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March 21 - Satanyahu Covers His Bloody Tracks

March 21, 2025

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Netanyahu allowed the Hamas attack Oct 7 in order to justify Palestinian genocide 
which always has been Israeli policy. 

Now he's trying to cover his tracks by firing Shin Bet (secret service) Director Ronen Bar. This has ignited a political crisis in Israel.

Netanyahu: 'Ronen Bar is to blame for October 7'

Summarily fired by Netanyahu, the head of the Shin Bet is also falsely accused of knowing hours ahead of time that Hamas was going to invade and choosing not to act. The Attorney General is next for purging by the PM. After that, the judges.

High Court issues temporary injunction against Shin Bet chief's dismissal; PM: Gov't decides who heads Shin Bet
AG says the government cannot replace Ronen Bar until court has spoken * Protesters rally near Netanyahu's home for 4th day 


Judea Snarls-'The coming civil war in Jordan will result in it being seized and annexed into Greater Israel'

Look at a map of ancient Israel, compare it to where the IDF is today, and imagine where it will be in the near future.

"I suggest that just as the Assad regime of Syria was overthrown, so too - by the will of Hashem in His plan for Am Yisrael - will there be a revolt and civil war in Jordan with King Abdullah begging for refuge in Israel, and this will necessitate our army seizing large areas within Jordan, if not the entire country."

IDF destroyed Israelis (1).jpg
The IDF slaughtered Israelis on Oct 7 in order to justify Palestinian genocide.

Haaretz Editorial: "Netanyahu's Ministers Are Using Blood Curdling Language Directed At The Whole Population Of Gaza, And Not Only Hamas..Netanyahu's Wars Are Designed To Reshape Language
And The Space For Dissent; Despite Their Deep Fatigue, Most Israelis Aren't Buying It."

"This week, Israelis woke up to war again, but this time not to the Hamas surprise attack of October 7 but to a conscious decision by their government to restart fighting, against the will of the popular majority, which consistently favors an end to the war and the return of all the hostages. This same week, the Netanyahu government intensified its battles on two other fronts as well: its war on Israeli democracy, and its war on Diaspora Jews.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu is baldly exhibiting his 'vision' for the character of his own regime and the principles that govern the Israeli state's behavior at home and abroad. It is a vision that is genuinely revolutionary, in that it rips up and shreds into confetti most of the fundamental values and social contracts that bind the state to its citizens, and the state to the Jewish people outside its borders."

An 8-year-old Palestinian Girl Was Helping Her Mom When an Israeli Soldier's Bullet Left Her Blind

The Other Genocide

Thomas Stone--Wake up, the Caucasian race is dying

"I came across this sobering statistic about the death of the white race. It was sent to me by a reader, and it goes a long way in explaining why the world has gone into the crapper over the past 100 years....

•In 1910, White people comprised 32% of the world's population.Today, White people only make up 8% of the world's population.
"The Communist agent skilled in economics has as his task the suborning of [ property tax] agencies and their personnel to create the maximum disturbance and chaos and the passing of laws adapted to our purposes and to himwe must leave this task. The psychopolitical operator plays a distinctly different role in this drama."

William Cooper LONDON SPEECH 1993
And if you don't do the research that i and others have done you will never know anything about them i can guarantee you that.

"They meet in secret they take oaths that they will be submit to ritual murder if they betray those oaths they have infiltrated every level of society the military and the government in all of the major nations important nations of the world and most of the smaller nations and they are at this moment i can assure you in total control of everything they are propelling the world into what they call a world order what they hope will be a utopia on earth for them with us relegated to the position of maJor slaves much as the people were relegated to their positions in George Orwell's book 1984.

George Orwell was a member of British intelligence and knew what he was writing about where i first got my glimpse into this plan when i was a member of the office of naval intelligence and british intelligence and the intelligence agencies of the united states of America are both working closely together to bring this about and i will prove that to you tonight."

Canada pledges $100 million for Palestinians 

The Communist wing of Freemasonry is opposing Gaza genocide

7 Actions That NATO Countries Are Taking Which Indicate That Something Really Big Is Coming

Trump Threatens Yemen's Houthis With 'Total Annihilation'


Corbett Report - Interview 1941 - Beware The Ides Of March! (NWNW #585)

"New world next week"

The Iran War Plan
Pentagon gears up for "major" war with Iran  by Ken Klippenstein

President Trump's menu of options for dealing with Tehran now includes one he didn't have in his first term: full-scale war. 

Pentagon and company contracting documents I've obtained describe "a unique joint staff planning" effort underway in Washington and in the Middle East to refine the next generation of "a major regional conflict" with Iran. The new planning effort, sometimes referred to as the SEED project, covers everything from subtle tools like military deception right up to the rather less subtle use of nuclear weapons. The plans are the result of a reassessment of Iran's military capabilities, as well as a fundamental shift in how America conducts war.

Though many in the media incorrectly dismissed the recent U.S. attack on the Houthis in Yemen as little more than a continuation of what the Biden administration was already doing, the new Iran war preparations make clear that the U.S. is exploring a far more aggressive approach. Following his successful assassination of Iran's top general Qassim Suleimani in 2020, Donald Trump seems to have taken the lesson that aggressive action is relatively cost-free.

The Pentagon, meanwhile, has watched Iran develop into a major missile and drone power over the past decade. Hardly anyone believes any longer that Iran is interested in any kind of ground invasion of its neighbors (the previous planning assumption). Iran's nuclear program is also no longer the Pentagon's highest concern. The "war" in many ways is already here, the combination of narrow, pin-prick attacks by proxies, Iran's various covert and influence campaigns, and its use and proliferation of long-range drones and missiles, especially to Russia.

REMINDER: Largest Ever Covid 'Vaccine' Study Confirms 610% Spike in Heart Failure
"The largest COVID-19 "vaccine" safety study ever conducted, involving 99 million individuals, confirmed that the injections are NOT SAFE FOR HUMAN USE"


The Stablecoin Trap: The Backdoor to Total Financial Control

G. Edward Griffin says, "If you read only one thing this year, make sure this is it." 
The United States already operates under what amounts to a CBDC through a digital control grid: 92% of all US dollars exist only as entries in databases; your transactions are monitored by government agencies--without warrants;  and your access to money can be revoked at any time with a keystroke. 

While President Trump's Executive Order 14178 explicitly banned the Federal Reserve from developing a CBDC, his administration has simultaneously championed the STABLE Act and GENIUS Act stablecoin bills that implement the same control mechanisms through different channels."


MUST-WATCH: Dr. Yeadon Explains Why the So-called Covid-19 Vaccines Were "DELIBERATELY DESIGNED... To Injure, Kill and Reduce Fertility."
"The people designing these... knew these things were going to happen, and that's why I say it's intentional."

Did they really poison us with the Covid vaccine?

"I live in a small country and it seems as if a dark cloud is above us. People seem much more weaker in general than before. Chronic illnesses are at an all time high. Sudden deaths are at an all time high for people below 50 and 40 years. Especially from heart attacks. It seems like every week, someone that seemed perfectly healthy is passing. During the pandemic, everyone had to get vaxed. There was no other option. Many students that study abroad live here and travel was not possible without it. The crazy part is very few people actually got Covid and had serious symptoms compared to America where people seemed to be dying everyday from it. I am sure many wouldn't take it if they knew the reality..


"My friend (49M) was a superintendent for a county. He was basically forced to take it because all of the employees that he managed looked up to him. They told him if he got that vaccine, it would show the others it was OK to get it. And if not, then they would have to find someone to put in his place that would. 6 months later, he was diagnosed with a heart problem. He had to have surgery and take an early retirement. My mother was diagnosed with brain cancer 1 year later. 4 friends all died of blood clots in the left leg. 38, 45, 48 and 60 were their ages. I know I'm leaving out others, but this is just off the top of my head.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at