, Truth, Beauty and Justice." You speak of these as abstract concepts, yet we have been told that without Love in action (charity) we are merely clanging cymbals. The essential doctrine of Christianity is the Incarnation. Materially, there is plenty--and potentially away more than that--to go around. The inability of society to rectify its flaws derives from its separation from true, intelligent charitable thinking.
CR said (February 10, 2017):
It sounds like you got cabalists and Christians mixed up in this one.
1 John 3:17–18
17 But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? 18 Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.
BT said (February 10, 2017):
Brilliant, Henry! As a devout Christian, I salute you for your courage in telling Christian "Social Justice" dupes what they need to be told. It brings to mind the Marxist Pope's infamous statement that "even atheists will be saved", as long as they do nicey-nice things for charity. No, they will not, and neither will Christians be saved by "good works", but by doing exactly the things you so beautifully described.
Cara said (February 10, 2017):
I'm so glad you posted this today. I've been sitting back and watching, thinking about all of the white (and I hate to even use that anymore, so let's go with the American democrap's) LEFT, which love to think of themselves as the "saviors of the minorities." Little do the "minorities" know that if you study the history of American justice, you will know 110% that it was always the Democratic party which has always been behind the destruction of the family. They started dismantling the black and brown families when they hijacked the civil rights movement, and more recently, they came for the "whites" by pushing forth the LGBT agenda, trans, etc. And, of course, by luring women OUT OF THE HOME (only a Democrap would minimize the JOB OF A MOTHER).
Anyway, my point is, and I've tried to comment it in the DM comment section but it will not get posted; people NEED to read Steven Biko's book, I Write What I Like. He nails the white "left," the saviours of the minorities" for exactly what they are. Look at Baltimore. The democraps have been in control there for how long? And how do minorities fare there? Not too well. BUT THAT IS EXACTLY WHERE THE LEFT WANT THEM. So they can be their "Saviours." In the immortal words of Jim Morrison - WAKE UP!
Obvs. I love your site. I've been reading it everyday for almost ten years now. Thank you and God bless.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Larry C said (February 11, 2017):
Aw but Henry, remember, after Passover Supper Jesus washed his disciples' feet and said:
13 Ye call me, Teacher, and, Lord: and ye say well; for so I am. 14 If I then, the Lord and the Teacher, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet. 15 For I have given you an example, that ye also should do as I have done to you. ASV
Henry, you are a Jew so by definition you cannot help but Judaize Christianity yourself and you do a consistently obvious job.
Henry. Over the years I've seen Jews seize upon Matthew 5:48 "Be ye therefore perfect, as your father who art in heaven is perfect." as an open invitation to perfect themselves without redemption from sin through Christ's sacrifice on The Cross. Repentance and baptism are foreign terms. Y'all ignore:
12 But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, 13 who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God. John 1,NRSV
Jewish Encyclopedia, p.83: "It is not righteousness, nor even faith—in the Jewish sense of perfect trust in the all-loving and all-forgiving God and Father—which leads to salvation, but faith in the atoning power of Christ's death, which in some mystic or judicial manner justifies the undeserving."(Rom. iii. 22, iv., v.;...).
Henry, I'm not trying to proselytize you. It's just that when I see Christianity distorted from the way it's written in the NT I usually speak up. This especially applies to Baptists who think Jesus is returning in the future. According to the Gospels, the destruction of the Temple and His return were one and the same event.
Thanks Larry
The difference is that I don't regard Judaism as a religion. You cannot have a religion without a God, and you cannot have a God unless He is universal. The Jewish "God" is for Jews only.
So, while I am certainly not a Christian, In your terms, I am not "Judaizing" Christianity in my terms.