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Results matching “freemasonry”


Sept 4 - Is War a Charade to Kill Goyim?

1957 Prediction of a Third World War between Israel, backed by the US, and Islam, backed by Russia. Mankind is held hostage by religious fanatics intent on fulfilling "prophecy" that entails the destruction of civilization to prompt the return of the "Messiah" i.e. antichrist. Is the Ukraine war part of this charade? Arguments

Bella Dodd - Communist Cancer is Killing Us

Communism is a fait accompli in the West yet we seldom use this disease to understand our malaise.   In 1954, Bella Dodd, a high-ranking defector from the US Communist Party, warned us that Masonic Jewish central bankers are behind Communism, and this satanic cult controlled the USA. We have a

August 29 - We Need a Universal Ceasefire

("Argentur" i.e. agents, like Netanyahu and the Islamist leaders) I keep reposting this reminder because this agenda is playing out in real time and few want to admit it.Humanity has a death wish. We are in a Death Spiral. We need an immediate cease-fire in Gaza and Lebanon, in Ukraine and wherever

Makow --The Octopus Strangling Humanity

Harold Rosenthal, left, with Walter Mondale."We even place within you a 'guilt complex' making you afraid to criticize Jewry openly." Our corrupt ancestors gave our national credit cards to Satanists who are maxing them out in order to destroy us and profit.  Cabalist bankers create the medium of exchange (currency, credit) in

Russia Never Renounced Communism

Like World War Two, WW3 is a charade fought between two branches of Freemasonry, Communism (Russia, Iran, China) and Fascism (Zionism & its backers) for the depopulation and enslavement of humanity.Soviet Dissident Vladimir Bukovsky--"Alas, my worst forecasts have come true: failure to finish off the Soviet system conclusively has

August 26 - Why is Freemasonry Getting a Pass?

(left, like Israel, radical Islam is controlled by Freemasonry) Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comVoltaire said our true masters are the people we cannot criticize. There is practically a blackout on the mention of Freemasonry. Freemasons are flunkies for Organized Jewry. There is plenty of blame attributed to "the Jews."

August 21 - Americans Will Reject Cabala Harris Communism

Harris campaign adopts long-time Communist Chinese motif, the three red banners displayed as three horizontal streamers, three fluttering flags. send links and comments to Obama, the Harris campaign is upfront about wishing to transform the US into a Communist country. Why? Seems to me, Trump has been s-elected.He

August 18 - Choice: Two Flavors of Masonic Jewish Supremacy

To save the country from the Communist hoards (Kamaltoe Harris) Americans are forced to embrace Zionist conman and traitor Donald Trump who would deport anyone who objects to Gaza baby murder. What Israel is doing to Palestinians, Organized Jewry and Freemasonry are doing to mankind. See World Wars One, Two

August 13 - Mankind is in a Satanic Headlock

Humanity under Satanist Assault- We are in the fight of our livesPlease send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe sheeple are not aware that a Communist coup has taken place in the West. For example, Keir Starmer has been a card-carrying Communist for decades. Kamala Harris is a Communist. Free
(YPO members in Bozeman MT broke secrecy by posting pics of their Christmas party.)   Wondering how the WEF could pull off the galling betrayal of public trust represented by COVID hoax and toxins? The rich are organized in satanic secret societies.   The YPO, a secretive worldwide group

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