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In 2003, Wolfgang Eggert Predicted Chabad Would Start WW3

February 18, 2025

(Trump with his spiritual leader, Menachem Scheerson)

Twenty-two years ago German historian Wolfgang Eggert warned us that the Rothschilds belong to a fanatical doomsday cult that is instigating a world war to cleanse the world of non-Satanists

Historian Predicted Cabalist Plot to Exterminate Goyim in 2003 
is reproduced below.

Lubavitcher tzaddik Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994) said Chabad Cabalists (Illuminati) would implement Biblical prophecy of Armageddon in order to hasten the return of the Messiah and establish Jewish supremacy.  

"All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism ("Chassidim"); they´re "making" it happen. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality."

Trump, Putin and Netanyahu all belong to Chabad. World wars are hoaxes to destroy and depopulate. Freemasons are on both sides. None are so blind as those whom refuse to see.

Updated from 2003 
by Henry Makow Ph.D.

A Munich-based historian Wolfgang Eggert believes orthodox Jews called Chasidim want to instigate a nuclear holocaust to fulfill Biblical prophesy.

He thinks these religious fanatics must be exposed. The largest Chasidim group, the Chabad Lubavitcher sect want to hasten Armageddon which they believe is a prerequisite for the Messiah's return. Eggert quotes a Lubavitcher rabbi who says:"the world is waiting for us to fulfill our role in preparing the world to greet Moshiach" (i.e. Messiah.) 

(Wolfgang Eggert, left) 

"All human history is about Messianic-satanic Judaism ("Chassidim"); they´re "making" it happen. History and politics are a big movie, and they are the directors, bringing old-testament-prophecy into reality. They captured Freemasonry by building up the Illuminati (through Rothschild/Jacob Frank/Weishaupt); they made a pact with the British monarchy when they financed William III to become king; they placed the British royals at the head of the Freemasons; they made the modern banking system and the Fed (through Rothschild); they made Zionism, the world wars, the European Union and so on. They reign through their puppets Rothschild (whose ancestors had been part of the Chassidic cult) and Rockefeller, who were the guiding force behind Bilderberg, the trilateral etc. We are now in the "End Times"; they are trying to foment a "prophesied" Third World War.

Eggert believes both Germany and Israel are in the Chasid cross-hairs. "Germany, because the Hassidim are reading from the Bible/Talmud, that this country is an enemy of the Jews and must be killed. Israel has to burn for bringing the prophecy of Armageddon into reality. In addition, they are repeating a Machiavellian, strategic "trick": the sacrifice of the European Jews in the Second World War ("shoah") which brought them their own country- Israel. The sacrifice of the Israeli Jews shall bring them the international approval to be masters of a united world "republic", that will be governed from Jerusalem, which, again, is being "prophesied," by Jahwe."


While the Chabad Lubavitchers are his focus, Eggert is also concerned about Christian Evangelists like Jack Van Impe, left, and Timothy LaHaye who believe war is the will of God. The Books of Ezekiel, and Daniel in the OT, and Revelation in the New Testament prophesied Armageddon. Their desired scenario includes the destruction of the al-Aqsa mosque, the restoration of the Third Temple on its site; the rising to heaven of the 144,000 Chosen Ones; the battle of Armageddon; mass death among Israeli Jews and the Final Coming of Jesus Christ.  

According to Alison Weir, there are approximately 3,600 Chabad institutions in over 1,000 cities in 70 countries and 200,000 adherents. Up to a million people attend Chabad services at least once a year. Numerous campuses have such centers and the Chabad website states that hundreds of thousands of children attend Chabad summer camps.

According to the NY Times, Schneerson "presided over a religious empire that reached from the back streets of Brooklyn to the main streets of Israel and by 1990 was taking in an estimated $100 million a year in contributions.

Schneerson believes Jews are the acme of Creation: "The general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

Jews are the purpose of Creation. "The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim."

"The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews."

When Schneerson died in 1994, he was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his contribution to "global morals." According to Schneerson, Jews are the Priests while the Noahide Laws provide "a religion for the rank and file." 

Eggert quotes another Lubavitcher rabbi: "When examining the chain of frightening events [since 9-11] with a Chassidic eye, we see that the US is being pushed toward fulfilling its historic role of teaching the Sheva Mitzvos [i.e. Noahide laws] to the world."  

According to Eggert, Freemasons have always called themselves "Noachids" and incorporated the statutes into their Constitution as early as 1723.

(Trump met with Chabad leaders last Monday March 26)
If you look, you can find pictures of many major politicians in the West posing with this sect. This website features more than a dozen of them.  In this YouTube, the Chief Rabbi of the Chabad boasted of his rapport with Vladimir Putin. Eggert says Putin's mother is Jewish, which makes him Jewish, and that President Medvedev is Jewish on both sides. 

Eggert, who studied History and Politics at universities in Berlin and Munich, is the author of eight books on hidden history. While he believes that modern history is dominated by the Cabalistic plot to fulfill Biblical Prophesy, he is careful to distinguish between the Lubavitchers and other Chasidim called "Satmar" who think it is a crime to "force God's hand" and "hasten the redemption."

However, the Lubavitchers seem to be in control.

"Every part of modern history is linked to another and in itself to Zionism, state intelligence, lodges and alike. Without the Balfour declaration, there would have been no revolution in Russia and no American entry into World War One ... We may start at any historical point (even with the American revolution or farther back Oliver Cromwell) [and] we´ll see, that the maker (or profiteer) of all this is Cabalistic Judaism. All serve their plan, to implement biblical prophecy."

bushchabad.jpgEggert cites World Zionist VP Max Nordau's speech at the 1903 Zionist Convention predicting "a future World War [and] peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created." 
( Eggert, "Israel's Geheimvatikan" Vol.2, pp.21-22)

He says the Zionists sabotaged Germany in WWI (strikes, revolts) because it wouldn't play ball on Israel. He cites a book in Hebrew, "The Historical Moment" by M. Gonzer: "We even find nations who are slow on the uptake and who find it difficult to understand certain relations unless the Rebbe--that is world history--gives them some sensible bashes which make them open their eyes." (Israel's Geheimvatikan, vol. 1, p.47.)
Today (June 3) Eggert cites James Forrestal's diary saying Jewish bankers forced England into WW2----

December 1945 Pg. 128-129
Played golf today with Joe Kennedy [Joseph P. Kennedy, who was Roosevelt's Ambassador to Great Britain in the years
immediately before the war]. I asked him about his conversa­tions with Roosevelt and Neville Chamberlain from 1938 on. He said Chamberlain's position in 1938 was that England had nothing with which to fight and that she could not risk going to war with Hitler. Kennedy's view: That Hitler would have fought Russia without any later conflict with England if it had not been for Bullitt' s [William C. Bullitt, then Ambassador to France] urging on Roosevelt in the summer of 1939 that the Germans must be faced down about Poland; neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a case of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington. Bullitt, he said, kept telling Roosevelt that the Germans wouldn't fight, Kennedy that they would, and that they would overrun Europe. Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.

Related:   Chabad Mafia 
                          Ex-Chabad Member Exposes Trump Family Cult 

US Defence Secretary says Russia and China are "Challenging the World Order" 

-------Apocalypse No! 

"The Jewish Crew Behind John McCain"

and my "What Every Jew (and Non-Jew) Should Know"

First Comment from Dan Butler:

The Chabad Lubavitch sect was a spinoff of Baal Shem Tov's (c1700-1760) Hassidic movement.  Non-Jewish Americans think its a minor 'denomination' of Judaism.  In fact, it's the largest Jewish religious organization in the world. It has centers in every important city on Earth. They're as active at recruiting as Scientology or Krishna Consciousness and employ similar inducements.  Consequently, they're the fastest growing Jewish religious group as well. 

As with the other theocratic juggernauts that move lots of people and money under the cloak of religion, they interlock with the world's consortium of organized crime.   There have been many spectacular arrests for such charges as international narcotics, weapons and human trafficking, and of course money laundering.  As with the Vatican's international money laundering and pedophile network, nothing sticks.  

Netanyahu and the Rebbe Schneerson, 1990.   

After exchanging amenities Netanyahu said; "I come to ask your blessing and your help.  In all areas, political and personal."   The Rebbe replied, "Since last time we met many things have progressed.  What hasn't changed however is Moshiach still hasn't come.  So do something to hasten his coming."  Netanyahu; "We're doing. We're doing."    

Reminds me of scenes from the Godfather. They weren't making small talk.  The Rebbe was anxious.  It's a Hasidic belief that every generation of Jews has a potential Moshiach who will become THE Moshiach if that generation becomes worthy.  That man is known as the Tzadik Ha-Dor, meaning Tzaddik of the Generation.  Lubavitchers believed it was "the Rebbe" Menachem Mendel Schneerson.   Since he died in 1998, they're waiting for the new generation's Tzadik Ha-Dor to appear and bring on the Messianic Age. 

What is the Messianic Age?  Yossi Gurvitz explains what it means from the Talmud, here: When Israel Is Mighty

'Christian' fundamentalism originated from a subversive corruption of Anglicanism called 'Dispensationalism'. 
"Just say No" to conversations about 'Blood Moons' and Red Heifers. 

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "In 2003, Wolfgang Eggert Predicted Chabad Would Start WW3 "

Mark said (February 18, 2025):

Putin a "member of Chabad"? A member of the "Illuminati"? I doubt it very much. His actions speak volumes against it. He knows it was Bolshevik Jews who committed the True Holocaust - against Russians, to the tune of at least 60 Million. He knows it was the Rothschild-run west that started the Ukraine conflict. Putin does not consider Jewry his friend! He is not a "Member" of Chabad, nor is he Jewish. I think it's a very careless charge.

Russians, of all people, know that Jewry is the mortal enemy of humanity. They know Jewry is very dangerous and can & does cause major trouble, so Putin has to deal with them like the chess player that he is. I also believe he is a Christian. Sure, there's atheists everywhere, but Russia has been fundamentally Christian forever. The people even risked their lives by hiding their Bibles, Crucifixes & pictures of Jesus from the Jew-Commie Commissars, always on the lookout for more Gentiles to torture & murder, and being caught with any of those items was a death sentence - by the Jew-Commies.

I read the article you referenced about Putin: Talk about a word salad! Did Kamala write it? It smacked of hearsay and seemed intent on bashing Putin because of an intense dislike for him. Some of the sentences were a hodge-podge of nonsense. The guy can't write for shit. This article and a couple of others I read are light years away from PROOF of the charges.

Jews hate Russia, and I would think Russians have the same attitude towards Jews. It's THE classic Jew vs Christian situation. Russia will never allow Jewry to prevail over them, as they did during the Stalin era.

I don't believe that Putin is a traitor to his nation & people. He, like leaders around the world, knows he has to put up with Jewry and he gives them some room to exist, but at the same time, he keeps them in check & at arm's length.
Jewry is very wary of crossing Putin. He is not the traitorous lap dog & Rothschild agent that western "leaders" are. He just crushed the biggest Jew-Illuminati-Rothschild project - Ukraine! It was supposed to become "Big Israel" and Rothschild's new crime base. Ukraine was overthrown by the Jew-USA in 2014 and it promptly installed Jews to run the Nazis against Russia! LOL!

Putin would never betray his people & nation on behalf of Jewry!

Kristine said (October 21, 2023):

What Wolfgang Eggert „prophesied“ was written by John in Revelation 13.3 and 20.4 hundreds of years ago.

Glen said (March 31, 2018):

Although I do not agree with everything in this article, I still find it to make many great points about the take over and destruction of America by "foreign agents". I think it fits in nicely with your post "Historian Predicted Current Run-Up to Nuclear War".

Glen said (March 30, 2018):

We well know of the sick, twisted belief's of these "Chabad Lubavitcher's". They were born with this "Messiah complex" and have had this racist ideology of being God's chosen shoved down their throats since the day they were born. So to some degree, it can be understood.

What cannot be explained away is the gullibility of the so-called "Christian Zionist". Their belief in this whole Armageddon thing is nothing short of ludicrous. For one to believe that the only way a kind, loving God can save his greatest creation is through their destruction is absurd.

What modern day Christians fail to realize is that the story of the destruction of the Jewish people and Jerusalem as told in the book of Revelations has already taken place. It occurred in 70AD at the hands of the Roman General Titus Flavius. This theory was taught by many Christian religions prior to the introduction of the Scofield Bible. As Hippolytus wrote (circa 200 C.E.),

What then? Are not these things come to pass? Are not the

things announced by thee fulfilled? Is not their country,

Judea, desolate? Is not the holy place burned with fire? Are

not their walls cast down? Are not their cities destroyed?

Their land, do not strangers devour it? Do not the Romans

rule the country?

Christian Zionist across the world will be the ones who will be responsible for this nonsense if it is allowed to happen. Their failure to openly acknowledge the truth and see through the fog of deceit will be the death of us all. The blood of the world will be on their hands.

Knowledge is the first step to wisdom, and without it we are easily fooled and mind controlled. I suggest this book by Joseph Atwill as a good place to start on the road to enlightenment.

OJ said (March 30, 2018):

Excellent work on the Lubavitchers.
At present, there are three places in Copenhagen that are guarded by heavily armed military personnel.

The Synagogue on Krystalgade.

The Jewish Bernadotte School.

Chabad House in Ole Suhrs Gade.

And only these places.

They are eternally paranoid, as people with a bad conscience are.

I've been attacked for merely looking at the synagogue.
For decades the police patrolled the school and synagogue, like every hour or second hour around the clock.

Offering a service and protection that Danes, in general, will not get.

Id also suggest looking into the Schneersons involvement in ritual murder.

Eggert seems to be spot on.
Also look at Book of Daniel, for the end time script.

Rock on!

Rich said (November 9, 2015):

Those in charge are indeed the Cabalist Jews who have been practicing high dark arts of sorcery and witchcraft that Solomon was taught by his Egyptian wives.. which is precisely why God said not to intermarry with pagans as they would lead you away from the true worship of God that He outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy. This is why Freemasons talk a lot about Solomon and the "key of Solomon", one of which was how to control the dark demonic forces for your own ends, that mainly being money, wealth and power in this world.

These Cabalist Jews who use these dark arts, but are not really Jews are perfectly described by Jesus in Revelation where He called them the "synagogue of Satan".

Revalation 2:9
“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
"Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you."

This of course being written 1900 years ago for our time as Jesus clearly saw that these are the people and group that would be in power and be causing great problems in the world. The first quote is to the Sardis church around The second quote is directed to the faithful church that would exist in the decades just before the return of Christ showing that this group would be influencing history for millennia prior to His second coming.

V said (November 9, 2015):

I don't quite agree with Eggert on most points.

First, Christianity has many offshoots as does Mohammedanism does and Judaism does.
Rabbinical Judaism's most 'holy' book is the Babylonian Talmud and thanks to many great writers, Jew and gentile alike we know that it is arguably the most vile, racist, supremacist collection ever written. I don't really care whether they are orthodox Chasidim Jews or mainline Jews. If the Rabbi's practice in law and principal the teachings in the Talmud then they are all of the synagogue of Satan and all are working for the coming of their so-called messiah.

Secondly the Hasidim Jews are not fulfilling biblical prophesy in the least. They are fulfilling their own Talmudic prophesy. I'm a full preterist when it comes to the New Testament bible and the Book of Revelations. I believe that all bible prophesy has already been fulfilled ending with the destruction of the second Jewish temple in 70 A.D. by the Romans. For excellent sources on this read David Chilton's "Days of Vengeance", "The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ" by Pastor V.S. Herrell and the great books by Don K. Preston (We Shall Meet Him in the Air).

Thirdly, most so-called Christians believe in the end of the world and the second coming of Christ. Complete nonsense. Read the works of Don K. Preston for proof on this. The Book of Revelations talks about the "end of the age" meaning the end of the old covenant age and afterwards is the beginning of the Christian age which has no end. The old covenant age ended in 70 A.D. when the Jewish temple was destroyed, the temple service and sacrifice ceased to operate and the Judea economy lay in ruin. All this was 'pay-back' for the murder of Master Jesus Anointed and of the prophets and saints by the Judea priest class.

The Chabad Lubavitchers are just another satanic sect (also a criminal mafia like the state of Israel is) that is fulfilling the messianic goal that is written in the Talmud in which Jew will have dominion over all the goy of the planet.

The state of Israel is a false name. The tribe of Judah (Jew) was only one of the 12 (or thirteen) tribes of Israel. When the northern kingdom (10 tribes) split with the southern kingdom (2 tribes) the northern kingdom called Israel was taken into captivity by the Neo-Assyrians. The southern kingdom (tribe of Judah and Benjamin) was run by a racist, blood-thirsty, power hungry tribe of Levi (Levi priests) who were not given land of there own but were the priest class of all the tribes.

In your comments section 'James C' said "Either it's happening because biblical prophecy is 100% accurate, or it's happening because "they are making it happen." Either way it's happening." I say that "they are making it happen" and duping Christians (Zionist-Christians) into believing that the prophesies in the book of Revelations are a future event that will happen soon. I use to believe this crap too not to long ago.

The reader would be very wise to read "The Controversy of Zion" by Douglas Reed for a great expose of this tribe since it's inception.

The Chabad Lubavitchers and the rest of the Jews who practice and teach the teachings written in the Babylonian Talmud are laughing all the way to the bank and are killing millions of white Christians along the way (WWI & WWII) while waiting 2,000 + years for their messiah (Diabolical one) to come.

Titus 1:14

Not giving heed to Jewish fables, and commandments of men, that turn from the truth.

Wade said (November 8, 2015):


Pseudo Christian ministers, who are Zionists, put forward all manner of false doctrine to congregations and followers who do not know their Bible.

The claim that 144,000 will be taken to heaven is preposterous. The 144,000 are "SEALED IN THEIR FOREHEADS" in Revelation chapter 7. They are sealed specifically because they are not taken to heaven.
They are left here on earth and the seal protects them from the wrath of God which begins at
Revelation chapter 8 verse 1.

The claim from Jehovah witnesses that these 144,000 are from the gentile Christian population is equally preposterous. In the same chapter (Revelation chapter 7) we see a vast amount of people clothed in white robes standing before God. They are described as a number no man can count from every tribe, kindred,
and race. They are also described as those who came out of great tribulation. The 144,000 are described
(In Revelation chapter 7) as Sephardi Jews, 12,000 from each of the original 12 tribes. Their will be no gentiles in the 144,000. On the other hand their will be Jews in the number no man can count who stand before God in white robes.

People are too lazy to read their own Bible. And they are too gutless to challenge the false doctrines of
their so called Christian leaders. As long as this phenomenon remains the masses will be fodder
for Satan's false prophets.

Tony B said (November 8, 2015):

Jews think they are God. This is essence of their satanism.


"Schneerson believes Jews are the acme of Creation: "The general difference between Jews and non-Jews: A Jew was not created as a means for some [other] purpose; he himself is the purpose, since the substance of all [divine] emanations was created only to serve the Jews."

"The important things are the Jews, because they do not exist for any [other] aim; they themselves are [the divine] aim."

"The entire creation [of a non-Jew] exists only for the sake of the Jews."
- end quotes.

This ludicrous summation of the "chosen people" actually goes further than just "chosen." What this man is promoting is that these Jews are themselves God, not a creation of God. You will note that the word "creation" is completely absent from the statements about Jews except to say, in a very cunningly constructed sentence, not easily noticed by outsiders (whom they know will assume a different meaning), that Jews were "not created."

But those non-Jews whom he says ARE created he claims they are created for any use for which this godhead style of Jews decide. This is self-love blasphemy beyond belief. It explains much of the world-wide mass murder of human beings in the last centuries and will be a swift ride to a very great fall along with the satanism which is behind it.

Tom said (November 8, 2015):

Your article 'Historian Says Rothschilds are Chasid Puppets' is very revealing.

What the Chabad Lubavitcher (talmudic) sect wants to ignore is, from the Old Testament:

Psalm 1.1

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful."
and, Psalm 10.5

"He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved ."

and from the New Testament,
Revelations 2.9

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Glen said (November 8, 2015):

If people would take the time to research, they would find Eggert is pretty much dead on with his analysis. I don't know how many times so called "Christian" friends or co-workers have told me no matter what path we as humans take it will make no difference in the end.

The world must be destroyed as written in the books of Daniel(Old Testament) and Revelation(New Testament). Try as I may to argue the point that we as humans were given the gift of logic, and with that gift alone we should be able to guide our own destiny it inevitably falls on deaf ears. It is written therefore it must be I am told. Funny these so called "Christ-Like" followers will do anything but follow his teachings.

We as humans should be in charge of our own destiny. We have the gift of thought and memory. Those two abilities alone should enable us to see through the fog of deception that is organized religion, whether it be Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Satanism, or Luciferianism. Until we learn the major religions were nothing more systems of control we will never be enlightened to the true meanings of the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth.

BN said (November 8, 2015):

Eggert is correct, and the Truth by the way, is in the BIBLE. since Adam's fault, human kind DOES NOT live in a world OF GOD, therefore we are definitely in a satanic world, the current events on whatever scale actually emphasizes this fact, the good side of things is that a lot of people are awakening...the bad side is that there will be God's Anger in the end, after humankind will have undergone a great deal of hardship during the antichrist period.

James C said (November 8, 2015):

Either it's happening because biblical prophecy is 100% accurate, or it's happening because "they are making it happen." Either way it's happening. My opinion is that the former alternative is correct: biblical prophecy is 100% accurate.

All the forces involved in bringing about its fulfillment are merely bringing about their own destruction. Zionism is Antichrist; Zionism is a human attempt to accomplish everything the Messiah will do. Zionism is rejected by Torah-true Jews.

Fr. John said (September 7, 2008):

While much of what this gentleman says is spot on, his clearly antagonistic approach to ALL religion is also very much apparent. Therefore, I would not sign his petition, on the grounds that such vehement bigotry hides an 'agenda' all of his own.

Secondly, the accusations that Putin and Medvetev are not what they seem, are refuted by Orthodox Christians in Russia, who know better than the UTTERLY IGNORANT West, on this matter. Your one poster noted that Putin's forebears were both named Spiridon; this is in honor of a GREEK Orthodox saint's name, and is one that would NOT have been passed on in an atheist household, and that the female members of his family were named Mary in honor of the Theotokos. Hardly 'party approved,' wouldn't you say?

Others have commented on this renaissance of 'faith' in Russia's leaders, from sources much more trustworthy than 'advice from psychics,' etc.

Finally, the lumping together of what is spuriously called 'Dominion Theology' (in the body of this German Eggert's petition) with the Dispensationalist heretics; such as van Impe, Hagee, et al. is as moronic as it could be. The Calvinist wing that created and brought to the forefront of Christian discourse the 'Puritan theology of postmillenialism' and its' attendant "Christian Reconstruction" element, has LONG been utterly, diametrically opposed to the 'two ways of salvation' that lie behind all Zionist-friendly schemes of the Falwells, the Swaggarts, the Robertsons - in their assumption that 'salvation is different for the Jews'. The "Dominion theology" folks utterly deny that.

A quick perusal of CR writers such as Gary North, Rousas Rushdoony, David Chilton, etc. show that they believe it is the VOLUNTARY coming to faith in Jesus Christ (of all men) that will affect personal change, that will bring about SOCIETAL change in short, the older progression of the Gospel in a nation's culture is what will bring about 'change,' not some 'top down' forced conversion scenario!
(Shades of Obama!)

Please, Henry, when you write of religious matters, at least delineate the players and their attendant theological varieties, rather than lump them all together in an 'us vs. them' mindset!

Finally, as far as the Church's view of the Antichrist, (and by "Church" I do NOT mean the Fallwells' etc. school) I am sure you know this, but do your readers?

“The holy Fathers Irenaeus of Lyons (Against Heresies, Bk.V, Ch.30) and Hippolytus of Rome (Discourse on Christ and Antichrist), as well as Sts. Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose of Milan, Blessed Jerome and Augustine of Hippo, maintain that Antichrist will be of Jewish Lineage, of the tribe of Dan. In the Synaxarion for Meatfare Sunday, we read: “Antichrist shall come and shall be born, as St. Hippolytus of Rome says, of a polluted woman, a supposed virgin, a Jewess of the tribe of Dan.” (Lenten Triodion, Moscow, Synodal Press, 1897, pp.30b-31a). (p.2-3)

“As the Lord was pleased to reveal Himself to all men as the Messiah in his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and its temple, so also will the Antichrist reveal himself as the false messiah of the Jews, the monarch of the whole world, in the Triumphal ceremony of his entrance into Jerusalem and his enthronement in the temple, which, by that time, will have been restored.” (p.3)

So, of all the races on the planet that are 'guilty' of fostering a desire for the Antichrist, should not ONE race alone take all the blame, especially when they created a 'false flag' nation in 1948, after having been divinely dispossessed of it for all time? And, if one people are assuming such heretical stances, do they truly, honestly have a 'right to exist' for their 'crimes against humanity', starting with Calvary? How deeply does one's repudiation of a spurious race and religion allow one to admit wrongdoing? For that is the key to this whole apocalypticism of the modern apostate age......


Fr John +
Orthodox Priest

Andrew said (September 7, 2008):

I have first hand experience having spent time with Lubavitchers at the Chabad house at my college. It seems they have a network not unlike the Masons around the world. They are very well connected. It does appear that they have extraordinary funding for campus buildings and food to bribe students to attend their brainwashing Shabbos meetings. I once peaked in on a founders/organizers meeting and they were serving them primo food and can you believe it, Baron De Rothschild wine from the french vineyard(Very expensive wine I am told).

They bribe college kids on shabbos by offering free many course meals and alcohol(to underage wine mostly and the Rabbi's fruity mixed cocktails(vodka based I think). When everyone is eating and drinking like pigs at the trough, the rabbi goes into his schpiel that everyone(all jews) must return to Israel to await the return of Mosiach. I think that when some charasmatic leader of this sort comes, jews and christians will fight over him with Jews calling him Messiah and Fundamentalist Christians calling him Jesus.

Barack Obama could be like the next Martyr(Martin Luther King) in a good sense or Hitler in a bad sense if he breaks from his Illuminati programming. David Icke says that as people get older the may break from their programming like Kathy O'Brien. Compartmentalisation breaks down and these schizoid alters start to communicate back into one personality. Obama is still young so it is doubtful unless he is playing a game with his handlers like he is pretending to be a brainwashed sycophant when he really isn't just to get to the top where he can carry out his own plans.

Food for thought...

S said (September 5, 2008):

Hi Henry,

Wolgang Eggert may not be correct about Putin's background. It is true that on his father and grandfather were hard core Bolsheviks. In fact Putin's father,

"Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin, was conscripted into the Soviet Navy, where he served in the submarine fleet in the early 1930s. His father subsequently served with the NKVD in a sabotage group during the Second World War .... His paternal grandfather, Spiridon Putin, had been Vladimir Lenin's and Joseph Stalin's personal cook." (Wikipedia)

The position of a cook is no menial position - it shows that Putin's grandfather was a highly trusted member of the inner circle. People like Lenin and Stalin have generally been paranoid about being poisoned.

However, his mother may be a different story. In fact, "Putin's mother, Maria Ivanovna Putin, was from the Tver Region and also lived through the siege of Leningrad during World War II. Putin's two elder brothers died young and his mother gave birth to him when she was 41. She was a deeply religious woman and had Putin secretly baptized by a Russian Orthodox priest" (source Xinhua

It is interesting that Putin's first child, a daughter, is also named Maria.

Putin was indeed hand picked by the oligarchs to lead Russia, but it appears that his symapthies are mixed. His conduct in jailing the Rothschild man Khodorovsky seems to bear this view out.

R said (September 5, 2008):

Henry, your latest cross-references with Albert Pike ‘prediction’ of three world wars.

It also ties in with recent predictions from my psychic friend.

I’ll briefly outline a few points for your consideration:

First, the book of Revelations talks of the anti-Christ initially being seen as peacemaker (at
least I think it does, I’m no biblical scholar).

Well, now my psychic friend says a clash will begin in April next year. It will start-off as a
limited regional conflict, between Iran and Israel I suspect, however within 12-18 months it will escalate into a global clash, WWIII.

As my psychic friend puts it, it will start “slowly, slowly”.

He also says the Anti-Christ (ahriman or satan incarnate as a man) will rise to prominence in the
next 12 months or so.

Moreover, I suspect, this character may well emerge as some kind of negotiator after the initial clashes with Iran – a “peace-maker”. However his ‘peace’ deal, if any, will fail utterly with Russia and China entering the fray.

From that point on all hell will break loose.

My friend also says Putin is not what he seems. Although he does say that Ahmadinejad is “sincere”,which implies he’s being used to trigger this confrontation.

In other words Putin, the Chabad Lubavitcher sect and so-called Christians like Jack Van Impe and
Timothy LaHaye are preparing for the entrance of this character. His debut on the world stage will
be sanctified with the blood of millions of innocents who will die in this conflagration.

Truly diabolical.

Michael said (September 5, 2008):

Once again, thank you for the timely article and excellent insight into the agenda of our criminal banking masters.

I just wanted to add that, on a side note, I remember very well the Rebbe Menachem Schneerson both in the news, and the day of his funeral procession. I was living in Queens, NY at the time. My best friend was driving me along the Belt Parkway, from Brooklyn back to Queens, when the traffic came to a dead stop. After about 20 minutes of trying to figure out what’s going on, we finally tuned in to the news, and there was the announcement of traffic problems due to the Rebbe’s funeral procession. Even as the announcer was talking, we finally saw, along the service roads NEXT to the highway, first the arrival of hundreds and hundreds of police cars, ambulance, and fire trucks, followed but what seemed like an endless stream of cars! This funeral procession took over three hours to pass by. It was then followed up yet by MORE police cars and other emergency vehicles. The whole time my friend and I were wondering what would happen in case a real emergency came up, and all of our “protectors” were too busy protecting the corpse of this dead guy. Anyway, it was a real pain in the butt. All of us that were stuck in the PARKING LOT that was supposed to be a highway had nothing nice to say.

If I NEVER have to sit through such nonsense again it will be TOO SOON!

Thanks Michael

This illustrates the power these people have. -h

Tina said (September 5, 2008):

I will also sign Wolfgang Eggert’s petition because it is important that we don’t fall in the trap of the evangelists and many other cults out there. On one hand these cults claim that our lives are not pre-destined and on the other hand they live by the book of revelation.

I say that Armageddon is inevitable however it is obvious to any reasonable person that some in power, are trying to instigate it sooner. I believe that we have the capacity to hang in and change our destructive behaviour in the positive by following God’s Law, as we have the capacity to change our DNA by changing our bad habits.

I was told recently by someone belonging to a religious group that my fighting for justice and exposing those who are damaging us and damaging our country is harmful because, I am, in the eyes of some religious group, sinning for speaking out when I see things that affects all of us. Thus basically many cults including Buddhism, who is trying to persuade people to get rid of anger all together because it is claimed to be a negative emotion-- wants us to put our head in the sand and be willfully blind to any of the injustice that we see occurring. --- This would include yourself Henry, since your website is all about exposing and educating people.

Obviously I do not agree with the position that some religious group have taken however I do share the same belief as them., which is, I believe in God and I want this earth to be ruled by Him, however I am not prepared to go along with some of them who appear to be inducing a third world war.

Christine said (September 5, 2008):

Good Morning Henry,

It is ironic that Wolfgang Eggert feels threatened by Christian groups when they have no power whatsoever. He should read David Kuo's book "Tempting Faith," about his experience in the Bush White House. Here is an extract from an interview with Kuo:

"'correspondent Lesley Stahl reports, he also says the White House was a place that cynically used religion for political ends and that White House aides ridiculed the very Christian leaders who helped bring Mr. Bush to office.

In his book, Kuo wrote that White House staffers would roll their eyes at evangelicals, calling them "nuts" and "goofy."

Asked if that was really the attitude, Kuo tells Stahl, "Oh, absolutely. You name the important Christian leader and I have heard them mocked by serious people in serious places."'

Take care,

Anthony said (September 5, 2008):

Hello Henry,

An hour ago I was telling somebody about a newspaper article I read in the 70's which described how "Christian" Armageddonists were trying to infiltrate the highest positions of US politics. When I read your article about Wolfgang Eggert and the Lubavitchers I could feel another penny dropping.

This high-level theatre is so well choreographed and predictable that it would be almost embarrassing to use as a plot for a fictional novel. I agree with you completely that Putin, Ahmadinejad, Chavez and others are simply stooges for the real powers behind the scenes.

The spiritual aspect of this becomes clearer with every move the bad guys make. It must be an evil, very powerful force that can corrupt so many influential men and women over centuries to betray their fellow man and even their own souls.

At the same time, I believe very strongly that their is a far greater force for good that will guide and protect us through whatever storms lie ahead. I also believe strongly that God has given each one of us the gift of free will to decide our own personal destiny. This gift is hard for many to comprehend, but I liken it to a loving parent who allows their child to go its own way in life.

These dark days are bringing out the best in many people. We're seeing through the lies that have divided us for generations. Sex, race, religion, etc. are all secondary to our "heart condition". I hope that the Muslims, Jews, Christians, Pagans, feminists, homosexuals who read your words will understand that they have all been duped by evil deceitful liars. We have a wonderful opportunity to redefine our priorities and reject the selfish, hateful materialistic path that much of mankind has been following. Let's continue to expose the lies of the elite and their stooges.

Thank you Henry (and Wofgang!)

Troubled said (September 5, 2008):

I gotta say I like to read your writings.. However, a lot of this stuff is very depressing and hard to take in.. As an American Individual/Family Guy I can't even think of a solution to these problems.. what is one to do in any of these crazy situations where I'm in the lower class living paycheck to paycheck 8-5. Guess that's what the american dream is all about.. lot's of work no vaca. sucking up to your boss, etc etc. .. Then I keep reading about the NWO and all that crap which all seems apparent due to recent events, ie. georgia (caspian basin pipeline) Dutch spies being pulled from Iran due to "imminent" attack. ....All the stuff about who "controls" the world (bankers) + descendents. What does it all add up to? I'm getting paranoid over here, and have no clue and I don't want to be like the "sheeple" that I hear about. Stock up on non-perishable food, water & ammo and dig a bunker that I most likely won't need? I'd like to live my life out & be succesful without all this paranoia so if you have any words of wisdom I would love to hear it. Thanks
Troubled American


Dear TA,

Remember that things have always been this way and people have muddled through and had fulfilling lives. Take a few precautions and keep informed, but take breaks from the 'net as well. This info should empower and liberate you, not spoil the good you have.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at