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Results matching “Talmud”


August 19 - Zionists are Trying to Trigger WW3

(Russ Winter - Is this what lies in Store?)Wars are just pretexts to murder goyim and destroy their societies. Ukraine and Israel are both Zionist states trying to draw the West into a nuclear apocalypse.  Israel told its Western allies it is expecting them to attack Iran if the Jewish

August 6 - The West Can Start a Nuclear War Any Time It Wants

Left, The official logo of the 2020 DNC Convention- Satanic Star of Bahomet "Death to America" - Nobody wants to acknowledge that the destruction of the United States is the official goal of the Democratic Party.Communist & Zionist branches of (((Freemasonry))) Face Off in WW3The ZOG media is protecting

August 5 - Westerners Awaken to their Dire Predicament

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe Sabbatean Jewish Bankers finagled the right to create the medium of exchange (credit, currency) as a debt to themselves. This is something national governments could do debt-and-interest-free. They think they are God because they can create money out of thin air. As

Trump, Harris & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Mind Vise

(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.)    A pattern reminiscent of pre-war Germany has emerged in the US and Europe. There is an intensifying conflict between  Left" (globalism) and

Jews Don't Know that Cabalist Judaism is Satanism

Ron Unz, 57, is a Jewish American software entrepreneur, author and publisher who is beginning to question the whole Jewish narrative. "Essentially almost everything I had known--or thought I had known--about the religion of Judaism, at least in its zealously Orthodox traditional form,  was utterly wrong....religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as

An Addendum to the Protocols of Zion

(What Israel does to Palestinians, Organized Jewry & Freemasonry will eventually do to us all in orchestrated pandemics and war.)A reader, a longtime patriot, stumbled across this four-page pamphlet among his papers. "I have no idea how I came by it nor when. Nor of the veracity of those

Wolfgang Eggert's War Prediction is Materializing

Twenty-one years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is instigating a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists.  Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003 Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) Left said Cabalists (Illuminati) would implement Biblical

Elizabeth Dilling - America's Joan of Arc

WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTS ARE PARIAHS WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTS ARE PARIAHS (Elizabeth Dilling, On Trial for Sedition)WHEN TRAITORS RULE, PATRIOTISM IS SEDITION After a visit to the USSR in 1931, Elizabeth Dilling (1894-1966)  did morethan anyone (except Father Coughlin) to expose the true satanic natureof Judaism and Communism.We ignored

Helena Glass - Gentile Life is Not Sacred

"It took a mere 300,000 Bolshevik Jews to take down the entirety of Russia and its monarchy.   How?   They preyed upon the weak, the moral, the pious, but the greatest tactic of all was 'the speed'.  The Bolsheviks took out Russia in the same manner they are annihilating Palestinians. 

German Jews Would Have Backed Hitler...if Only

Does the experience of German Jews in Nazi Germany contain a lesson for American Jews?"The apparent inability of Jews [is] to understand or predict their own catastrophes. The Jews, whose history consists of one tragedy after another, have yet to be prepared for any one of them." Joachim Prinz - The Secret Jews When the NWO goes sour, Jews

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